My Angelgotchi won't beep for praise


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Sep 25, 2006
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Hi, I have a mobile-versioned Tamagotchi Angel. Currently it is in the Maruten stage. As far as I had him, he had not beeped for praise any time. I've already read that Maruten will never beep for praise, just you have to check it eventually. I do so, but he never asks for praise. This is a problem because I can't obtain the healthy characters like Kuriten and so on (I had a Taraten).

Can you help me?

Thank you.

For Angels in the toddler or teen stages, you do have to check quite regularly for praise opportunities, unfortunately. They don't beep for praise until the adult stage. I often catch mine by accident (if at any time at all) because I'm also running around doing my daily things and don't have the chance to check it all the time. Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with yours. You may just need to check it a little more often. In any case, I'm not sure how it is on the mobile version, but in my experience, I found that praise is not a main factor in getting a healthy character. Keeping the AP/TP all the way up all the time usually does it for me, regardless of the amount of praise I give it.

By the way, you mentioned that you've gotten Taraten, which means that you must have first had the unhealthy teen character, Taroten, right? There are a few members on the site, myself included, who have been discussing theories on how to get certain unhealthy characters because it seems like we're always ending up with the healthy ones without even trying. You can find the thread HERE. If you get a chance sometime, would you mind dropping by and giving us your two cents on how you usually get the unhealthy characters? In other words, we kind of fail at failing and would like a little variety in the characters we get. :D Thanks!

(I will try my best to help.) ^^;;

I have two logs (One Old and One New) that include information about my experience with both Tama Angel and Tama Monster Apps.

If you want to read them... feel free to find them or PM me.

I actually have the app also and am currently on my third round with it.

First time:: I got Takoten > Pukaten > Futagoten. (He passed away when the lights went out.)

Second time:: Takoten > Pukaten (He left for home the next afternoon)

This is my third time and I finally got Kodoten > Ginjiroten.

I actually caught my Kodoten doing a good deed for the first (and only) time two days ago. (Still have not seen ANY of my Angel go on a walk.)

The App unfortunately does not Beep nearly as much as it should. Even as an adult you will probably not get beeps for praise.

You will have to hope that you catch one of those rare times. (Ginjiroten has been with me two days and Not beeped once and he is Adult.)

Another good idea is to keep the little bit of Deed you start with. (Try not to let the Bat steal the candy.)

Referencing the unhealthy characters. I recommend keeping the AP at the HIGHEST possible value.

Even with my AP up and Full Hearts I still got Ginjiroten (Who I wanted)... but getting Kodoten was a huge success!

The longer I use the App (especially keeping the screen open at all times) the Luckier I get with Events and Characters.

Keep trying and please do look at the link OldSchoolTama posted. If possible, I would love for you to join the experiment (whenver it starts)

It would be nice to have more input from someone else with the Angel App for future reference (Like this).

Good Luck! (Hopefully I have helped some, or at least given you a bit of hope for future Gotchi.)


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Guys, YOU ARE AWESOME! Never in my life I had such good, complete and fast answers in a forum. Thank you so much! :D

Ok, and... answering yours:

@Phnx0313: Ok, I will take your advice. I will have the TamaAngel app running all day and keep an eye on it very often. Thank you :)

@OldSchoolTama: Hahaha, it's kind of weird you are asking for help on geting unhealthy characters, but they are still cute. No problem ;) . As you say, I had Takoten, after Maruten, and then Taraten. Remember this is my first time with the app (even with an Angel) so this was not premeditated. I gave it normal care except for 3 things:

1) I never raised its angel power, even a bit, because I never noticed anything of it and did not read de intructions xP. I think, not sure, that I noticed and started raising the angel power in the last day the tama was a Takoten :eek:

2) The deeds. They wiped away because I did not knowed how to get rid of the bat (now I know xD).

3) The Tama waked up and started its day at 9.00 a.m. I usually get up a 11.00, so that, the Tama usually had two hours with nobody taking care of him. When I woked up, the Tama had two poops and the angel power and hungry and effort meters discreased a lot.

I resume, I think I gave it some kind of bad care.

Hope it helps!

PD: I wish I had a real Angelgotchi. Maybe, I could order one for Xmas. I Hope so!! <:3c

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Glad we had the chance to help! :) Thanks for the tips! I'll pass them along and try them out myself as well. It'd be cool if you got an Angelgotchi and I hope you get one soon! There are always a lot on Ebay, usually ranging $25-35, including shipping.

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