Mo's v5 Blog ^^;


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5:10 pm

I did a series of things today. All this happened while I was swimming. i took breaks between .

2:00 pm - was supposed to , but didnt call for training O_O

4:00 pm - called for training , go 80 % they call come up to the screen for the animation now!

5:00 pm - Mamekotchi was talking to the fridge

In between there some time I bought a text book from tv shopping for 1400gp


not much is happening ... no five thirty blog ... But I just realized ( and this made me really excited ) , that tomorrow my babies evolve!!! Wow , they grow up so fast ;_;


wow! 160 veiws and a couple mails. You guys are great. Remember , the more mails the better !! <3

They were hungry and one happy heart was gone. I fed them bread and marshmallows ^^

They called for training. I chose the Triangle but it is still eighty percent. Im in no rush though :p

Earlier today I forgot to mention that I used Binary's 1000 free GP code ..

Chamametchi is sooo cute up close <3<3<3


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