Music Star Instructions


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Tamaguy 20

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
If you are a new Tamagotchi owner who spends time pouring over the instructions, then they might have led you into the completely opposite diretion! It tells you that, whenever you change your Tama's battery or press the reset button, that pressing "DOWNLOAD" will completely reset your Tamagotchi and make it start over. That is wrong!

When you press "DOWNLOAD" on your Tama, it will start it back up from about the time when your Tama was last on.

When you press "RESET", it starts your Tama from the beginning, and everything that you had on your Tama will be lost! So be really careful on which choice you make!

Hope this helps!

I just checked my Music Star instructions again, & you're right!

I totally didn't spot this before.

Wow, that error is kinda misleading.

But you'd find out soon from playing it anyway.

I don't think there are many people who have a Music Star but not a previous version, so I don't think many people will make that mistake.

Anyway, it doesn't say that in my instructions. It says, 'If you select RESET, your tamagotchi will start over', which is true. BTW, these are the European instructions.

i am glad a read this! i am going to camp for a week and was going to take out the battery but then read the instructions and got all freaked out because it would reset it! but now i know it is just a typo and it is okay to take out the battery so it wont die. thanks!
