Music Star and a Familitchi


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Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
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London, England
Hiya, electreon2005 here, again. My last log didn't turn out so well so my Tamas are now reset and ready. My |\/|u51( 574r (Music Star) is a British one (says Tamagotch on it) Black Headphones (you may know it as Techno Sound) and there is a F4m1|17(h1 (Familitchi) who is Shinobi Black and the Ting family, guess where I got that from :huh: . The Music Star is a boy and called Dave, but then I found out he liked classical music. He has a helicopter as a toy and a violin as an instrument, strange mix but hey, I'm all for weird things. I believe that it is currently a Black Petitchi. This can either turn into the Kuribotchi acorn or the Kuchitammatchi, which always says -tchi after every sentence-tchi. Someone in the Ting Family just pooped. The Ting-Ting-Tings are a nice little family situated in an egg in a bedroom. My favourite Tamagotchi is an :) Androtchi :( so I hope one of them is a :angry: . If I get my V5 and V6 to marry there might be a Nazotchi. Anyway, I'm calling the Omututchi Oliver, Futabatchi Georgina and Mimifuwatchi Edward. So, I hope this intro is good, and I will catch you later, where I shall post the child incarnations.

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Okay, Dave is a Kammatamatchi (-tchi) and Oliver is an Ahirukutchi, Georgina is Tororotchi and Edward is a Mousetchi. So basically something which looks like a helicopter in the animé "Lets Go! Tamagotchi", an owl (which is asleep at nighttime :) ) and a mouse.

Guten Morgan, everyone in England (and no im not from Deustchland or however you spell it, Germany).

I woke up in the mornin', with a big smile on my face, and it never feels outta place. Dave, Oliver (OLIVER!), Georgina and Edward are quite happy. The Tings woke up 10 minutes before me. Dave now likes Rock 'n' Roll and has been practicing his violin. He gets a bit stressed so I've let him have some relaxation time playing with his helicopter-tchi -_- .

Dave: Yah-tchi!

Unlike my last log, this isn't going to be overrun by my pixelated friends inside an egg. Dave also won a game of Sing a Song and his tone is really improving. I hope that when his voice breaks he won't lose his singing voice :( . He now isn't stressed at all and I will leave him to jump about.

The Tings are minding their own business. Oh and Dave really can't make up his mind. First Classical -> Rock 'n' Roll -> Jazz? Oh well. He needs some rhythm help and I'm going to make him a violin maestro. It's the Easter Holidays and I'm happy.


Gender: Boy

Age: 0

Weight: 15lb

Name: DAVE

Hungry: 000

Happy: 000

Stress: 0

Tone: 50

Rhythm: 12

Original: 21

Jazz Music


Generation: 1

2450 GP


Hungry: 0000

Happy: 00000

Bonding: 0%

Blended Family

Surname: TING

Generation: 1

240 GP

Ahirukutchi, Son

Tororotchi, Daughter

Mousetchi, Son

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I've just noticed. If I painted the casing purple and took out the battery of my V6, it looks like a V1. I wonder why Bandai didn't put like a guitar as the ariel thing (the house on my V5). Dave wants to send you a message. I told him not to talk to Earth but he refused and played with his helicopter, practised his violin, then sat down at a table.

N.B. Post-tchi, please send this mail to Earth via Tamagotchi Postal Service Spacemail-tchi.

Hello Readers-tchi!

I'm Kuchitamatchi, a child Kuchipatchi-tchi. Bandai made this egg to take me to Earth during a Tamagotchi War-tchi. I lost my mother and father and they left me three presents-tchi. They are-tchi:

A helicopter-tchi.

3000 Gotchi Points-tchi.

And a violin-tchi.

Though I wish Mummy-tchi and Daddy-tchi didn't care so much about my health-tchi. They should've given me a snack machine-tchi.

Yours sincerely-tchi,


The Tings happily obeyed my orders and gave a mere hoot.

Hoo-hoo-hoot hoot! Hoo-hoo-hoot hoot!
Here are their current stats:


Hungry: 00

Happy: 0

Stress: 0

Tone: 61

Rhythm: 26

Original: 30

Likes: Rock 'n' Roll (again)

2540 GP


Hungry: 000

Happy: 00000

Bond: 0% (though there will be training soon I hope!)


Okay, this has nothing to do with Tamagotchi, but I feel compelled to tell you so:

Last night, there were some resurfacing works in my street. The most idiotic builder made a dent in my dad's car door. One of my mum's friends has the number to the boss of this idiot. Like any council, they try to make up some stupid excuse to save money. So, he called up Skoda Auto Insurance or the AA or the RAC or some insurance company. My mum, who's partially sighted, either threw away or filed the renewal notice before the door was smashed :S. He starts crying as he has to pay £600-£1k himself because of a disability (the world is discriminatory). I suggested to him that it should come out of my mum's pay. It's just upsetting. There is photo evidence. I just hope this doesn't affect our money, my money, me, debt, ouch.

Back on the Tama Topic. The Preschool teacher was the first to knock on Dave's door. I played jumprope with Hitodetchi :hitodetchi: but lost after one :angry: . Nazotchi came with news that the King gave me 2000 Gotchi Points! I don't understand why as Dave has done no concerts. Then Nazotchi came and gave me a star, then Nazotchi came and gave me a poo! The Ver. 5 is doing nicely, politely, I wanted to buy a car but it was 500000 Gotchi Points lol.

Here are Le Stats:


Hungry: OOOOO

Happy: OOOOO

Bond: 10%

Blended Family

170 GP


Hungry: OOOO

Happy: OOO

Stress: 12

Tone: 87

Rhythm: 46

Original: 41

Jazz Music (make yer mind up!)


EDIT: Here is the family!


The Tings

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Boo boo, as I once said and some people ran away. I am now going to split up my log into V5 and V6, still in the same log, but not communicating with eachother if you know what I mean.




The V6 is defnitely a very interesting character. Dave says "I want to look the door but I can't-tchi,". Seriously, Nazotchi is like a telemarketer. Gotchi King gives us a drumstick and something else. He was very boring and stressed me out more than his stress level. I gave him a tootchache but called the dentist. This is like the only time I'm going to use chat.



Dave: Ouch-tchi!

Me: What's wrong, Dave?

Dave: I have a tootchache-tchi.

Me: Oh dear, I'll call the dentist right away.

Receptionist: Hello, TamaTown Dentist, how may I help?

Me: Hi, I'm the caretaker of Dave, a Kuchitamatchi?

Receptionist: Oh yes, Dave. What does he need?

Me: He's been complaining of toothache, can I arrange an emergency dental home visit please?

Receptionist: Please hold...

Me: Okay.

Dave: Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow-tchi, it hurts-tchi. Oh, the pain-tchi! The pain-tchi!!!

Receptionist: electreon2005, thank you for holding. The dentist is coming ASAP.

Me: Thanks, bye.

A second after I put the phone down...

Dentist: Sorry I was late.

Me: Erm... okay. Dave is here.

Dentist: Okay, I'll get out my foldable chair.

Dentist: Right, sit down boy.

Dave: I'm scared-tchi.

Dentist: Dave...

Me: Dave...

Dentist: Dave!

Me: I'll turn the lights off for a second...


Lights on with Dave tied to chair and mouth forced open.

Dentist:...Right. Lets check.

Dentist: Ah, upper right half, dental erosion tooth twelve.

Dave: That doesn't sound good-tchi...

Dentist: It's a good thing I brought my filling set!

Me: How much will it cost me?

Dentist: Hmm... plus the metal charges, taking tooth out, putting tooth in, drilling holes, home service... minus the child discount of 100.00%, £0.00

Me: Do you accept cheques (I'm redcoat lah-de-dah-dee-dah we have a queen british and I know you spell it check, so please don't PM me saying I spelt cheque wrong)?

Dentist: Yes, payable to TamaTown Dentist.

Dentist: Zero pounds only? Okay... -rips it up-. Lets get started, muhahahahahahahah, hahahahahahahah, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Me: Erm... Doctor Wilson?

Dentist: MUHAHAHA, oh, yes that's my name?


Dave: This doesn't help-tchi. Can I hold on to your hand... D... Daddy-tchi?

Me: Daddy-tchi? Why, yes sir!

Dentist: Drilling, fitting, checking, brushing, and.... complete.

Me: Thank you very much, dentist!

Dave: It still hurts-tchi.

Dentist: Oops, sorry. I forgot to tell you that fillings take time to fit to your mouth. Here you go, some aspirin.

Dave: I'd rather some snacks-tchi.

Dentist: That's why... good day, sir.

Me: And good day to you, Dr. Wilson.

Dentist: Well I have to switch between being a dentist to an orthodontist now.

Me: What are you doing to a poor, poor, Tamagotchi's crooked teeth this time?

Dentist: Oh, don't worry, ChaMametchi needs braces.

Me: ChaMametchi? Tell her electreon2005 says hi!

Orthodontist/Dentist: Will do, see ya!



Right, after a long day, he went to bed at a reasonable 7:45PM. His stats are:


Hungry: OOO

Happy: OOO

Stress: 5

Tone: 142

Rhythm: 86

Original: 67

Likes Rock 'n' Roll again.

4130 GP






Oliver, Georgina and Edward have been particularly quiet today. Got 30% bonding with a little bit of training time. I randomly pick the first one all the time. I'm happy to say they are doing brilliantly. Here are the stats:


Hungry: OOOOO

Happy: OOOOO

Bonds: 30%

Blended Family

600 GP



They are short of cash but not in debt. I hope y'all have a nice sleep and a nice 3rd April 2009!

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Sorry I haven't posted I was busy.




Well, Dave first transformed into a Hinotamatchi. I was disappointed, I didn't want a Hinotamatchi. We made a band with Elaine and Thu, who are both girls. I knew I wouldn't get the best character there is, which is :huh: . I wanted an :huh: , but obviously, I didn't get one. And then, Dave wakes up, in the morning:



:marumimitchi: :gozarutchi: :wacko: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I lurrrrrrrrrrrrrvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeee Mametchis and I am happy. A Mametchi is a very good character so I pat myself on the back. Elaine and Thu changed but I'm not going to go into depth about the other band members. Oh yeah, talking about that, the band is called the Runes because I was playing a game called RuneScape when the band guy came. It's unfortunate that those oldies (one with an Elvis wig) give us X X X X. I mean, I only clicked something, how bad can it be? I'm worried if it is because I don't give him enough practise and worry too much about his stress. I mean, a little stress is healthy, right? Stats?


Hungry: OOOO

Happy: OOO

Stress: 5

Tone: 182

Rhythm: 135

Original: 106

Latin Music, that's a new one for the Runes.






They transformed. It's funny as Georgina is a Chamametchi, supposedly Mametchi's little sister. Oliver is a Mamekatchi and Edward is a Korokotchi (a fat sumo wrestling acorn apparently).


Hungry: OOO

Happy: OOO

Bonds: 40%

Blended Family

530 GP
