Moving Schools...?


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Plazmical Ecstasy

Well-known member
Jan 4, 2009
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At the bottom of the stairs.... o.o
Well, right now, I go to a private Catholic school (Blegh.) And I feel, deprived of everything.

Our school is to small to have band (Which I REALLY want to be in.)

Everyone learns teh same thing, we don't have accelerated classes, I'm BORED during class.

There are 286 people in my school, ew.

Recently (*coughlastnightcough*) I brought up how I hated the school I'm at, and showed her one school I LOVE.

(Okay, off topic, I just got an IM saying "OMG KAT I HAD A DREAM YOU DYED!!" wtf.)

Anyway, this school I love has 690 students, it's just 6th 7th and 8th grade (Unlike here, where it's Pre kinder 3, 4, Kinder, and then 1-8)

It's public, I hate uniforms, <3

And it's HUGEEE <3!!!

The point of this is, how do you convince your 'rents to let you switch?

My mom is going in next Thursday to re-register me for the school I am at now... so, ... ;.;

Thank you guys for the help in advanceeee <33

You honestly can't make your parents switch your schools. They're giving you what they think is best for you - and believe they know best, being your just a child.

I love my school for the most part - the fact that it's pretty big and there are so many class options. There are 700+ students in my grade alone, and we have a 200 page handbook of class options to pick from.

I however though, do wish we had uniforms. I see life being so much simpler that way. And besides, I love plaid skirts, and would love to be able to wear them all the time without judgement. :lol:

Just sit down with your parents (Maybe after dinner...?) and explain to them why you would like to switch schools. More friends? More extra-curricular opportunities?

Since you are Catholic, you may also want to do some research on churches in the area. If you want to switch to public schooling, my guess is that your parents will still want to continue your religious education. What churches are in the area? Do they offer CCD or Sunday School?

Just remember that your parents are doing what they think is best for you. If they decided to keep you in a private Catholic school, then make the best of it. Enjoy knowing all the teachers, the students. Enjoy never having to worry about who's in your class. Enjoy wearing your uniforms, and enjoy your school. :p

Try convice your parents that you don't feel like your learning anything new.

And try telling them your not happy at this school, and you would be much happier in this public-school.

The reason for uniforms is for later life, theres a strong possibility that you could get a job with uniforms, so the school is just getting you ready for that.

Cya! :lol:

As Cinders said, at the end of the day, it's your parents choice which school they think you'll do best at.

And they really do know more about this than you think. <33

The school I am at is also very small, and has uniforms. But I don't mind. It just makes it all the more fun to see everyone out of uniform at school dances and social events. :]

Talk to your parents about this, but if they say that you need to stay, then you need to stay. Just try to love it there. Make some great friends and love life. That way you'll enjoy school wherever you go.

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