Moving out for short amounts of time..?


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2006
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Well, sometimes my family and I don't get along AT ALL. Enough to make me want to call my friends, ask them to pick me up, and stay with them for a period of time.

I just get really upset and stressed at home sometimes, and I'm wondering if anyone's ever moved out of their house for a short period of time.

Honestly, sometimes I think I would really enjoy moving out for a week or tow, but I don't know.

It depends on how old you are and exactly what's causing stress in the household.

What do you think causes so much stress between your family members specifically? Is it arguments over petty things that turn into huge ordeals or is it about school or work? Is there anything you can change? I'm not asking you to tell us the exacts if you don't want to because I know stuff like this can be very personal but first look to see if there is anything you can do to change.

Remember to pick your battles - if you don't need to add in that last snide comment even if you feel your parents or sibs deserve it, don't because it's not worth it. I struggle with back talking and that's what gets me in most trouble. My parents hate hate hate that and so I've been challenging myself to just stop because it's not worth it in the long run.

Cliche maybe, but the truth is running from your problems isn't going to solve anything. We all need a break from each other but you leaving for a week isn't getting to the root of the problem. Maybe they'll miss you for a week and things will be better for a while but everyone is going to return to the same attitudes as before because you really didn't do anything.

Search yourself first and see if there is something you can do - or stop doing - that will alleviate some of the stress. :huh:

tw/p hit the nail on the head again. ;)

And with the back-talking thing... yeah, that's what I get burned with too. A lot of times I won't even realize I'm doing it, and then I'm grounded. It's frustrating, but it's something I work on, too.

A quick break like that may eleviate stress in the household - I agree with your thinking there, Bunny_grl. Sometimes you just need to get away, and I understand that. But, as tw/p said, that's not going to solve all of your problems.

If you ever do go to a friend's house for a week or two, talk to them about this. Use the time for self-reflection. How can you impact change on your household when you go back? You can't make your mom cooperate more or your younger brother be less annoying - the only person you can change is yourself. And believe it or not, being more pleasent and caring yourself will usually domino to other family members, making for a pleasent atmosphere.

Leaving temperarily may put some things into perspective for you too. It may make you realize how important your family actually is to you, and how much you need a stable, supportive homelife.

If you don't get the opportunity to leave, you can still think about these things at home! Just take some time out every so often to calm yourself down and don't forget to look to the big scheme of things.

So I think that it's okay to get away even a night or a weekend... but don't make it a habit, because nothing is going to get better that way.

I've done it, but I was also 17 at the time.

My sister and I have a lot of problems, and a lot of history around those problems. A few days I finally got fed up with it and moved in with my grandparents. I was with them for about 4 months, and then my mom and I found a new house.

Now we're both living with them -.- I take every chance I can to get out of the house.

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