My Amazing V5 Log!


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[SIZE=30pt]40th Post![/SIZE]


Yay! It's my 40th post in my log! Also with 700 views. :D Thank you to all my readers for making this log as progressive as it is! Also thanks to all the nice PMs I get about it. You guys rock!


Tyler and Taylor are vacuuming the house. :lol: Too cute.


Thanks Again,

Tama Mama :lol:

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Hello! They're still teenagers. I imagine they will change to adults tomorrow and will be ready to marry by the 21st the latest. That's a good thing because one of them is getting married the 23rd! Yay. :rolleyes:


My New Find- Playing the Golf Putt game and Shoe Pairs does not give you happy hearts; the Tea Time and TV Surfing games, however, does. Don't understand why . . .




Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 4

Bonds Percent: 20%

Family: Blended Family

Taylor; daughter: Ichigotchi

Liam; son: Bakutchi

Tyler; father: Memepapatchi

Suzie; mother: Mamametchi

Money: $4340

Stage: Teenager


Also, Suzie and Taylor were vacuuming the house this morning. Cute. ;)


[SIZE=13pt]My Projects[/SIZE]


Currently, I have two projects.

  • To make a V5 character chart [that project is three-quarters done!]
  • To make a Tamagotchi Forum! I'm working on it! It's coming out pretty good . . .
Okay, well I am going to school tomorrow because I am no longer sick! I'm taking them along. Check back soon for new posts! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :wub:

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[SIZE=13pt]They Grew![/SIZE]


Hello! Today was good. I woke up to my two little adults welcoming the morning . . . seriously! They were sitting by their window and instead of the moon and stars, there was a sun! It was adorable! Also, like I said, they're adults!

  • Taylor: Potetchi
  • Liam: Mukugetchi

Cuties! Haha. Just cleaned up some poop. Fun! Haha. :D


I'll add more later. I'm going to work on the Mento family's family tree! :p


Tama Mama :p

Welp, Easter's right around the corner! I still haven't deiceded if I should get Taylor or Liam married. Hmm . . .


The Mento's welcomed in the sun again this morning. -_- I also noticed that at night the curtains are hanging down and in the morning it's tied back. Love that animation. :marumimitchi:


Status Check!


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 4

Bonds Percent: 20% [will get those a lot higher by tomorrow]

Family: Blended Family

Taylor; daughter: Potetchi

Liam; son: Mukugetchi

Tyler; father: Memepapatchi

Suzie; mother: Mamametchi

Money: $4410

Stage: Adult


Okay, going to go work on their family tree now! Bye!


Tama Mama :gozarutchi:

Hello! 4th page with over 800 views and 46 posts! Wow. Taylor and Liam are good. Suzie and Tyler were just smooching. :wub:


Tama Mama :blink:

Hello! The Mento family is great right now. Last night, I was pretty busy so they changed to the petite family. I changed them back but as most of you know, the parents stay petite. I'm upset. I'm trying to find a way to get them back. I got nothing so far. :( Oh well, at least they're happy now.


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 4

Bonds Percent: 20% [i'll be working on that!]

Family: Blended Family

Taylor; daughter: Potetchi

Liam; son: Mukugetchi

Tyler; father: Petioyatchi :hitodetchi:

Suzie; mother: Petioyatchi :lol:

Money: $6410

Stage: Adult


Okay, they're good right now. They were just vacuuming the house. How cute! :ph34r: I'll update soon.


Tama Mama :(

Hello! Yesterday my two friends [tamatama2005 and Kyliexoxo] came over and we all connected tamas. :D My brother and sister [xhanachi~lover0 and CoOL_TaMa13] also connected. Fun fun. :blink:


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 4

Bonds Percent: 40%

Family: Blended Family

Taylor; daughter: Potetchi

Liam; son: Mukugetchi

Tyler; father: Petioyatchi

Suzie; mother: Petioyatchi

Money: $5030

Stage: Adult


I saw Tyler and Suzie eating bananas this morning. :lol: Cute. Well, I'll update later!


Tama Mama :lol:

Hello! Happy Easter Saturday! I'm going to be writing in Easter colors today and tomorrow. I love Easter! :p But! I am sad. Because . . . I have been so busy getting ready for Easter that the Mento twins became the Ninja family! Grr. I changed them back of course but as you know, the parents stay that character. Grr. Poor Tyler and Suzie!




Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 4 [soon to be 5 :) ]

Bonds Percent: 40%

Family: Blended Family

Taylor; daughter: Potetchi

Liam; son: Mukugetchi

Tyler; father: Kasiratchi

Suzie; mother: Okugatchi

Money: $5130

Stage: Adult


Well, the Mento's were very busy today! Maybe they were getting ready for Easter too! I saw them vacuuming, taking a shower, and getting ready for bed. There was more but I don't really remember what else. Haha.


Oh yay! The hatch is tomorrow! I'm so excited. I think I'm getting Taylor married. Not a definate yet though. I'm still thinking . . . Well, I think this is going to be my last post about the fourth generation, so they say bye!


[SIZE=13pt]Expectations for Generation 5[/SIZE]

  • 100% bonds
  • Getting a pure family
  • Never getting a neglected care family
I hope I can live up to my expectations!


Okay, I'll update tomorrow, aka Easter, and tell you all about the hatch! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :D

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Hello! Today is the big hatch! I already hatched my tamas. :) Let's explain what happened. I clicked the Dating Show and chose Taylor. She met an adorable Nemutchi and then she said goodbye to her mother, father, and brother. They all cried. :) Then they started to kiss and there were fireworks. Then there were three eggs! They hatched and I had two boys and a girl! They're growing up into toddlers right as we speak!

  • Boy #1 = Teddy = Mattaritchi
  • Girl = Daphodil = Tororotchi
  • Boy #2 = Peter = Ahirukutchi
I named Peter after Peter Cottontail! Haha!


Of course, the mother and father evolved too! Taylor transformed to a Mamapatchi and the father, who I named Justin, transformed into a Papatchi! That's perfect because they're both from the Kuchi family! I want a Kuchi family! Haha.


New Stats!


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 5

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Teddy; son: Mattaritchi

Daphodil; daughter: Tororotchi

Peter; son: Ahirukutchi

Justin; father: Papapatchi

Taylor; mother: Mamapatchi

Money: $3370

Stage: Toddler


Okay, the Mento family is great right now! I'll probably be back to update tomorrow! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :D

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Hello! I just cleaned up the Mento's poop. Fun, fun! Then I fed them a bit. I got some mail, too!


Hello, I was just reading your V5 log, and I thought I'd mention how organized, and well written it is.And I also love the Twilight books.



WHO DOESN'T LOVE THE TWILIGHT SERIES?! I can't wait for the fourth book to come out in August! :( Haha, back to my tamas! I'm updating my family tree. I'll post it here soon.


Okay, I'll update a little later if I get the chance! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :p


PS. My last post was my 50th post and I have over 900 views! Thanks to all my readers! You rock!

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Hi! Currently, Taylor and Teddy are vacuuming the house. Let's eavesdrop on their conversation! Here is the code I will use:

  • Taylor = Lime Green
  • Teddy = Blue
Sweetie you missed a dust bunny in that corner!

Mommy! You're driving me insane!

Teddy, we're getting company soon for Easter! I want this house to look spotless! CHOP CHOP!

*Rolls Eyes* Yes ma'am!


Okey dokey! Haha. I'll update tomorrow, maybe later if I can! Thanks for reading and have a very Happy Easter!


Tama Mama ;)

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Hi everyone! Yesterday was fun! Haha!


I woke up to Taylor and Justin eating bananas. Then, right before I posted this, Teddy and one of his parents [didn't get a good look at who . . .] were rading the fridge! I guess they wanted some more reeses because they didn't get enough yesterday! Ha! Well, I just cleaned up some poop. Here are their stats;


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 5

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Teddy; son: Mattaritchi

Daphodil; daughter: Tororotchi

Peter; son: Ahirukutchi

Justin; father: Papapatchi

Taylor; mother: Mamapatchi

Money: $3420

Stage: Toddler


Not much different . . . but at 12:00 pm which is in about a half hour, they're bonds should go up to 10%. I'm going to try to train them as much as possible before school starts again. Okay, I'll update later! Bye!


Tama Mama :wacko:

Hello! I really like this color I've been writing in . . . I think I'll make it my main color! At 12:00 the Mento's called for training and so I let them build with blocks. Now we're up to 10% bonds. Yay! Also, I'm sad to say that my sister's V5 broke from all the times she has dropped it. :wacko: It always resets itself. We were in the car and my sister said, "Ugh! It reset again!" Then it beeped again and she said, "AGAIN!" Then it started beeping, non-stop and she starting going, "AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN! AGAIN!" It probably beeped 20 before she was allowed to hatch again. My poor sister. Haha. Alright, I'll update later!


Tama Mama :D

[SIZE=27pt]1,000 Views![/SIZE]


Hi! I'm so happy! Do you want to know why?! WHY WOULDN'T YOU?! My log has 1,000 views! I'm so excited! Thanks so much to all my readers! Also, I became a Mini Mod on Tama Fama! Yay!


Right now, Teddy and Justin are vacuuming. Probably cleaning up that big "party" they had yesterday! Haha.


I trained the Mento family twice since the last time I posted so now I have 20% bonds. Cool!


Okay I'll update soon!


Tama Mama ;)

Hi! Yesterday, the triplets were doing a lot of animations I noticed! They were vacuuming, talking to the fridge, taking a shower/bath, and then lastly they were watching the moon. I woke up this morning an hour and a half after they did. They were still good. I cleaned up their poop and then fed them. We played Tea Time and then they played with their new double dutch bus and the radio that belonged to my first generation, Bella, Edward, and Christy. They're good now and I imagine they will be calling for training in about 15 minutes. I've been paying a lot of attention to their training . . . I WANT A PURE FAMILY! Haha.


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 5

Bonds Percent: 20%

Family: Blended Family

Teddy; son: Mattaritchi

Daphodil; daughter: Tororotchi

Peter; son: Ahirukutchi

Justin; father: Papapatchi

Taylor; mother: Mamapatchi

Money: $820

Stage: Toddler


I imagine they will turn to teenagers today. Cool! Okay, I'm going to check Tama Fama because I got moved up from Mini Mod to Global Moderator! AWESOME!


Tama Mama :furiwatchi:

Hiya! We got bonding up again 20% and they morphed to teens! Here are their characters:

  • Teddy = Korokotchi
  • Daphodil = Shelltchi
  • Peter = Mamekatchi
They're cute and seem to like their new forms! And, like I said, bonding is now 40%! Yay!


Tama Mama -_-

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Hi! I got scared that I lost my tama today. I heard it beep as if it pooped and I started looking for it and couldn't find it underneath all my homework books or in my pocketbook. I have a big report due tomorrow and at the time it was still unfinished so I started working on it again. Then when I was done, I started searching again and I finally found it! Haha, it fell between my desk and my bookshelf! They're back now and are going to bed soon. Here are their stats:


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 5

Bonds Percent: 40%

Family: Blended Family

Teddy; son: Korokotchi

Daphodil; daughter: Shelltchi

Peter; son: Mamekatchi

Justin; father: Papapatchi

Taylor; mother: Mamapatchi

Money: $3820

Stage: Teenager


I imagine they will turn to adults tomorrow! I really hope I can get a Mametchi, Memetchi, Kuchipatchi, or Violetchi so I can get a pure family! And, the funny thing is, I had a Violetchi twice [one of those times I even had 100% bonds!] and I didn't get that one married for a pure family! Grr. Oh well. Haha. Welp, my tamas just fell asleep. Good night! I'll see you at 7 am! Haha. I wonder why Bandai made them wake up so early! If on a weekend I forget to turn the sound off . . . haha.


By the way, if anyone has IPBFree and knows how to add moderators, please PM me! I need help! I want to make someone on my forum a moderator . . .


Okay, I'll update tomorrow. Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :furawatchi:

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Hi! Sorry I haven't wrote in a while! But the Mento's are adults now. Here are their characters:

  • Teddy = Nemutchi
  • Daphodil = Yonepatchi :rolleyes: :eek:
  • Peter = Mumutchi

I'm so excited that Daphodil is a Yonepatchi because once I get 100% bonds I can get her married to a Kuchipatchi and then get a Kuchi Family! I'm so happy!! :D Stats!


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 5

Bonds Percent: 40% [will get up soon!]

Family: Blended Family

Teddy; son: Nemutchi

Daphodil; daughter: Yonepatchi

Peter; son: Mumutchi

Justin; father: Papapatchi

Taylor; mother: Mamapatchi

Money: $3820

Stage: Adult


Okay! Well I made a new forum! It's coming out pretty good! I can't wait to really get it up and running! Also, like I said, if anyone knows how to make a person a moderator, PLEASE PM me how! Do I make them a Super Moderator? Hmm . . .


I'll update later. I'm going to try to update more often too. Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :D

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