Music Star Log


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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Hi there, everyone! After a long absence from TT, I'm back, and I got a Music Star! This is Day 1 with my Music Star, so here we go! A few minutes before 6:30 PM, I pulled the tab and activated my Music Star for the first time. I got a girl, and her name is Ryanne. Isn't that a pretty name? Her gifts included a rubber ducky and a guitar. Her current music interest is Rock and Roll. I've filled up her inventory with some more foods, including hamburgers, tacos, and bananas. She went to sleep with a poo in the corner! Oh boy, I'm not paying attention! Anyway, I'll be back with more updates soon.

Well, things haven't changed too much. Ryanne woke up, had some food, played the singing game, and is doing great. I love the new Music Star, it's just too cool! I hope Ryanne will grow up to be a wonderful musician! Oh great, she's taking a poop right now. I'll clean it up and feed her again. She's so silly, too! Well, however you slice it, my Music Star log is going to get interesting very soon. Stay tuned, folks! :p

Ryanne is asleep, now. She was out at 7:45PM, and I hope she will nap long into the morning. I put her guitar pick charm onto her keychain, so she's got something nice to look good with. Check back in the morning for updates. She did evolve, too. She looks like a starfish or something. Crazy! Well I'll write more later! ^_^

Hi there! Well, it's time to let Ryanne talk to you for the first time! She will tell you all about her first day of life on earth. Here she is!

Thanks, O-T! Hi there! I'm Ryanne! I was hatched yesterday. Today I got a visit from the mailman. I went to preschool and tried to play jumprope. It's really hard, but I'm gonna keep at it. I also got 2000 points. I bought alot of cereal earlier today. I also have some hamburgers, tacos, and bananas. I like preschool alot. That's all I have to say. Here's O-T!

She's growing up so fast! Well, extra points never hurt anyone. Ryanne is playing her guitar right now, and doing really good. Well, that's all there is for now. Look for more later! Stay tuned! ;)

Oops, forgot to put down her stats. Here's the most important stats, according to her profile:

Tone: 212

Rhythym: 38

Original: 10

I'll post again on her stats later on. Seems like Ryanne is headed in a good direction, so far! Maybe she'll get into a good band. Bye for now! ;)

We're back! Ryanne is part of a band, now! The band is called Skeezix, and it's an all-girl band. The other members are Veronica and Colleen. Ryanne and Colleen play guitars, and Veronica is the drummer. Ryanne has received several visits from the King, and has gotten some candy and an omelette, too! It's good to be the King, I bet! Ryanne has been improving in her stats. Here's the latest!

Tone: 631

Rhythym: 96

Original: 112

She's doing great, as you can see. Veronica and Colleen are awesome band-mates, too. They are a rock n' roll band right now. Ryanne has also liked R&B and Asian music, so far. She currently owns the guitar and a drum kit. Her toys are the rubber ducky and a Tamagotchi, of all things. Here's Ryanne!

Hi everyone! I'm in a band now! We're called Skeezix! Come and see us play sometime! Veronica and Colleen are awesome! I'm great, too! Bye for now!

Yes, Ryanne is quite happy about her new band. Well, it's time to go for awhile. Look for more news later! ;)

Ugh! Ryanne just got a letter. It had poop in it. Who would send poop to her for no reason? I blame the postal systemme. Ryanne was upset, but she's recovered, now. The post-man brings the most interesting things at interesting moments, don't you think?

WHAAAHHHHH! I got poop in a letter! No fair! WHAAAHHHH!

Well, I'd better go for now. Poor Ryanne is still a bit upset, after all. Look for updates later, then. ;)

Ok, Ryanne is over the poop fiasco. She received another letter and got a star. She's alot happier, now. She just went to take a bath. Soon it'll be time for bed, and I hope we'll get more money tomorrow. Almost all of it is gone, now. Poor Ryanne won't starve, but she don't have alot of options right now, either. We're looking at a few bowls of cereal and a few scones, but that's it. Her pantry is almost bare!

O-T! I want more food! I'm almost out!

I know, dearest. Just go practice your drumming and we'll hope for more food tomorrow.

Ok, O-T!

Poor dear! It's not fun to be hungry. Anyhow, the new band is doing ok. Ryanne has taken over drumming duties in the band. Colleen and Veronica are the guitarists, now. We'll see if Skeezix can stay in the game after tomorrow. I really hope that they won't end up being a street band. Stay tuned! :(

Yay! Ryanne has evolved! She's a Mimitchi! Her two band-mates evolved, too. What they are, I can't say. Veronica looks like a Mametchi, but with a white top, not a black top. Colleen has a music note as a head. They started out as an Ichigotchi and Ringotchi, respectively. Ryanne used to be a Chamametchi. Now, she's a Mimitchi! She also passed her band audition! Ryanne is on drums, now. Veronica and Colleen are doing the guitar work. This has been an awesome experience so far. Stay tuned! :angry:

Ryanne had her first concerts today. They went well. She loves to dance and sing and pound her drums. She's singing to herself right now. I hope she will be paid for her efforts soon. She can go and work part-time if she really wants to, besides. She did the fruit-sorting job yesterday and earned 250 points after her job was over. It's nice to know she won't go hungry too often, now. She bought some fun things earlier today. I'm glad she's finding success for herself. I hope she won't have to go away too soon, though. It's been wonderful so far. I will miss Ryanne once she finally has to return to Tama Planet. Anyhow, I'll write more later on. Right now Ryanne's gonna go to work. Stay tuned! :furawatchi:

Ryanne took her bath at 7:30PM, and should be off to bed any time. She worked at the cake shop and the fruit shop. Both jobs went over well. I just fed her some corn, her last meal for the night, I think. She has plenty of food for tomorrow, including a kebab and some fried chicken. I even bought her a cookie, which was 500 points for one cookie. I guarantee she won't be getting too many cookies in the future! I'm so glad she's a Mimitchi, though. I love the Mimitchis the best! Tomorrow will be another day of concerts, mail, and visits from the King. Here's Ryanne, now.

Good night, everyone! I'm going off to Dream Land, now! Look for my band, Skeezix, next time you visit Tama Town. We just might be there! Bye!

Ain't she cute? She's been working hard to improve her skills at the drums, and I'd say she's doing well. Gotta be proud of her improvement. Well, I gotta turn off her lights, so she can sleep. We'll be back tomorrow with more news to share. I'll try to add one more post tonight, but if I'm not able to get to it, don't despair, cos there's always tomorrow. Until then, stay tuned! :furawatchi:

Since Ryanne is asleep, I'll copy down her stats, so people can look at her progress. That said, here's the latest:

Tone: 999

Rhythym: 220

Original: 206

Stress: 12


R&B Music

That's the most recent stats on Ryanne's end. Skeezix is an R&B band right now. That's always subject to change, of course. Ryanne is on drums, Veronica and Colleen are both on guitar. Their latest popularity ranking is 110th, and even that is subject to change. Well, that's all the news I have for now. I'll be posting more in the morning, after Ryanne wakes up for the day. Stay tuned, as always! :)

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Nothing much has changed. Ryanne performed tonight and had alot of fans in her audience. She went to sleep at 8:45PM, and is taking a well-deserved rest. We're getting the hang of the Music Notes game. Ryanne wrote down some cute stuff in her diary following her last concert of the day. Here it is:

Hi Diary. Colleen, Veronica, and I played really well tonight. We have alot of fans, now. I'm glad I'm such a good drummer. After the show, we went to have a soda at the bar. Our fans surrounded us and asked for autographs. I love being part of a great band. Peace! ~Ryanne

Yes, she's doing well in her band. I'm so glad she's finding success as a drummer. I thought she'd end up being a street musician, but she's playing at a dance club! She loves the part-time job at the fruit place, too. She's not too fond of the cake factory. I don't blame her there, though. Well, tomorrow will find her getting paid by the King, and maybe receiving an item of food, too. We'll see how it goes. Stay tuned! :)
