Mwahaha! New Tamagotchi Idea!


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Sep 19, 2010
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The Tamagotchi might not be able to contain all that data, but here's an old list and a new list comparing the old Tamagotchi/Music Star to my new idea (because I don't have Tama-Go yet. :angry: )


-limited characters, limited choice, limited everything. Except I enjoyed the concept of the Boutique and stuff.

-AUDITIONS: You never pass em'. Maybe I'm just bitter. :p

-Old-fashioned; good care + bad care decides your character. Seriously?


-Characters from EVERY ( :rolleyes: ) generation of Tamagotchi (ex. version 1, 2, 3, etc.) included.

-More job offers instead of just being a "Music Star". Concept from v4.5!

-More games! More fun! More time-wasting!

-Here's the craziest idea EVER: vibration to notify your Tamagotchi needs attention. No, just kidding.

Leave your comments here! What can be added, what can be taken away? Yes, I know Bandai won't get this advanced, but it's a future idea... ;)

Yes, wouldn't it be nice to have a Tamagotchi that does everything all the versions do, compiled into one? Here's why it probably won't happen and why I don't think it should happen. First, I don't think the Music Star is very "limited" at all. It's a different approach, sure, but chock-full of stuff to do, nonetheless. Passing the auditions is easy by following the simple instruction that they give you from the get-go: practice. Practice always makes perfect. I've never had a problem with it. You keep your stress down low, skills don't even need to be all that high, and you just practice.

Second, as someone who's grown up with the vintage Tamagotchis, I resent your statement about "old-fashioned" Tamagotchis! :angry: Shall they be cast aside because they're deemed too simple??? Never forget your roots, that's what I always say. Never forget that if it weren't for those vintage Tamagotchis, we wouldn't even have all these Connection ones in the first place. From my perspective, that's the way a character you get SHOULD be decided: based on the type of care you give it, not all this mumbo-jumbo about even/odd number generations, having to keep track of care misses, etc. Just as simple as, did you take good care of it or did you take bad care of it? I am open-minded, I'm not a rigid, old-schooler who only plays with the vintage ones, I have my share of new ones too...but seriously though. Give credit where credit is due. Some of the newer ones even pay homage to the older ones by going back to the basics of care.

My last issue with this: do we really need something that's more "time-wasting?" I mean, WHY? A Tamagotchi is meant to be a fun thing to do now and again, not something that takes up all of our time. Why would you want to waste time??? There are scores of people out there who would do anything to have MORE time, to take back time. In my opinion, getting a Music Star to pass the judges takes no time at all. So if you don't even have time to do that, you won't even have time for something that's more of a "time-waster!" The most fundamental thing about a Tamagotchi is caring for a pet. Honestly, if it had more games, more jobs, ALL the characters (how big do you think the Tamagotchi will be then, just to accommodate all of the character pixels, data, and functions?) it would be a bit of a hassle. Why stop there though? When is it ever going to be enough, with so many varying tastes out there? Why not add on vibration, just like you said? Better yet, let's suggest they make a bigger screen, have it back-lit, more icons, more buttons, have a short, make it almost like a smartphone! :rolleyes:

Phew, why do I always tend to write so much? ;) Well, I don't mean to offend anyone or anything like that, and I certainly don't want to bash anyone, but I'm just giving my two-cents. What I understand is that Bandai has seriously come a long way. I honestly didn't think it would come all this way, past all its humble beginnings. What I don't understand is why people aren't just satisfied with what's out there already.

P.S. The Tama-Go JUST came out. I don't get why there's a sudden surge of ideas for a new Tamagotchi already.

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I like to read long posts, so for me it's fine!

I like the features just as they are, and I think every tamagotchi version is different and wonderful. For the past years, though, I've been having a fun time trying to learn in almost all tamagotchi names, and I'd love to have more charachters in the tamas! Like several different babys, different egg types and more familys and so would be great! Just like the Suku tama.... :rolleyes:

Ouch, OldSchoolTama. I was sarcastic when I said it was a time-waster... :eek: Anyways, the surge of ideas was INSPIRED by the Tama-Go! :D And I always waste my time on it, and I call it "wasting time" pretty much because I spend over 40 minutes on it, to get my skill points to maximum. I'm sorry if I offended you somehow.

When I see the Tamagotchi compared with animation and interactive tools online, it somehow drove me to think of these ideas; and then I see the Tama-Go, and it's HUGE. :lol: I was kinda disappointed with that! I'm not saying the old versions were BAD, either; I thought they should just have put everything together, and sales would rise in a flash--there's so many different possibilities of characters, it's exciting. The Music Star, which you all know came after the Familitchi, had much LESS characters than Familitchi, and less games; there are only 3 games from the Games menu.

This feels like my debate class, lol. And I would enjoy it if the Tamagotchi evolved into a smartphone. That would be awesome.

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Ouch, OldSchoolTama. I was sarcastic when I said it was a time-waster... :D Anyways, the surge of ideas was INSPIRED by the Tama-Go! :eek: And I always waste my time on it, and I call it "wasting time" pretty much because I spend over 40 minutes on it, to get my skill points to maximum. I'm sorry if I offended you somehow. When I see the Tamagotchi compared with animation and interactive tools online, it somehow drove me to think of these ideas; and then I see the Tama-Go, and it's HUGE. :D I was kinda disappointed with that! I'm not saying the old versions were BAD, either; I thought they should just have put everything together, and sales would rise in a flash--there's so many different possibilities of characters, it's exciting. The Music Star, which you all know came after the Familitchi, had much LESS characters than Familitchi, and less games; there are only 3 games from the Games menu.

This feels like my debate class, lol. And I would enjoy it if the Tamagotchi evolved into a smartphone. That would be awesome.
I was being sarcastic when speaking about the smartphone idea. :D Tone definitely doesn't translate well online. ;) Anyway, you didn't offend me! The point I wanted to make is that there's always going to be some little thing people don't like about each Tamagotchi. I too am a bit surprised at how big the Tamagotchi has become ever since the '90s when it could just fit unnoticed in your pocket but you know, things grow on me. I see what you mean by "time-waster." I like to do that too, get the skill points up to their highest in a short amount of time. I tend to think of it as more "time-consuming." It's more "positive"-sounding that way, lol. :D It would be cool to put all the functions of the vintage Tamagotchis together, but Bandai would probably have to make huge changes as far as their factories go, I think, because making vintage Tamagotchis involve different parts. Also, how do you know sales would rise in a flash if that happened? What if it got to the point where it costs so must just to make this super-advanced thing, that the profits don't even make up for it? Bandai wouldn't go for that. Anyway, we all have our differing opinions and it's fun to talk about all of them. No harm done, right? :lol:

Bandai will probably never ever use the v2 characters again since they were from a debugged connexion. :/

From my perspective, that's the way a character you get SHOULD be decided: based on the type of care you give it, not all this mumbo-jumbo about even/odd number generations, having to keep track of care misses, etc. Just as simple as, did you take good care of it or did you take bad care of it?
My thoughts exactly. XD

The whole skill points and odd/even generation thing was too much in my opinion.

My thoughts exactly. XD
The whole skill points and odd/even generation thing was too much in my opinion.
Right?? Admittedly, it's a nice touch and it allows for more interaction and all, but it does make me miss the simplicity of the ancestor Tamagotchis (thank goodness for Ebay). Especially when I'm logged on to Music City, trying to level up my CDs to 4th Gotchi Gold just to try and get the secret characters. :lol: I'll feel so good when I get them though. :D

Hmm... I don't know. I admit I am quite impressed with out Bandai got this far, when I took apart my Music Star. The coding is amazing, but it's the features (games, items) that really got me down. The Tama-Go's design was laughable. I thought it was over-sized at first, but when I went to Smith's Marketplace to take a look, I found they were more laughable than I thought they were. They were extremely over-sized, would not fit into your pocket, and I suppose was meant for home use only. :puroperatchi:

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