Music City for Tama-go and V6 is THE END?!


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Well-known member
Dec 1, 2009
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its crazy that i cant access tamatown for the tama-go :angry: its sooo annoying duh -_- i know dat thr r also many people cant access music city too so anyone have any ideas for that? like sending a message to bandai or wadever? we nid help for the music city~~! or else the tama-gos and v6 cant explore their real own world and trap in their egg shell home foreva! :nyatchi: btw sumtimes i eventually could access MC but mostly i can't :( so if any1 really had some ideas dat could make music city back to normal like in the 2009 pls share with me... im sick of couldn't access into MusicCity!!!!!!!!!!

most of the time i can

so i dont think there trying to kill it off the sites just glichy

Hi everyone!!!!


in Spain the tamatown site neither works.....i need to connect my Music Star to the net!! tsss <_<

Usually when that happens, it means their doing maintenance. I will probably be back up and running soon ^.^

-CCC :nyatchi:

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i juz hope that Bandai won't forget about TAMAGOTCHI.Becus it seems dat nowadays the tama-gos r all sold in malaysia and i've never ever saw them in the stores since 2011 :nyatchi: oh and after refreshing tamatown a few times later , it finally worked. :puroperatchi:

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