Music Star


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New member
Dec 28, 2008
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The Tamagotchi Version Six (Music Star) is totally new.

Sadly, if you have a tamagotchi version four or something like that, it will not connect with the Music Star.

I tried doing this after I got it:

Didn't work. I have a version four and version six, and they won't connect. Don't try it if the only thing you want to do is make it connect, I don't suggest the version six. But, it is extremely fun once you read the instructions! Thanks!

the v5 famitama connects with it. . . . i tried but sometimes it says PUSH KEY FROM VER. 5 i tested and it worked

so i bet it connects with the v5.5

I got one today an I know so much already:

When it is asleep you can press c and wake it up[it causes stress]

When you beat a game it gives you +30 skill points in the area it says.

It says once you are done with a game it says which area the skill points go to.

The baby to toddler stage takes 1 hr [like usual]

You can see the bands pro file along with yours

You can name it up to 8 letters this time[not the USERNAME only the tamagotchi's name]

It comes with a guitar pick that has a code on it.

You can see its character type also.

It has a new stress feature[cool]

Its baby characters are the same from the v2 [petitchi]

When it has a baby the wife stays with your adult character until 24 hours go by and at 12AM both of the parents leave.

The egg has a music note and 3 presents around it.[the presents are the instrument,the toy ,and 3000GP]

The included guitar pick can attach to the keyring.

It has no antenna[also cool]

It's instructions are bigger.

There are four hearts[happy and hunger]

The shop is sort of overpriced.

The buttons are a little slow.

you pause it by holding A+B togetcher again

It has the shcool/preshcool/Partime job thing again.

You can see its age again.

The screen is still widend [like the v5]

The date is set backword[DD/MM D=day M=month]

So far I really like this tama,and I would recommend this tama to anyone. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I like the guitar pick, and it's on my tama's keychain. The tama goes to bed at 7:45PM, which is really interesting for a tama. This tama most closely resembles the earliest models from the 1990's, without an antenna! Yippee!

^ What time it goes to bed depends on what character it is, or if it's a baby, child, teenager or adult. :]

& I should think that Australia will get it, yes. :]

Well i dont know much at all about the Music Star (V6) since i dont currently own 1, but heres all i know:

It can connect with V5, V5.5's and other Music Stars (V6)!

It has the new stress feature (Tama's are getting more like humans!)

In the UK, they can be found in the new Argos catalogue for £12.47!

The antenna has been removed so its like V1 and V2 again!

There is different designs such as Rock City etc.!

The pause feature (A+B buttons) has returned! aswell as the buttons seem to be a little more 'stiff' than the other Tama's!

The Music Star has it's very own online TamaTown!

There is new characters, new games, new features and of course, new designs!

When your Tama is a teenager, it will meet with 2 other teenagers at school and they will form a band!

So thats pretty much what i know about the latest Tama that everybody wants!

Cya! :rolleyes:

they are now, fellow Canadian
*waves arms like a crazy person * YES! YES! YES! I am soooo going to get one! Sorry, im so excited I might just sing (that would be disastorus)!!!!!!! YAY!!! Okay im gonna shut up now before some one reports me for spamming or somethin' :D

Oh I sooooo want one! Do u know if they're avilible in Canada yet? They better be.
yes they are! i just picked up 2 V6s from my local Walmart. they retail for about $15.99.

i checked Zellers and they don't even sell tamas. i dunno what's up with that. but yea, they're AMAZING. they're pretty demanding but i love it!!!

They're out in england, so i think they should be out everywhere else. we always get cool stuff last! :(

Oh I sooooo want one! Do u know if they're available in Canada yet? They better be.
yes in Canada pretty much everyone in my school got one including me :eek: :( :eek: oh ya there like 10-20 dollars

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Yes They are out in Australia i have two and Im from Australia look at kmart and big w and mr toys toyworld hope i helped ^_^
