music star


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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2009
Reaction score
i know a question sorta like this has been asked before but i cant find the right answer anywhere so im starting anew topic on it. okay so my tama music star turned into a teenager today (she is a chamametchi! ;) ) and i ahve tried every possible combination of instruments and everything but whenever my band practices they mess up. is that normal? i keep her stress almost always at 00 and her stats right now are-


tone: 770

rhythm: 773

original: 784


please help!

okay people i am still having trouble and my stats are now


tone: 897

rhythm: 895

original: 894


i would really appreciate some help! also i have another question. is there some game you are supposed to play at music school? i am thinking that this has something to do with my practicing problem but i am just really confused. sorry this is my first generation on the music star so i am really confused. well please answer soon! thanks! :D

I'm probably mistaken, but I think it's because she's a teenager.

do u understand, tamalover7195, that when music notes appear over the tama if the tama is on the left u press the left button, if the tama is on the middle u press the middle button, and if the tama on the right has a music note u press the right button? i didnt get it at first cuz i didnt read the instructions... thats why they mess up. if u miss a couple you'll fail so every time a music note appears you have to press it really quick. hope i helped! -_-

thanks so much! i went out of town before i could read the responses so i will try that out on my next generation because my tama turned into an adult before i knew (mimitchi!). well thank you!


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THIS IS SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

dont go doin this please!!

and no this is not normal i think it might be a glitch!

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