My Amazing V5 Log!


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Hi! I got a PM:


hey! Im a big fan of ur log. I really like it. I have a log myself , but its not nearly as good as yours.

I really apprectiate PMs like this! Thanks A.M.S102!


The Mento's are good. They're sleeping!


Tama Mama



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Hi! I have some bad news. I slept late this morning and woke up to find ninjas! I was so upset. I changed them back but now as you know, I can't fulfill all of my generation 5 expectation. Boo hoo. Haha. Stats:


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 5

Bonds Percent: 40%

Family: Blended Family

Teddy; son: Nemutchi

Daphodil; daughter: Yonepatchi

Peter; son: Mumutchi

Justin; father: Kasiratchi

Taylor; mother: Okugatatchi

Money: $3820

Stage: Adult


Tomorrow Daphodil will be ready to marry, but unless I magically have bonds up to 100% by then, she won't go on the Dating Show. I'll work really hard to get bonds up today. 15 minutes until they'll call for training! Haha.


By the way, I found out how to get moderators on my sight which is now running. We need staff by the way . . . hint hint. Haha.


Okay, thanks for reading! I'll update a little later!


Tama Mama :furawatchi:

Hmm...tama_20, welcome to Tama Talk! I see that you have just joined today and I imagine you are not familiar with the rules. Well, what you just posted in is my log. It's like a journal where I post everything new happening with my tamagotchi. It is against the rules to post in other people's logs. If you are interested in making your own log like mine, you can start a new topic and get posting! Like I said though, it is against the rules to post in other people's logs, so we would appreciate it if you didn't. I would love to see your log if you ever made one! ~Tama Mama



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Okay, now that everyone is clear on NOT posting in my log, guess what! I reached 100% bonds! Oh yeah! Looks like Daphodil is getting married tomorrow after all! Now, if you're wondering how I managed to do it in less than three hours, I cheated! Haha. I'm so excited!


Tama Mama :D

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Hi guys! Guess what! Daphodil was ready to marry today! I made sure I had 100% bonds and then I went to the Dating Show. By the time I got to my twelfth attempt to marry her, I was getting really annoyed that a Kuchipatchi wasn't coming. By the fourteenth time, something different came. A Planetchi was there instead of the Matchmaker, Ms. Busybody. He offered a Sunnytchi. As I said, this was my FOURTEENTH time, so I was tired of trying. I hestitated on hitting CANCEL or MARRY, but my sister persuaded me to hit MARRY. When I did, the usual happened and then the Sunnytchi turned to a Planetchi and Daphodil changed to a Mamapatchi. Then one egg appeared. I waited for it to hatch and when it did, it was a different little baby than what I was used to. It was a girl Iwatchi. It was cute, and even though I didn't get my Kuchi family, I was happy. Then about an hour later, she changed to what looked like a Star. She was a Hoshitchi. Let's talk names now.

  • Planetchi = Sunny
  • Hoshitchi = Star
Pretty appropriate names, huh? Stat check:


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Generation: 6

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Star; daughter: Hoshitchi

Sunny; father: Kasiratchi

Daphodil; mother: Okugatatchi

Money: $3870

Stage: Toddler


Okay, Star is sleeping right now. I'll update tomorrow! As of now, I'm going to update the family tree. Bye!


Tama Mama :p

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Here is the new and improved Mento Family Tree! 6 Generation Edition! Haha.


>The Mento Family Tree!


Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama ;)



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Hey! I just trained little Star. She is good right now. Here are her stats:


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Generation: 6

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Star; daughter: Hoshitchi

Sunny; father: Kasiratchi

Daphodil; mother: Okugatatchi

Money: $3920

Stage: Toddler


I don't really have much to say right now, so I'll update later!


Tama Mama :furawatchi:



Okay, picture this: I'm at KB Toys with my mom getting my sister a new tamagotchi. They had tons of designs. I really wanted another one . . . I had some birthday money saved up, and WALA! Now I have a new Cookie Dough V5! I am so excited! So, to you I introdice the Cooky family! I will be talking about them and the Mento family. But for now, I can't write anything. I will give tons of updates later!


Tama Mama :(

Hey! Sorry I left you without information in my last post. I'll explain now.


[SIZE=13pt]The Cooky Family[/SIZE]


Before I even got out of the car I opened my new V5. I pulled out the tab and waited a few minutes for them to hatch. When they did, I set the time, my birthday, and named them the Cooky family. I then fed them. When I checked, I had two girls and a boy. After an hour, they turned to toddlers. Here are their names/characters:

  • Girl #1 = Lilly = Belltchi
  • Boy = Kirby = Mattritchi
  • Girl #2 = Alyssa = Sakuramotchi

I finally got a Belltchi! I never got one of them before and they are so adorable! Stats!


Family Name: Cooky

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 1

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Lilly; daugher: Belltchi

Kirby; son: Mattaritchi

Alyssa; daugher: Sakuramotchi

Money: $40

Stage: Toddler


[SIZE=13pt]The Mento Family[/SIZE]


I really don't understand why Star is still a toddler . . . this is her third day of being a toddler. Hmm . . . stats!


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 6

Bonds Percent: 10%

Family: Blended Family

Star; daughter: Hoshitchi

Sunny; father: Kasiratchi

Daphodil; mother: Okugatatchi

Money: $4090

Stage: Toddler


Star is good right now. :kuribotchi:


[SIZE=13pt]Plans for the Future![/SIZE]


Well, here are the plans! I am going to get one of the Cooky's married to my brother's tamagotchi. We are not certain on any details yet. Sorry. And, I am going to get Star married to another member of the Space family so I can get a pure space family! Yay! Pure family!


Okay, this long post is finally over! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :kuribotchi:

Star finally evolved into a teenager! Now she looks like a moon!! Haha. She is a Mikazukitchi. Now I'm tempted to name her Luna . . .


Tama Mama

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Hi guys! I got some mail!


Woo, your log is absulotely cool! Sorry for my grammar, I'm still in middle school! I love your log! My sister (Lilangelbby1998), said that your log was cool! I'm so tense, I'm pounding on the keybourd that u can't type really well! I'm soo hyper from all that log reading! Cool!



Okay, well there really haven't been any major changes with the Cooky or Mento family. From now on for stats, I will underline the family names so you don't get them confused.


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 6

Bonds Percent: 10%

Family: Blended Family

Star; daughter: Hoshitchi

Sunny; father: Kasiratchi

Daphodil; mother: Okugatatchi

Money: $4090

Stage: Teenager


Family Name: Cooky

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 1

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Lilly; daugher: Belltchi

Kirby; son: Mattaritchi

Alyssa; daugher: Sakuramotchi

Money: $70

Stage: Toddler


I expect that the Cooky's will turn into teenagers a little bit later. Maybe around 4:00pm, 5:00pm. That's just what I think since I hatched them around 4:30pm on Sunday. I'm not sure if they evolve the same time they hatched though. As for Star, I think she will turn to an adult tomorrow. I believe she will be a Sunnytchi like her father was.


Okay, I will update later with teenage characters for the Cooky's if they do evolve. Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :furawatchi:



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[SIZE=13pt]We Have Teens![/SIZE]


Yay! The Cooky's are teenagers now!

  • Lilly = Ichigotchi
  • Kirby = Bakutchi
  • Alyssa = Shelltchi
Yay! :eek: Also, new bonds!

  • Cooky's = 10% bonds
  • Mento's = 20% bonds


Tama Mama :p

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Hi! Guess what! We now have an adult in the tama family! Star evolved into a lovely Sunnytchi! She is so cute. :) Stat check!


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 6

Bonds Percent: 20%

Family: Blended Family

Star; daughter: Sunnytchi

Sunny; father: Kasiratchi

Daphodil; mother: Okugatatchi

Money: $4120

Stage: Adult


Family Name: Cooky

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 1

Bonds Percent: 10%

Family: Blended Family

Lilly; daugher: Ichigotchi

Kirby; son: Bakutchi

Alyssa; daugher: Shelltchi

Money: $70

Stage: Teenager


They're going to sleep in 2 minutes exactly! Haha. They're great right now and I expect the little ones [the Cooky family] to turn to adults tomorrow. Yay! I hope I get a character I can get a pure family from. But I have to get those bonds up . . .


Kay, I'll update tomorrow! Thanks for reading.


Tama Mama :D

Hello! Sorry I didn't update yesterday . . .




The Cooky's turned to adults yesterday! Yay!

  • Lilly = Watatchi (soon to be Makiko!!)
  • Kirby = Uhyotchi
  • Alyssa = Potetchi

Yay! Stats;


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 6

Bonds Percent: 30%

Family: Blended Family

Star; daughter: Sunnytchi

Sunny; father: Kasiratchi

Daphodil; mother: Okugatatchi

Money: $4270

Stage: Adult


Family Name: Cooky

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 1

Bonds Percent: 20%

Family: Blended Family

Lilly; daugher: Watatchi

Kirby; son: Uhyotchi

Alyssa; daugher: Potetchi

Money: $270

Stage: Adult


Okay, I'm going to go use the Girl Dresser to turn Lilly to a Makiko! Bye! Also, my forum is up and running so if you are interested in becoming a staff member on it, PM me and I'll see if you qualify!


Tama Mama :eek:



Hi fellow Tama Talkers! Today, I noticed that the Cooky's and the Mento's were both ready to marry today! Star was ready to marry first. I wanted to get two Space partents and then have a space child, but after a while I got bored of waiting and when a Mametchi was offered, I hit yes. I got three eggs.

  • Girl #1 = Sakuramotchi = Summer
  • Boy = Mousetchi = Alex
  • Girl #2 = Tororotchi = Autumn
  • Mom = Planetchi = Star [obviously!]
  • Dad = Papamametchi = William

I really can't write any more, sorry! I will update more about the Cooky family tomorrow! Sorry!


Tama Mama :D

[SIZE=13pt]Continuation from Yesterday[/SIZE]


Okay. Sorry I didn't get to finish that post yesterday. Let's see the 7th generation Mento family stats:


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 7

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Summer; daughter: Sakuramotchi

Alex; son: Mousetchi

Autumn; daughter: Tororotchi

William; father: Papamametchi

Star; mother: Planetchi

Money: $4340

Stage: Toddlers


Okay, now let's talk about the second generation Cooky family!


First of all, I changed my Watatchi to a Makiko. She was adorable of course. Then I got her married. She changed to a Majorite and her husband changed to a Memepapatchi. Then three eggs appeared. When they hatched there was two boys and a girl. I currently do not have names for them but I will be thinking. :angry:

  • Boy #1 = Ahirukutchi
  • Girl = Belltchi
  • Boy #2 = Mattaritchi
  • Mom = Majorite = Lilly (obviously)
  • Dad = Memepapatchi
Okay, now let's see some stats!


Family Name: Cooky

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 2

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Un-named; son: Ahirukutchi

Un-named; daughter: Belltchi

Un-named; son: Mattaritchi

Lilly; mom: Majorite

Un-named; dad: Memepapatchi

Money: $360

Stage: Toddler


Okay, I just trained the Mento's and Cooky's. They're both still at 0% bonds. Okay, thanks for reading this long post! Haha. I'll update tomorrow.


Tama Mama ;)


PS. PAGE SIX! WHOOP WHOOP! Thanks so much to all my readers for helping me get this far! Plus, almost 1,600 views! WOW!

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Hi everyone! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days! I have a lot to tell you all! First of all, I got the Mento's and the Cooky's married. Now I'm on 8th generation for the Mento's and 3rd generation for the Cooky's. 8th generation is my new high! :furawatchi: I wonder how high I can get. Anyways, let's talk about the Mento's first. At adulthood, here were their characters:

  • Summer = Watatchi
  • Alex = Uhyotchi
  • Autumn = Lovezukinitchi
So I got Summer married. She married a Mukegetchi who I named Harry. When they transformed, Summer turned to a Mememamatchi and Harry turned to a Papapatchi. Then one egg appeared. When it hatched, it was a boy Omututchi I named Kenny. About an hour later he turned to a Ahirukutchi. That's what he is now. I imagine he will turn to a teenager tomorrow. Here are his stats;


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 8

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Kenny; son: Ahirukutchi

Harry; father: Papapatchi

Summer; mother: Mememamatchi

Money: $4050

Stage: Toddler


Kay, he is good for right now. :furawatchi:


Now let's talk about the Cooky's! I just got them married this morning so they're still babies. They'll probably transform while I write this though! Haha. Okay, well in my last post, my tamas were toddlers who didn't even have names yet. Well I gave them names and they went from toddlers to teens to adults. Here were their names and adult forms:

  • Boy #1 = Uhyotchi = Casper
  • Girl = Watatchi = Kayla
  • Boy #2 = Hatugatchi = Steve
Okay, I married Casper. He got married to a Watatchi named Ally. Then Casper changed to a Memepapatchi and Ally to a Mememamatchi. Then they had three eggs. When they hatched, we ended up with two boys and a girl. Here are their characters, I didn't come up with names yet:

  • Boy #1 = Omututchi
  • Girl = Omututchi
  • Boy #2 = Futabatchi
Okay here are their current stats;


Family Name: Cooky

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 3

Bonds Percent: 0%

Family: Blended Family

Un-named; son: Omututchi

Un-named; daughter: Omututchi

Un-named; son: Futabatchi

Ally; mom: Mememamatchi

Casper; dad: Memepapatchi

Money: $460

Stage: Baby


Okay, thanks for reading! And once again, sorry it's been so long since I've updated!


Tama Mama :furawatchi:

Hi guys! I'm so sorry I haven't written! My tamas are adults at the moment and I'm getting them married tomorrow. Since it will be too hard to get you guys caught up on what's happening with them right now, I will not post info about them. I will start writing about their kids tomorrow. Also, tomorrow is the last day before Spring Break (yes!) so I will have a lot more time to spend with my tamas! Yay! Once again, I'm really sorry for not updating! I'll update tomorrow after school. :(


Tama Mama :(

Hi! I was in the middle of writing yesterday but I had to get off and do my chores. :D Haha. Okay, so before I write about my new generations, I will tell you about the generations that I didn't log about.


Mento Family Generation 8:


Like I mentioned, I married my tama Summer to Harry. They had one egg. That egg was a boy who I named Kenny. Kenny grew up into a Mukegetchi. Then he got married to a Lovezukinitchi who I named Lucy. Kenny turned to a Papapatchi and Lucy turned to a Mamametchi. They then had two eggs; a boy and a girl. I didn't name them yet.


Cooky Family Generation 3:


Okay. I married my tama Casper to Ally. They had three eggs. There was a boy who turned to a Mukugetchi and I named him Mumble. There was a girl who turned to a Potetchi and I named her Larissa. And there was another boy who turned to a Hatugatchi and I named him Arthur. I got Larissa married to a Nemutchi who I named Nemo. Larissa turned into a Mamapatchi and Nemo turned to a Papapatchi. Then they had three eggs; two girls and a boy. I didn't come up with names yet.


Okay, I'll update soon about the new toddlers!


Tama Mama :angry:

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Hi! I just told you all about the parents of my current tamas! Now I'll talk about my new tamas.


Mento Family

  • Boy = Mousetchi = Mickey
  • Girl = Tororotchi = Minnie

Cooky Family

  • Girl #1 = Tororotchi = Daisy
  • Boy = Mattaritchi = Donald
  • Girl #2 = Sakuramotchi = Ariel

Disney themed tamas this generation! Okay, stats!


Family Name: Mento

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 9

Bonds Percent: 0% [soon to be 10!]

Family: Blended Family

Mickey; son: Mousetchi

Minnie; daughter: Tororotchi

Kenny; father: Papapatchi

Lucy; mother: Mamametchi

Money: $4200

Stage: Toddler


Family Name: Cooky

Happy: ♥♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥♥

Generation: 4

Bonds Percent: 0% [soon to be 10!]

Family: Blended Family

Daisy; daughter:Tororotchi

Donald; son: Mattaritchi

Ariel; daughter: Sakuramotchi

Larissa; mom: Mamapatchi

Nemo; dad: Papapatchi

Money: $630

Stage: Toddler


Okay, in a half hour, 12 pm, I will train them and they will get 10% bonds! Yay. Okay, I'll update later! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :D
