Music Star (V.6)


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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
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If you did like the antennae, which versions was your favourite, and why? But if you didn't, why not?

:) ;) :kuribotchi: kutchi999 :mametchi: :mametchi: :mametchi:

I didn't like them because the antena made it awkward to old the tamagotchi, and I found that the keyring would often get stuck on the antena. That tamagotchi is better without it.

I liked the v3 one. It was ok. It wasn't so annoying, and it was cute and small! :]

But the antenna's they had from v4-v5.5 were so annoying! D:<

I'm so glad they got rid of it when the v6 was released.

I didn't mind the V3 one, it didn't really bother me much because it was small.

But when the V4-V5.5 had those big antenna's... I really didn't like them.

It made the Tamagotchi so uncomfortable to hold, it always got in the way.

^ I am also glad they scrapped it from the V6!

whats so bad about them?

personally, i like them

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I didn't really mind the antennas, but I think Tamagotchies look better without 'em. So v6 looks really cool! Like coming back to older versions! :)

I didn't like them! They always ruined the designs! My v5 blue abstract look good but the antenna makes it not so good looking... :D

I love the antennae! It makes my tamagotchi look so much cooler than the ones without it!

i do like the v6 alot but the stupid antennas on v4.5 and v4 was soooooo anoying the v3 was cool but the v6 is the best compared to v4 v4.4 but to v3 i think i like them both the same but v6 wins by enanced stuff

i voted no because the antennas dont do anything, they're just for show. i opened a v5 because i was trying to look for a debug button, but i found out there isn't one in a v5 :D also, the antenna was just a peice of plastic connected to each other! i was so angry the debug buttons don't exist anymore.

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