Moonlight War


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awesome! we're both Italian, German, Irish and sorta the french part ^-^

i dunno what i look though, i think with black hair.. i look italian/ portugese and then in the summer when i get a tan, like puerto rican or reeeallly italian

Terra smiled and shook it, blushing a little. She was developing a small crsuh on him.

Willard raised an eye brow... "...?"

X^D woot, Maybe were, related or somthing (is highly doubting that)

I dun know what I look hair, is stairght and reddish-brown, and a little blond in the summer if I go outside(I like to keep it at red), and im really pale...

He grinned. "...And yours would be..Terra?" Axie had told him. "..Thats a pretty name..."

Axie looked up at Willard, and back at the two.

xD that would be funny... lol

hmmn.. Irish looking perphaps? or the blond, german? what color are your eyes?

mine are like.. have a dark green outline, and around the outside is a green/brown part.. and then it fades to a dark amber color

Terra blushed and giggled.. "thanks, i like Everett too."

Willard almost laughed.

Eh, maybe. I'm thinking that to, though my moms dad is almost purely Italian, hes straight from Italy and with a strict line. (If you must know, my family is ooooold....)

My eyes at the moment are a dark green outside line and then a blue-green inside, all around its even..My eyes are usually a bluegreen/green, blue or bluegray/gray because they change color.

He grinned and made room for them to sit down.

Axie had to bite her tongue a little- there must have been at least a 5 year difference on them.

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cool! my great grandfather was straight from Sicily ^-^ (i forgot how to spell it)

oo your eyes sound pretty ^-^ everyone thinks mine are cool

Terra smiled and sat closer to Everett, she looked like she could be a short 14 year old.. being how tall she was.

Willard narrowed his eyes.

Terra nodded and giggled. She blushed a little and leaned back a bit.. "sooo.. tell me about yourself."

lol this song is so funny!!!!

xDDD THE DUDE LOOKS LIKE A FEAKING PEDOPHILE!!! hah, it got stuck in my head... D*mn

Terra shrugged.. "i have nothing better to do." she said, smiling softly.

lol yeah, when i first heard the beginning.. i laughed so freaking hard! and then looked at the dude! WHOA!!!

Terra smiled softly, and then looked nervous... "i'm a vampire, and i'm.. 14." she lied about her age.

Willard didn't hear her.

hey jinx it emma!

Name:edward and alice cullen

Age: who nows

Gender: m/f

Looks: bronze hair pail sntone skin and his eyes chang to black when hes hungry/blonde pail skin hunny eye change to black when thristy

Side: human both

Creature or human: both vampiers

Powers: Edward can read minds and alice can see the future

Crush: a girl named bella swan/ a boy named jasper cullen

Other: are bother and sister

they had just arived as recruts

"edward i dont like the looks of this" said alice

"neather do i" said edward as they wandered

sorry...I was disconnected there for a while

Because he is only human, Everett didn't notice. "..!4, huh? you look a little young..more like 13. but okay."

Axie had, though. And her eyes narrowed as well, and she tapped Willard's shoulder.

Terra leaned back, yawning. But she smiled at Everett. "what made you join the army?"

Willard glanced at Axie.. "what's going on...?"

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