Music Star Generations ~^^~


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After a treat, Cindy wanted to go the park and meet some tamas :)


She looks so happy!!!



After all that play she wanted to take a bath!! :D I just love her bathroom!!


Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Cindy was surprised, but after opening the door she realized she had forgotten her play-date with Mimitchi, she was mortified, but showed Mimitchi her new retro toy and everything turned out to be fine!!



After all that running around I fixed them a treat and Mimitchi was off to her home! Cindy had such a lovely time that she thanked me dearly for being my Tama :D


The hearts are so cute!!!

Stay tunned for more Cindy adventures, she is now 4 years old but she wont get married till she is full adult ^^

Hope you enjoyed ****

Hello everyone,

Cindy woke up with one thing on her mind, marriage...

She changed clothes three times, then she ate her breakfast and it was time to head out to the matchmaker. Arriving there, Cindy felt confident and happy and not at all moody, after all she had made up her mind and it was time to meet her future husband.

There were three bachelors there, and immediately one of them caught Cindys eye....


So they went on a couple of dates before she decided to introduce him to me.


After a approving her soon to be husband, they went for a walk in the park, and that was, according to Cindy, where they first kissed.


After the wedding Cindy showed up with a tiny egg :) she looked so happy!!


"It's a girl!!" , I screamed in excitement!! I was soooo happy!!! Another girl!!!!


She looks so cute with her mother!! Cindy looks very proud of her baby girl!


But then , her little baby was tired so she put her to sleep.


Cindy started looking at me with sad eyes and we both new that the moment was arriving when she had to leave. I promissed her,her little baby would be safe and sound and she would soon be visiting her at her house. She looked at me hopefully and kissed her baby one more time before she left, her husband was there with his arms around her as they made their way into their new home.


Then all of a sudden my tiny bundle of joy was awake and ready to be fed and nurtured :D


She asked me what her name was, and I decided to call her Luna. She loved her name and started jumping around in happiness!

After a while of playing, treats and a LOT of poo cleaning, Luna decided it was time to grow up!


Isn't she pretty? I absolutely adore the tiny fishies in her bonnet and also when shes happy the fishies unite with a heart in the center, it is absolutely adorable.

So far she has been enjoying her time with me, and has been having a lot of fun in the park, playing with pets and meeting new people. She also tells me she enjoys eating a lot of candy. We have been playing a lot to try to keep her weight down but she sure loves her candy ^^

Hope you enjoyed, stay tunned for more Luna ****

After s good nights rest...


It was finally time for Luna to evolve!!


She is adorable, just like her mother.

We spent the day playing and planted a fruit seed ^^


Then it was time for her to go to sleep ^^


The following day I was super exited to see her evolution and guess what?


Luna evolved into Melodytchi!!! :D


(I noticed she had the b'day background and realized that I had the date wrong lol...oh well guess its gonna be someones b'day soon ~^^~, I wonder which character it is?)

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After a few exploring I got really happy when she got her Happy Symbols. There's still one missing but I don't think I have the toy she likes...oh well!!


Even though I like her outfit after her second Happy Symbol I decided it was time for a full change!!!


The kimono looks adorable on her!!




After glowing in delight, Luna decided it was time to visit her mother!! She misses her so!!


They were so Happy to see each other even from afar!!


Her mother offered her a Snack ~^^~ A delicious parfait :D


After all that eating, they said their goodbyes and Luna decided she wanted to have some fun!!


After that she still had some energy to burn, so she decided to clean her entire house lol She is super CLEAN!!

First the kitchen!!


The bathroom


The living Room!!



The Bedroom!!


And finally the Toilet!!


All done!!


The house looks spotless and Luna feels like watching some tv, maybe later we'll go to the park and addopt a pet ^^

Stay tunned for more Luna, Hope you enjoyed *****

Hello everyone!

After an exciting day, Luna was super tired and decided it was time for her to sleep.


The following day, she got her Happy Symbol and enjoyed a quiet day with her lovely pet.


Then it was off to the matchmaker, she changed her outfit 3 times!!


These were the bachelors :



BUT....even before the last bachelor walked in, Luna had a change of heart and started off the door.

I comforted her for awhile and told her that the right one would come along and that there was no rush!!

Luna decided to give it another try picking her prince charming.


And she finally picked her prince!!


It was love at first sight!



After the date it was time for the proposal!



Then Luna had a baby :D


Its a boy!!


He's so cute!!



Then her little boy fell asleep :D


And it was time for Luna to leave!


I was left with a crying baby!


After feeding and cleaning the baby boy evolved.


This character is kinda funny :D

I took really good care of him and showed him off to all my frends, they thought he was sooo cute ^^

Another day had passed and it was time for another evolution!!


I decided to call him Roy!! He just looks like a Roy!!



Well, we went to the park a lot and then he got dirty and needed a bath!!

He didn't like it...or so he thought!!


But then he loved it!!


Then he got so tired that he had some food and it was bedtime!!


The following day!! He evolved!!


Roy looks fancy!!!


Don't miss out on Roys adventures!!

Hope you enjoyed!! ***

As soon as Roy went to sleep last night I had to take a picture. Since his cowboy hat apparently was too big to fit the bed he placed it on the floor, like a true gentleman.


He woke up! I didn't know how to tell him how sorry I was for waking him up, but I guess it was fine cause he didn't even notice me standing there with a camera as he got up to go to the bathroom...poor thing!!

After a quick shower and some breakfast, Roy was excited to see his pet again. We brought him home last night and Roy didn't have a chance to spend some quality time with him. They really like each other, so playtime came in no time!!


After a while, Roy started getting tired and asked me for some dessert. I remembered Lovelitchi had a dessert house , so I told Roy about and he was thrilled about the idea of eating a treat for free!

Arriving there, Roy started blushing when he saw Lovelitchi, she is pretty lovely lol :3


He managed to eat his dessert always smilling and pleasantly having a conversation with Lovelitchi. I think they kinda hit it off, because as we were leaving he asked if we could come back tomorrow so he could see her ~^^~


After a well deserved bath and a little rest, Roy was ready to go to Donut Park and hang out for a while, at least until lunch. But it was still very early and there was the Tama Market still going on. Roy felt very confused, he had to run away from there!! He got home and told me that some lady was pressuring him to sell his strawberry. I couldn't believe it!! That strawberry is a heirloom!!


I wonder whats going to happen next!! Stay tuned for more Roy!!

Roy woke up in a good mood and decided that it was time for a change. He had his breakfast asked me to change his look, we took him to the boutique to buy him something cute that reflected who he was perfectly!!


After changing his clothes and getting a new haircut, Roy decided it was time to give love another shot. This time he had a feeling he was going to find the one for him!! He told me he had had a dream the previous night where he was wearing diferent clothes and met the most lovely looking tama in his life. I felt hopeful for him, I really want him to be happy ^^

Arriving the Matchmaker place, Roy was feeling anxious but happy!


It was time to pick one of the ladies and Roy already had a special lady in his heart!


But at the last minute, Roy started sweating profusely and passed out...poor thing....

I found him playing with his pet!


I had a reassuring talk with him and he started feeling a little better, I told him about his dreams and got him happy again, ready for new beginnings!!

So, once again Roy decided to visit the matchmaker, and started meeting girls :)


He blushed so hard when he met this particular lady...I actually thought he was going to faint again!!


It was finally time to pick and Roy already knew who he was going to pick to spend the rest of his life with ~^ ^~


It was love at first sight!


They went out on a few dates and she told him more about herself, so he found out her name was actually Selemnia and that she is an Indigo Sea Princess who came to shore to find her true love. She told him she had had a dream the night before where she met this handsome tama in a Matchmaker and she even saw some of his features, so she knew they were meant to be!


Roy was so Happy that time flew right by them, it was already night time when they had a magical kiss!!


The next day, Selemnia told Roy she had to help her sisters in a very important sea kingdom quest but she was living him to take care of her most valuable thing in the whole wide world, a symbol of their love and happiness...Roy woke up the following day with an egg...


It started moving and this beautiful song started playing, Roy knew something big was happening but he had no idea that the egg was hatching!!


Its a boy!!

He was so happy to get a boy, he started playing with him right away!!


Then it was time for Roy and Selemnias baby to take his nap, Roy knew what that he tuck him in gently and stared at him. That was his baby boy, token of love from Selemnia, whom he would now join in her kingdom under the sea. Being the Indigo King was in his future, Roy hoped one day his son would join them. But first he had to learn more about the ways of the people of the shore ~^^~


"Goodbye baby, please be good! Remember your mother and I love you very, very much...Always..." - and he left...


I was now in charge of taking care of an adorable baby boy!!


He is absolutely a sweetheart!!


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I started suspecting that this baby might have some special magical powers!!


The morning went by swiftly cause baby James (name his parents had chose for him) ate a lot, played a lot and took a lot of baths and went to the bathroom every single time, no messy diapers for me to clean up ~^ ^~

James started yawning after lunch, so I decided that a nap was in order!


I got so tired that after I fell asleep little James had grown up into this lovely character!!


He's always so happy! Plus he is adorable!!


He loves posing for the camera!!


After filled with activities and a lot of giggles, it was time for little James to go to bed!!


The following day, James decided it was time to grow up!!


He looks super cute!! :D (And kinda creeped out at the same time!!)


But the cute part is pretty cute!!


We spent the afternoon having fun, James loves playing the Burger game lol he finds it funny Kuchipatchi never gets full!!

After a long day it was time for James to take a bath!!


Then it was time for some shopping! But apparently that stalker lady still wants to buy our family heirloom!! Its my strawberry!!


After a wonderfull day of running away from stalkers and playing in the park its time for James to go to bed!!


The next morning, here we go!! Another evolution!!! Growing up time!!


He grew up into a dashing gentleman!! His parents would be proud!! He immediately asked to go the park and addopt a pet! How could I say no?


James finally got his last happy symbol and got a phone call from his parents saying that it was time for him to go back to the Indigo Sea Kingdom! He got really excited! He asked his parents if he could make a stop before going and I was puzzled!!

Turns out James had found a special someone!


He told me he had been watching the moon every night and praying for his parents to be ok, all of a sudden this white light appeared in the room and the most beautiful tama appeared in the room, her name was Serena and she was a member of the royal family in the Moon Kingdom!

She had heard his prayers in the moon every night and decided to visit him...after a few dates they fell in love!

I was so happy for them! His parents were going to be really excited and surprised, so I decided not to tell them and wait for the two love birds to arrive at the Indigo Sea Kingdom.


They look so pretty together!! Prince and Princess!!


Proposal time!


After a magical kiss, James sent his wife to see his parents because he needed to do one last thing!


Serena left but not before giving James a very special gift, an egg!! After it hatched James was left with a beautiful baby girl!


They look so cute together!!


They played for a while and asked me to take some pictures so James could show his wife and parents ^ ^


Nap time! James knew it was time to go home so he stared at his baby for a while...


Then it was time for him to was hard but after promising him that I would take good care of his baby we hugged and he left :D


I named the cute baby girl Emmy, she was a cute baby and grew up magically really fast!!

After two days he had turned into this lovely princess!!


She loves to play games and adores making treats to feed lost pets in the park!!


Emmy is truly amazing!!


She loves her special magical bubble bath!!


After a very busy royal day doing some errands and cleaning the house, it was time for Emmy to get her beauty sleep!


After a nice breakfast and some chores, Emmy decided it was time for her to finally fall in love. She told she had had the most amazing dream last night, she was planting some roses and suddenly a big monster appeared! She was terrified but out of the blue came this super hero that saved her and thats when she told me she wanted to find that super hero that saved her.

I must admit I got a little bit worried, but since I already knew that the gift of prediction was one of hers I decided to go shopping with her before we went to the Matchmaker...

After picking out her most beautiful dress, it was time for Emmy to go find her love!


It was love at first sight!

Emmy wasn't shy about the proposal! She proposed right away!!


And their love was sealed with a magical kiss!!


Her husband left early to prepare her new home, she was going to move to Heroland, where all the heroes lived and shared adventures. But first, Emmy was surprised by an amazing egg!!


Its a girl!!


I was so happy for them!!!


Guess her baby doesn't like her singing!!


Then it was time for Emmy to put her baby to sleep, her husband was already there to pick her up, they both said their goodbyes and kissed their baby one last time before leaving...


And I was left with a tiny little girl to look after!!
