More for Teen-ish girls/boys


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Yesterday me and my sister and her friend were walking to the block buster (The employee was a meanie) and we couldnt get the movies cause We needed an ID and they didnt accept phone numbers. She was like "GO DOWN TO ROGERS". anyways, My sister died her hair blonde and she was wearing a gray black a little bit of red and white scarf a white tank top and a skirt. The boy smiled lifted his eye brows and started whistling then whispered to his other friend that was a boy.


People always tell me that I'm pretty...I know they're all being sarcastic though, cause I'm not. At all.

And stare at me. But that's probably something to do with the fact that I have random hysterical laughing fits at my own jokes :D

Or because my hair's a mess or something.

Not 2 be mean ... but just cuz guys stare at u duz not mean they like u...i mean maybe they think ur ugly..i mean i dut even kno u and i hav never seen u..probably..buh anywaiiz im not saying ur ugly,i jus think that u kno maybe u shud consider that a fact before u start thinking some1 likes u...If they wave too then thats waay diferent..



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Not 2 be mean ... but just cuz guys stare at u duz not mean they like u...i mean maybe they think ur ugly..i mean i dut even kno u and i hav never seen u..probably..buh anywaiiz im not saying ur ugly,i jus think that u kno maybe u shud consider that a fact before u start thinking some1 likes u...If they wave too then thats waay diferent..

Well I think despite your attempts, your comments are a little much. Instead of considering the extremes I would suggest not thinking anything of it on either end until you get your theories confirmed. Noone is too pretty or too ugly. I think you need to work on your writing hun ^_^

Hun, we're all at that stage where we think we're getting checked out.

I think that all the time. But I also think "What is wrong with you? What can you POSSIBLY find attractive in me?"

Its the same thing with people using the word gay.

They think theyre getting checked out by the same sex and label them as gay.


Ugh, have 2 put down what happened 2 mi m8 on fri. We were walking back from the shops, and these random 17 year old came past going "oh shes fit" and one of them pinched her butt!!

[SIZE=21pt]This isn't really similar, but it has to do with boys. I am in fifth grade, and a whole bunch a fourth grade boys like me. (The fourth grade boys in my school are WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY cuter than the fifth grade boys in my school, so I don't mind.) There's like a whole buncha them that are always staring at me. It doesn't annoy me at all cuz they fine as what. I love one fourth grader, but have tiny crushes on other ones. You may think I'm crazy, but when you see the fifth graders, and compare them to the fourth graders, you'll understand where I'm comin' from.[/SIZE]

*edited - no need to stretch the page ^_^ *
Same with me but only the 5th grade guys are checkin' me out.The 4th graders could care less.It feels sorta creepy at times but most of the time I like it.

Haha. No. I had a lot of guy friends ( before I moved :'( ), and they really didn't 'check me out' at all... Or they did and I didn't notice, or they hid it really well. xD

EDIT: This kid who've I've been friends with since kindergarten, who had a crush on me second grade and up, I never actually catch him looking at me, but everyone has been saying he does... It's kinda freaky, but sweet and funny at the same time. ^_^

I do notice some guys in my new neighborhood look at me, but it's probably because I'm practically the only girl on the street, and I moved here less than a week ago, so they don't know me. I dunno.

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my friends always say that the boy i like stares at me ad then i find myself staring at him too. hes just soooooooooooo cute i can't keep my mind off him.

also. i was at universal studios and i was telling my friend that was a guy that i didn't want the side seat on dualing dragons. so this other boy said he would take that seat which made me sit next to his friend. and my friend told me later that the guy told his friend, and i quote, "Oh man. this is good" after i answered. in line my friend also said the boy was watching me. (i was to busy talking to notice)

A couple weeks or so ago I was at a concert with my friend Ashley and I was talking to her and this group of cute boys came up behind us and I didn't think anything of it. But then I looked at Ashley and she was giggling and I turned around and this really cute boy was standing there and he smiled and waved and I waved back.

Come to find out, later on at my house Ashley filled me in on the whole story.

She said:

"So what did you think of that guy at the concert?"

And I was like:

"He was really cute -- why do you ask?"

"Do you know why I was giggling?"

"No -- why?"

"I watched that guy the whole time he was standing there."

"Yeah -- so?"

"His eyes went from your hair, down your back, to your butt and then he got a smile on his face. He looked at me and his face got red and that's when you looked around at him."

It kinda made me feel good.


personally, i don't think random guys checking me out would make me feel happy, it would make me very uncomfotable. but that's me. when i was about 7, 8 or so, these teenage guys would whistle and scream at me in their cars when i was walking one time. o_O;

I used to have three guy friends but they never checked me out. *shrug* I'm not very attractive anyway.

One teacher always told me that I had good "chemistry" (...ew :D ) with this one boy that had a lot in common with me, and she always told me he stared at my hair or something. And this kid gave me a friendly hug. :D

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It has happened to me before. I was at my brothers' footy training and I got bored so I started kicking the footy against the clubhouse wall. Then some guy from the under 15 team started staring and smiling at me. I don't tend to like things like that, but if it's from the right guy, I'm on top of the world (especially if it happens to be Luke! :wacko: )

All the time, seriously! :D

I like it when a guy just flat-out tells me the feelings he has for me.

You can flirt as much as you like, but I'll just be like 'whatever'! XD

I actully had that happen yesterday><

I was at a festiville and this random guy came up to me and said, "I have like like you." and I said, "And you are?" THen he walked away!


Oh my gosh, that's so weird! XD He must have been very nervous. :mametchi:

Today, a guy at the mall said 'You are one of the most beautiful girl's I have ever seen.' It was so sweet! But then again, awkward.

Oh my gosh, that's so weird! XD He must have been very nervous. :mametchi:
Today, a guy at the mall said 'You are one of the most beautiful girl's I have ever seen.' It was so sweet! But then again, awkward.
I think I was more neverous than him, lol.

Yes, very awkward!

[SIZE=8pt]Most of my friends are guys, and they all like me and ask me out on a daily basis. It kinda gets annoying, but what the hey, I like it :( lol. It makes me feel special. This one person, he was like 2 grades ahead of me, and he asked me to the dance. I said yes, even though I had a bf (i was mad at him for flirting w/other girls) and i wanted to get him back! but ya the guy was walking next to me and said "You know, i think you're hot" and I was speechless! [/SIZE] :)

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