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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2005
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After reading more on the V4, I've got a few more little inquiries. ^_^

1) What is the "Nanny"? What does she do?

2) What about the burglar?

3) As far as controlling your Tamagotchi's "destiny", how do you choose the classes your Tamagotchi takes in school?

4) Are there more jobs than just Rock star, florist, doctor and fashion designer?

5) How does a Tamagotchi get it's first job or earn praise as a star student?

6) What kind of mail can your Tamagotchi recieve from the Nanny, burglar, ect.?

7) Can you just have the Nanny look after your Tamagotchi instead of pausing it?

8) How does your Tamagotchi receive news, fortunes, ect. at the "Gotchi Post"?

9) How does your Tamagotchi gain beauty, social, and intellectual skill points?

10) What destination can your Tamagotchi visit?

I know that not many people have a V4, but any help is appreciated

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1) im not sure what u mean by "nanny", the preschool-lady ? she just teaches ur tama a song/dance (automatically)

2) u get a letter and see a guy stealing u some points

3) i dont think u can choose

4) yes, there are, but dont ask me which^^

5) i dont know sth like earning a praise 4 star students in school, but if ur ready 4 ur 1. job, ull receive important mail telling u

6) -> 2, the preschool-lady (if this is what u mean) just sends a letter when ur 1. time ready to enter preschool

7) i dont know such function, sure u cant

8) u c and hear the postman coming, post ucon is lighted and u click on it

9) by playing the games

10) there are (grand-)parents and flight-tickets as on v3

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