MORINO LOG! read it :)


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Active member
Dec 21, 2006
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Day one!

After two weeks of beautiful Los Angeles weather, and going to the beach, it was time to return to our home ... Texas. It was great to see our beautiful state from the airplane. Anyways ... after we got off the plane, and took all our bags to our car, we find out our car battery is dead! We found some shade under a tree and called security to come jumpstart our car. Finally, on the road home! Awaiting in our mailbox was our long awaited Morino Tamagotchis!

We both have the kind with vines. We had previously arranged an official group hatch on ... but only one person replied, and we decided to cancel it. So ... at 6:12 PM, we hatched our morinos. ^_^ We hatched the little White Egg. After a few minutes of waiting ...


Our little Babymochi's squirmed before our eyes. We were thrilled to finally have hatched them! My brother named his Venus and I named mine Flytrap. Raising them this afternoon has been so easy. My Mametchi, Addie has welcomed Flytrap into my pocket ... well, now my pocket is getting a little bulgy with a Connection and a Morino in there haha. Anyways, we went out to eat. Naturally, Flytrap wanted something to eat too! He lost a hunger leaf and i fed him another leaf ... filling that up :D

When he loses happiness leaves it is such a breeze to bring him back to happiness! The game is so simple. You just have to guess which hat has the leaf under it, and if you get 3/4 correct, your morino gets 2 happiness leafs!

I am trying to get Flytrap to a healthy 30mg ... I am aiming for Chibotametchi! He is so cool. I'm not quite sure what my brother is aiming for, but whatever Flytrap and Venus grow up to be, we will be pleased. Right now they are asleep and popping Z's into the night sky.

Day two

Well what a day it has been! It was nice getting to sleep in my own bed for a change :) ... I've been at my grandmas and I had to sleep on the floor. Here's whats happened with our Musutchis (morinos).

Last night I warned my brother that usually Morino's get attacked early in the morning, like a normal kid he shrugged off the warning and fell asleep. And viola, at 8:02 AM this morning I woke up to find that Flytrap was bieng stepped on by a human. Quickly I tapped my fingers against the screen, thus scaring away the predator! Then ... from across the room I heard Venus, a few low notes came from him, I knew he had been attacked. I let my brother sleep though, and I feel back asleep! >< I ended up sleeping in until 12:30, and I had to check on little Flytrap a few times when I woke up from my slumber.

Poor Flytrap was successfully attacked at 2:40, leaving him in bandages. And he hasn't been attacked since. Little Venus was attacked a grand total of 3 times today, (so far) and ALL the attacks were succesful. My brother is really mad at himself for leaving Venus alone so much.

Then, at 6:11 PM our Musutchis evolved into Imotchis. The white worm that loves leaves! Now the real challenge begins. I feel bad for Venus because he might not live for another attack, he has already taken 3 deadly blows from bieng stepped on, I have no idea how he could stand a 4th attack. Well, now a new food option is availabe, Seeds. For sure Flytrap will be eating ALOT of seeds in his next few days. I need him to reach 30mg before he goes into a cocoon. Wish Venus luck, hopefully he'll become a good adult.

Flytrap is currently full on everything, 1 year and 11mg.

Venus is currently 3 leaves short on happiness, 1 year and 12mg.

Day Three

Well today, I woke up to find that little Flytrap was empty on 3 hunger hearts and all happy hearts! >< I was just glad to see he wasn't attacked or anything, it was 10 AM! My brother told me he managed to fend off an attacker this morning, protecting little Venus.

We went to a water park today ... LOADS of fun! We road on the big bungy cord drop thing and it was amazing. But, going to the water park ment our Musutchi's were paused all day. I'm actually going to unpause him now, even though he's asleep. We've decided to set our Musutchi's time back 2 hours because we do not wake up near early enough to care for them. This way, they will wake up at 10 and go to bed at 10.

See you all soon! Pweeeeeze comment.

Day 4

Ahh ... another summer morning. I was so content with the cold sheets and golden beams of light in my room. Suddenly, Flytrap called out ... he was bieng stepped on! I scared off the predator.

Anyways ... much didn't happen today. Venus and Flytrap were very good today, but Flytrap had to go on pause after 4 PM. I went to an amazing RUSH concert and it was soooo fun. YYZ FTW! This means that Venus will always be a few hours ahead of Flytrap. See you all tomorrow, it's really late! I can't believe I'm even typing this right now at 2 AM!

Day 5

Today was a very eventful day for our tamagotchi's. First of all, as soon as I woke up ... (at 1230 PM EEK!) I looked at my little Addie. I picked up the connection and glanced at the screen, the Match Maker was here! I am so thrilled. She was holding a menu ... haha. I quickly pressed the B button. This is the first time I have ever had the Match Maker come so I was kind of confused on what to do. I saw a female Kuchipachi stroll on to screen, so I pressed the B button again, the phrase " LOVE? " was on screen. So ... apparently this was going to be little Addie's mate.

Addie went up to the female Kuchipachi and smiled. A few hearts went up in the air, and the lights went out. I tried to turn the lights back on to see if it was a mistake, then I realized what they were doing! >< There was a small fireworks show and the lights came back on. The female was gone ... and center screen was my little Addie and his daughter. She was very small and in her baby stage.

Then it hit me ...

Since he has a daughter now, he will take care of her for a day ... then leave. I tried to pay alot of attention to him today because I am sorta attatched to him. Him and his daughter bobbled/danced onscreen the entire day. She pooped quite a bit, but besides that, it was just like a regular day of caring for Addie.

Flytrap and Venus have been doing excellent! Well, pretty excellent ... poor Flytrap was attacked two times today and injured. I felt kind of bad, but at the same time, angry! Because it seemed like he would get attacked the second I left the room.

Venus was also attacked two times and successfully injured. I am going to start carrying Flytrap in my pocket all the time. I haven't been able to do that much recentley because I have been swimming alot at my neighbor's house.

I checked on Venus ... he was sitting on top of my piano, and I was just checking in on him ... and he was in his cocoon! He had a little poop next to him, and with a quick flush of the screen the poop was gone, and the happy sun flashed a few times next to the cocoon :) . My brother was surprised/thrilled that Venus had survived into his cocoon stage. My brother recalls that Venus' wieght was 42mg, and he told me he was aiming for Koganetchi ... the "healthiest" character. My brother is going to keep an eye on the temperature tonight and hopefully keep it on the warm side. This means that Flytrap will be going into his cocoon tomorrow! I hope everything goes ok :)

Well, at 10 PM Venus and Flytrap hit the hay. I was getting ready to say my goodbyes to Addie ... but he wasn't going to bed yet! I guess since he has a daughter he is going to stay up an hour later. I played my Wii and downloaded Starfox 64, and Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Then I realized that it was almost 11 PM. I said my goodbyes to Addie because I know he will be leaving sometime tonight. All our tama's are just tossing Z's into the darkness ... with Addie and his daughter sleeping next to eachother. Goodbye Addie! Have a good night everyone, I'll report back tomorrow!

Day 6

Well you are probably wondering why I didn't post yesterday like I planned to ... and it's because I was waiting for a few events to unfold that still haven't quite happened.

Today I woke up and decided I wanted a real pet ...

Several pet choices ran through my mind ... a bird, a rat, a guinea pig, a tarantula, and almost any pet you can think of. So, I found a website that allowed me to take a quick quiz, after the quiz it would show me what kind of pet I would be most compatible with. Here's a rough example of what the list was

1. Hermit Crab 2. Guinea Pig 3.Ants 5. Parakeet 5. Love Bird

I thought to myself ... "hmm I've done the whole Hermit Crab and Parakeet thing several times ... and Ants just don't even sound fun." So, despite what the results said I decided I really wanted a Guinea Pig.

After arriving at the pet shop I went inside to see the cage crammed with almost a dozen guinea pigs ... none of them really appealed to me, and I didn't think any of them seemed calm enough to even want to leave the cage. I saw a really cute orange one and I picked it up (with permission of course) and it just squirmed and kicked ... and pooped in my hand. Then I decided, a guinea pig was for sure not for me. So, I went to the Bird Section. I looked around at several species of birds, and I kinda thought I wanted a Cockatiel, so I asked if the worker would take one out for me ... and as soon as she stuck her hand in the cage those birds went wild. I decided to scratch Cockatiel off the list.

Then I saw her ...

A blue and teal Love Bird ... I decided thats who I wanted to get to know. I instantly went to pick out a cage and food and bedding and the worker got her out of the cage for me. At first, she was very reluctant and did not really want to come, which makes alot of sense to me of course.

Once we got her home I left her alone in my room ... I named her Lucy. I would come in and check in on her several times for around 10-20 minutes just to stick my hand in her cage or try to get her to eat out of my hand. At first, she would have nothing to do with it ... but the last 2 times she pecked at some of the food and perched on my finger quite a few times. I am so thrilled! Having Lucy around is going to be a load of fun and responsibility. OK ... on to tamagotchi talk!

Addie, my old Mametchi, left his daughter in my care, and quite frankly, so far I have done a terrible job :(

I named her Luna and kept her in my lap as I went to Taco Express and I found her several times with quite a few poops and almost empty on everything. I knew today wouldn't be a good day to raise a baby tama, but I figured I would give it a try ... alas things weren't working out so I just paused her. I will resume her much later.

After 24 hrs of waiting on Venus to come out of his cocoon .... while we were getting in the car, my brother checked his tama to find that Venus had become a Koganetchi! The healthiest character! :D My brother was pretty thrilled, and so was I. I have pretty much been caring for Venus because he sits on my nightstand and I am often in my room watching TV and it is really convinent for me to care for him.

Flytrap, on the other hand ... isn't doing so well. He was sucessfully attacked several times today, and he has not even gone into his cocoon yet! And he is almost 8 years old. I'm not sure what is going on with him ... but I will give him some time. I hope he turns out okay. All our tama's are asleep right now.

Day 7

I have had such an amazing summer. It is so lame that it is already about to end! I mean, I'm going to be a junior and I am going to get my license in just a few days so I am verryy excited about that. Oh well :(

I ordered a yellow seethrough japanese tamagotchi p2 off of ebay. I am excited to meet Mimitchi, hopefully he and I can be good friends for a while. On other websites it seems that people are absolutely in love with him, so I am eager to see if I will do the same. The older tamagotchis (p1, p2, morino etc) are more interesting to me than all these new kinds. The Connection v1 is nice, which I own. But the v2, v3, v4, and v4.5 are just ridiculous in my opinion. Bandai really needs to take a step back and see what their original product has become, now its just a videogame. You have to earn points to get a character you want out of your pet ... your pet gets a job, and there are millions of kinds of food and items, and is just tooo much for a little virtual pet. The older tamagotchis keep it simple and basic so that you just care and get attatched to your little pet, all you do is feed, pick up poop, play the game, and turn off lights :) Easy, fun, excellent.

OKAY!! I just wanna mention Lucy, my Lovebird before I talk about Flytrap ... if you want to hear about Flytrap this paragraph. Alright, Lucy has been such an interesting bird. She sits on my finger and uses it as a branch inside her cage. As of now, she doesn't really enjoy my company too much. Lucy just uses my finger as a branch or a way to get around. I think she will warm up to me soon, because after our last session I gave her some Millet Seeds, her favorite!

Ta-dah! Flytrap entered his cocoon sometime yesterday morning, I'm not really sure, but it must have been around 10. I was kinda excited because it took him so long, but I wasn't going to feed him unhealthy snacks or make him fat just to speed it up. He wieghed 32mg when he entered his cocoon, and I kept the temperature very warm, seriously. I made sure it always stayed on the warm side. The thermometer never went all the way to the far right of the hot side, but stayed at the notch before that. During the night I had it on warm and it stayed on the hot side, and when I woke up I set it to cold, he needed to cooldown :)

We went to pick up my brother from football practice, then we went to the doctor for check-ups. Then it happened, I took Flytrap out of my pocket and glanced at the Screen Saver, no motion ... then I pressed B, there hung Flytrap, center screen ... as Minotchi!!

I am so happy :) He just hangs from his little cocoon. I guess Flytrap will never let go of his beloved cocoon ... although he does come out of it to eat, and he comes out of it partially to boo or cheer when he gets happy.

Hopefully he lives a very long time! I love this little guy :D

Venus and Flytrap have had rough lives, with all the attacks they had and sometimes starvation in the morning. But it all pays off because they are both adorable characters! I am so thrilled that this was a success ... pardon me, but I'm going to have lunch and go swimming. See you all next time!

Haha ... shortly after posting this, Flytrap got attacked! Checked the screen to see that Flytrap had slidden out of his cocoon and was snarling his fangs and waving up and down to scare off the attacking frog. What a tough little guy!!

/sighh my brother wanted me to watch his little Venus for a while and I wasn't aware (forgot) ... little Venus just now passed away, he was 8 years old. :( (


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