Music Star Group Hatch


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HEY, burntsnow! don't quit! you know, 3 person isnt that fun!! :D (NO offence to anyone, okay? ) come on!

ANYWAYS, here's maxius:


Skills: 999/999/999


Genre: hip-hop :eek:

Instrument: accordion

Toy: dinosaur

Points: 15050p (WOOT!)

Gen: 3g

ME= black (pretty in black :D )


So, max evolved into a cute little kuchitamatchi, on the growth chart it says that he's a bad care but i'm not that bothered, you can't have PERFECT tamas all the time! lol :D


um, i don't think so luv, no one is...

I AM!! :)

aww, come on max, don't be a spoil sport,

im not! :D

hmmm... CHILDREN *shakes head* :mametchi:

WAAAHHH!! *crying sound*


edit: colour fail

[SIZE=21pt]DONT GO BURNTSNOW! please! :( [/SIZE]

~ilovetama~ [mourning over burnt snow leavin'] :(

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omg!!! Maxius is already to all 999's!? jeez, i suck at taking care of my tamas! It will get up to that eventually..... anywayyyyy, here is Zheze!

toy- bear (she doesnt like the pirate ship any more)

instument- headphones

happy- ****


stress- 27 (ill fix it)




she hasnt evolved yet. i will post when she does


toy and instrument- same





rhythm- 324


Jamen hasnt turned yet either

Here are the Kawaiis


hungry- *****


$$$- 490

i dont think they want to talk right now. Zheze and Jamen arent getting along very well because Jamen keeps on winning when they play games.

Hey! mail! Its for Jamen, and he got a heart. Fan mail! Good for you Jamen! Oh, and Zheze pooped..... anyway, thats it.

And, BURNTSNOW PLEASE DONT GO!!!!! :) :p :p ;)

hellooooo!!!! I'm just going to do a quick post right now cause my dads awake and he is going to want to get on. Zheze is a Chamametchi (horay) and Jamen is now a Hinotamatchi. No updates on the Kawaiis. Byez byez!!!

i only gt it to 999/999/999 coz i was on the bus and my fone battey woz dead so i played with him all morning lol. anyway, i have a cheat of getting it to that if you are on 2nd gen plus hehe :D look at it on my NEW log :) it's in my siggy.

PS: I did NOT use that method on maxius.


HAHA! :D ima kikitchi, i'm PERFECT! see that ilt? ahaha!

*building shakes* :mellow:

um, ya, um, well. um


um, yo, guys, i formed band with jenny, a chamametchi, (playing the guitar)and louis (on drums) and I, the king of PERFECTNESS is perfecta! (im on accordion!) woot!!

um.. so thats about it okay??


Name: maxius

Skills: 999/999/999

Gender: M

Genre: ASIAN :ph34r:

Instrument: Accordion

Toy: dinosaur (he doesnt get tired of the flipping thing?!)

Points: 30050p (from my previous gen.)

Gen: 3

~Maxius~ [kikitchi perfection] :D

~ilt~ [confused as hell]

thanks ilovetama2010!

Zhezes stats are all in the 200's right now and climbing. she made a band with Paul the Kikitchi and Louis the Hinotamatchi. She is doing very well. Her band is called the "PartyTam"

Jamen stats are all at the 400's and not climbing as much. he made a band with Veronica and Daniel and they play classical music. Its called the "TamBlues". He also doing very well. Especially since is dad keeps sending him stuff like money and food.

The Kawaiis evolved! Thats todays big news with my tamagotchis.





Today, something hapened between Z&J

Jamen; *knock knock* Zheze???

Zheze;*opens door* what do you want poohead?

Jamen; uhhhh, here *blushes* *hands over present*

Zheze; what the heck is this *picks it up*

Jamen; uhhhh, nothing

Jamen (thoughts); please like it!

Zheze; thanks. now go away

*Jamen leaves*

Zheze; I bet he gave me poop *opens it* OMG!! A hiphop CD!! My favorite! :p :D Poop, now I feel bad......

Yes, that happened recently, and their friendship went up!!

The Kawaiis are still trying to deal with Sugar's fantasy of becoming a makiko. Here is what they want to say;

Sugar; you must all now call me Princess Sugar!!! Bow down! *whacks skittles with her "scepter"*

Skittles; that really hurt you crazy weirdo!

Candy; *sighs* here they go again.... why dont you just listen to what i have to say for a while, ok?

Sugar & Skittles; *still fighting*

Candy; today we have decided not to let Sugar become a makiko because, well, you know. instead, for fun, we going to keep the bonding low (cause i dont think it can get any higher) and let Sugar stay the dumb rice head tamagotchi. And, im the one whos going to get married! yay! i want to be kunoitchi, butits bad care tamagotchi. it justs takes being bored and unhappy for several hours right? id do it. anyway, thats about it! bye

me; byez byez!!

thanks ilovetama2010!
Zhezes stats are all in the 200's right now and climbing. she made a band with Paul the Kikitchi and Louis the Hinotamatchi. She is doing very well. Her band is called the "PartyTam"

Jamen stats are all at the 400's and not climbing as much. he made a band with Veronica and Daniel and they play classical music. Its called the "TamBlues". He also doing very well. Especially since is dad keeps sending him stuff like money and food.

The Kawaiis evolved! Thats todays big news with my tamagotchis.





Today, something hapened between Z&J

Jamen; *knock knock* Zheze???

Zheze;*opens door* what do you want poohead? 

Jamen; uhhhh, here *blushes* *hands over present*

Zheze; what the heck is this *picks it up*

Jamen; uhhhh, nothing

Jamen (thoughts); please like it!

Zheze; thanks. now go away

*Jamen leaves*

Zheze; I bet he gave me poop *opens it* OMG!! A hiphop CD!! My favorite! :D   :eek:   Poop, now I feel bad......

Yes, that happened recently, and their friendship went up!!

The Kawaiis are still trying to deal with Sugar's fantasy of becoming a makiko. Here is what they want to say;

Sugar; you must all now call me Princess Sugar!!! Bow down! *whacks skittles with her "scepter"*

Skittles; that really hurt you crazy weirdo!

Candy; *sighs* here they go again.... why dont you just listen to what i have to say for a while, ok?

Sugar & Skittles; *still fighting*

Candy; today we have decided not to let Sugar become a makiko because, well, you know. instead, for fun, we going to keep the bonding low (cause i dont think it can get any higher) and let Sugar stay the dumb rice head tamagotchi. And, im the one whos going to get married! yay! i want to be kunoitchi, butits bad care tamagotchi. it justs takes being bored and unhappy for several hours right? id do it. anyway, thats about it! bye

me; byez byez!!
its actually maxius here writing, NOT ilt, get that in mind mkay! kewl, let's get started w00t!


hehe! Zheze seems sooo cute!



I evolved! yatchi! a mametchi! of PERFECT care! w00t!


AND i passed pro debut on my first go, tehe :D i lovetama dont know i'm on though, she's listen to sum picki lot* stuff?? POP and r&b? yuck! i'm asian and rock and roll w00t!


and you guys might think i'm rambling but actually im perfect, you know? and ilt says no-one is perfect, but im one of the few, and so's jenny outa my band, shes soooo pretty! she's turn into a violetchi (aka leaftchi) and she is sooo pretty (have i said that twice?? never mind, twice is better than once sooo...)

and im sure she'll propose to ME when we are 5, right? yeah, that shimashimatchi called louis is ALWAYS late for practice, and me and jen. decided that we are better as a band ourselves!! and we're having a date at 9:00! oh-no! it's already 8:24!!! oh no!

*EDIT: i found out it was actually PIXIE LOTT, but i dont really care so y'know!


~MAX~ [max up my perfectness!]

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I'll join! But I'll pretty much be blabbering about my twins. It's a lil' late now.

So, the twins are pretty much bobbing 'round and being the uneducated Androtchis they are. Pretty soon they'll get married.Names: Eon and Zen.

Eon: So... My mommy was a Mimitchi?

Me:Yes, Eon.

Zen: And my daddy was a fat Tarakotchi.

Me: Umm, sorry.

Eon: My parent was better than yours.

Zen: Shut up, I know.

Me: Both of you be quiet.

1:44 PM


Nothing happened. Well now they are practicing.

Eon has all happy hearts, two hungry hearts. To keep him underweight. Zen is the fat one like his father so he has 1 hungry heart and three happy hearts. Waiting Waiting Waiting for the school guy so both of my dear Androtchis can get an education. Sometimes I call them the Andrew Twins. I wanted a girl to get Chantotchi. OH WELL. :angry: OW OW my foot is numb bye!

Um, IlyaneYanie, wat version are u talking? Music star? I dont think they have an androgothi teen do they? Or are u talkin about adults? Because u said education and it sounded like they were teens, corret me if im wrong ;)

Ilovetama, ADULTS and it is music star. The twins are so cute!!! My friend wants to trade me when he gets a KuroMametchi. Oh well! If he does, I WILL!

ok! im posting here with my new account ( i was tamaluvz ) and sorry i have not posted in 4ever! i kinda paused them all cause i was getting bored. but, i did wait till they were adults so i could at least finish this hatch! Zheze, my little hip hop princess, turned into THAT UGLY YELLOW DINOSAUR THING! ARRRRG! Sorry, any ugly yellow dinosaur thing fans....... this is awkward. and i feel really bad about it. but, Jamen, my Jazz prince turned in a Kuromametchi! hurray! i thought i took good care of Zheze to. She had only one time when her attention icon was on! GRRRRRRRR! *picks up something and throws it* If i was a pikachu, there would be a thunderstorm going on. anyway, this is my last post for this hatch, bye!

HEY peepz! i was at balckpool but then my mametchi married and than i gt baby boy and he's a kuromametchi! w00t! Im on 4th gen :) . i'm sighing off too, if anyone wants to join my grouphatch they can, it's called 'music star w00t' Hehe

~ilt mith her kuromame (lewis)~ [5th gen soon, eh??]

tehe! thought that was ur last post? lol only jokin. so do u think ur up 2 my kinda-all-version-hatch?

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