Music star


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2009
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All I get on my music star is GIRLS not once have I gotten a boy on it. I own 2 of them and played with them for MONTHS. I have the glam rock and techno sound. I have only had females on the glam rock, and had 1 male on the techno sound, is anyone else having the gender issue?

I think its cause of your DOB(date of birth). I get boys and girls every time I reset my music star. :furawatchi: o_O. Try to mix your DOB up. If you haven't already. Good Luck.

heyyyy, i thought i was the only one!

on my music star, i got boy tamas for eight generations straight!

but of course, right when i stop playing with it, it decides to finally get a boy.

I started my music star up again yesterday and I FINALY got a boy!!!! DX

I'll try mixing up the date of birth thing, thanks tammitgotchi ^^

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with this problem though ;)

i had that problem too when i got my music star this monday. i tried the cheat somebody posted for the music star ( by the way, it works :lol: ) and all i got was boys when i reset it! i finally got a girl though after about 10 trys

I restarted mine and finaly got another boy XD i got 2 in a row. i want to get a gozarutchi!!!

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