Mother and Child


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Well-known member
Dec 27, 2007
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:) My tama had a baby with another tama at 3 yrs at 12:00 pm yesterday, and its still her today. When will it leave. Someone said it leaves at night and someone else said it leaves after 24 hours help! :blink:
It leaves at the forty eight hour mark from when your tamagotchi conceived the baby and that's at night. Don't worry this is completely normal, just be patient and don't pause the tamagotchi while your tamagotchi parent has its baby beside it.

a) Has it been a full day yet? Your tamagotchi only leaves when it has been with the baby for a full day.

:rolleyes: it should leave at midnight.

Just be patient and wait. :furawatchi:

a) Has it been a full day yet? Your tamagotchi only leaves when it has been with the baby for a full day. ;) it should leave at midnight.

Just be patient and wait. :D
It's the forty eight hour mark ribbo.

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It's the forty eight hour mark ribbo.
Are you sure? :D

Hm, I thought it was 24 hour, I read it in the instruction manual, I think.

Probabl on TamaTalk though. <3

well it usewely dse leave in 24 hours but when it dose leave the mama tamagotchi will make a weird face and you can't do anything no mater what bottons you push. (exept check the time)But don't worry about that,and when the tamagotchi mama dies you will name the baby tamagotchi

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