Music Star care misses


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Gotchi Guy46

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2008
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My Chamametchi had already had a care miss. The second time she beeped for attention I ignored her like before. After a while (I am not exactly sure) she got sick and a skull appeared.

I cured her but I do not know if that was part of the care miss, so basically what I want to know is with the Music Star, once it gets a skull or toothache do I leave it until the attention icon stops being lit up (And will it count as a care miss?) Or do I cure it straight away because it means the it had the care miss but it got sick.

So whats the deal? :)

Since my music star has never got sick since it was a baby, I am not quiet sure about this, but charachters on the erlier connection/connexion series might die if you don't cure them when they're sick.

I always try to help them when they beep, and that's surley the best way to get a healthy and happy tam.

Remember that on music star, if the stress meter goes up too high your tama won't listen to you. :eek:

Thank you.

That was some good advice but still not the answer I was looking for. Oh well, guess I'll have to test it myself. An attention beep stays for 15 minutes and at the end of that if the skull is still there I guess that means it was a care miss.

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