My Awesome V4 Log!


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Oh wow! I just realized that the whole time I was writing my log, I would write of course or something, and spell the word "course" wrong! Wow! Sorry for that!


Of course,

Tama Mama :blink:


PS. Can a guide please delete all posts that are not posted by me? [there should only be one!] Thank you!

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Mail Updates:


Alex got a fortune which read three stars for money, two for love, and one for muscle man. Then a robber came and stole 300 p.


Shane got a fortune which read two stars for money, love, and muscle man. Then, he got a poo. I'm playing some games with him to get his happy hearts back. Haha.


Well, I'll update tomorrow! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :blink:

Hi! Let's start today off with some mail updates. There always seem to be one of those:



Alex got a fortune. It's kind of embarresing..haha.


Money: One star

Love: One star

Muscle Man: Two stars


Then she got a poo. HOW ANNOYING! :(



Shane's fortune was a lot better than Alex's [no offense Alex!]


Money: Three stars

Love: Two stars

Muscle Man: two stars


Then he got a visit from the King and got 1500 p!! Wowza!


Now let's talk about Alex.


Alex is so adorable. I can't get over her. I think she wanted to say something.


Hi guys! My name is Alex obviously! I'm so happy to finally get to post something! Tama Mama is an awesome caretaker! I'm so lucky to have her! When I have a baby, I'm glad Tama Mama will be the one taking care of it. Bye for now!


Aww! Thanks Alex. I love taking care of you and can't wait to take care of your baby. We just played Jump rope together and got 30 jumps! Yay Alex! Let's take a look at her stats now:


Name: Alex

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Intelligence: 35

Arts/Fashion: 43

Social/Kindness: 20

Age: 4 yrs

Weight: 21lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 13620

Character: Hanatchi :(

Stage: Adult

Teacher: Mr. Canvas


Well that's all I gotta say about Alex for now! Now let's talk about Shane.


Hi! Today, I learned that you can still train your tamas even when they are oldies! Shane got scolded twice today because he was making this face like he wanted something but all his happy and hunger hearts were filled. I punished him and then got a training point! Then he did it again! Haha. Well, Shane wants to say somehting too:


Hi guys! My name is Shane! Wow, I've been talked about here since I was a "youngster" and I never got to say anything! Well, all I have to say is that Tama Mama is a great care-taker and treats me very well. I'm very thankful for that.


Thanks Shane! It's great to know I'm appreciated! Let's take a look at your stats:


Name: Shane

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||||

Funny: 109

Georgous: 72

Spiritual: 118

Age: 10 yrs

Weight: 31 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 12370 p

Character: Ojitchi

Stage: Oldie



I'll try to update later but I'm not sure if I'll be able to. I definetly will by tomorrow though. Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :eek:

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Hey people! Let's make this post short and sweet. I have some bad news. I was really busy this morning so I left my tamas alone for a little while. Alex and the triplets [my V5] were fine with a few dropped hearts but Shane wasn't. He passed away. :mellow: I guess oldies need attention more often. I'm going to reset him a little later. But for now, here's some info on Alex:


Name: Alex

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Intelligence: 42

Arts/Fashion: 43

Social/Kindness: 22

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 31 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 14220 p

Character: Hanatchi

Stage: Adult

Teacher: Mr. Canvas


Alex is good right now.


I'll do some mail updates later! Bye!


Tama Mama ^_^

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Hiya! I reset Shane. :huh: Now, I introduce to you, AMBER! Let's do some mail updates now! [by the way, color schemes are the same, Amber is blue just like Shane.]




Fortune -

Money: One star :huh:

Love: One star :huh:

Muscle Man: Two stars


Then she got a poo. I shall repeat, HOW ANNOYING?!


Ooh, [!] mail! Do I see job offers in Alex's near future? Aw, darn. No job today. I chose all the jobs I wanted and got none of them. :huh: Boo hoo. Here were the offers:


-Clothing Store

-TV Studio





Let's see what we're offered tomorrow!



Amber went to pre-school! Ms. Frill also gave her a backpack. Amber had fun. :huh:


Well, let's see Alex's stats:


Name: Alex

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Intelligence: 44

Arts/Fashion: 50

Social/Kindness: 35

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 21 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 15820 p

Character: Hanatchi

Stage: Adult

Teacher: Currently Unnemployed


I just played a bunch of games with Alex. I didn't realize she was 10 lbs over weight! Haha. Not anymore!


Well, Amber is sleeping right now. She is a toddler. Here are her stats:


Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Funny: 12

Georgous: 8

Spiritual: 6

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 11350 p


Stage: Toddler

Teacher: Ms. Frill


Like I said, Amber is asleep so there's nothing much more to write!


Nothing more to report. I'll update tomorrow. :huh:


Tama Mama :D

Hiya! Let's start off with some mail updates!


[SIZE=13pt]Mail Updates[/SIZE]

Alex: Alex got two fortunes, a poo, and more job offers! But, I took too long and the screen went away. Boohoo. Let's try again tomorrow. Haha. Ooh, another mail update, I just checked my mail agin! I got a fortune with two stars for each catagory, a robber who stole 100 p [not that bad I guess], and more job updates! Here were the offers: Clothing store, bakery, hairdresser, fire fighter, and TV studio. I ended up with being a fire fighter. Seems like a mismatch but Alex seems to like it.


Amber: Amber got a visit from the King. She got a present. Not sure what it was . . . *checks to see if it's in the food section . . .* it's not a food. Let me check items; empty? Hmm. What about souveniers . . . nothing. Hmm, interesting. Wait, I check snacks, but not meals. Let's check that! FOUND IT! It's noodles!! Mm!




Name: Alex

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Intelligence: 49

Arts/Fashion: 57

Social/Kindness: 35

Age: 6 yrs

Weight: 21 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 16920 p

Character: Hanatchi

Stage: Adult

Job: Fire fighter <_<


Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Funny: 16

Georgous: 12

Spiritual: 12

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 11 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 12150 p


Stage: Toddler

Teacher: Ms. Frill


[SIZE=13pt]Random Stuff[/SIZE]


Hi! It's Alex here! Guess what! My mom let me in on a little secret; she said I might get married and have a baby tonight! I am so excited . . a little nervous though! I wonder if my baby will be a boy or a girl, what should I name it? What will my husband be? Some many questions, so little answers! :mellow:


Yes, Alex is very excited. I expect the matchmaker to come tonight. I'll definetly post if she does. Just before, Alex was sitting once again, under the stars in the snow with a snowman. That's my favorite V4.5 animation.


Hi! My mom let me in on a secret, too! She said I might grow into a teenager either today or tomorrow! Are you as excited as I am?


Haha, Amber is excited about turning into a teenager. I'll post here when she evolves of course!


Well, sorry my post was so long today!! I'll update later! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :D

[SIZE=13pt]New Family Member[/SIZE]


Yup, that's right, we have a new family member! The matchmaker came to Alex at 7:00 pm and Alex got married to a lovely Kuchipatchi. She now has a beautiful baby girl. I'll think of some names. Alex wants to say something.


Hi! My little baby is too cute to be real! [Goo goo ga ga!] I'm just ecstatic!




[SIZE=13pt]New Forms . . . [/SIZE]


Amber is now a teenager! She is so adorable! She is a beautiful Ura Young Memetchi. She has something to say.


Hi! It's great being a teen! I love my new form! I can't wait to see what my life as a teenager holds for me!


I'll update more tomorrow! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :rolleyes:

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Hi! Alex and her baby and Amber are doing good today. I'm still trying to pick out a name for Alex's baby. I'll do a poll. Anyways, let's do a mail update!


[SIZE=13pt]Mail Updates[/SIZE]


Alex got a fortune that said three stars for money, two stars for love, and two stars for muscle man. She also got a visit from the king. She got a present which was a pencil. Aww!


Amber got a fortune that said one stars for money, two stars for love, and three stars for muscle man. She also went to school very sad. She saw Mr. Turtlepedia, her teacher. Mr. Turtlepedia talked and Amber listened with a frown. Then, Mr. Turtlepedia started to laugh and Amber made a face that looked like this: :lol: . It was hysterical! Then, Mr. Turtlepedia gave her a present which looked like some sort of party hat. Aww. Amber got more mail too. She got a visit from the King. She got a present which was a juicy steak! Amber was very happy!




Name: Alex

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Intelligence: 57

Arts/Fashion: 59

Social/Kindness: 40

Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 21 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 18220 p [i should donate some to the King . . .]

Character: Hanatchi

Stage: Adult

Job: Fire fighter


Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||

Funny: 30

Georgous: 12

Spiritual: 18

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 16 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 13450 p

Character: Ura Young Memetchi

Stage: Teenager

Teacher: Mr. Turtlepedia


Okay, I'll update more later! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :lol:

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Hello! Let's do a mail check, shall we?


[SIZE=13pt]Mail Check[/SIZE]


Alex: A fortune with three stars for money, two for love, and two for muscle man, and a visit from the King! She got a present; it was a shovel! [Perfect for all that snow outside!]


Amber: A fortune with two stars for money, three for love, and two for muscle man and a visit from the Kind. She got a present, honey! How sweet!


[SIZE=13pt]Alex and April[/SIZE]


Hello! As you can clearly tell, I decided to name Alex's baby April. I think it's an adorable name. Also, Alex is leaving tonight. :( Boo hoo. I'm really upset. Well, at least I'll be able to call her on April's cell phone and visit her at Tama Town. I just bought her a melon, something extra special for her last night here. Let's see her stats:


Name: Alex

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Intelligence: 63

Arts/Fashion: 61

Social/Kindness: 47

Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 21 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 17780 p

Character: Hanatchi

Stage: Adult

Job: Fire fighter


Well, I guess this will be my last post about Alex. :(




Amber is sleeping right now so I don't really have much to say. Here are her beloved stats!


Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Funny: 36

Georgous: 18

Spiritual: 18

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 16 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 14250 p

Character: Ura Young Memetchi

Stage: Teenager



Well, I'll update tomorrow! Bye!


Tama Mama :blink:

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[SIZE=13pt]Welcome April![/SIZE]


Welp, Alex left baby April last night. April woke up at 10 am and started to cry. I named her and then fed her and played a bunch of games of Jump. She has needed a lot of care after that. Then, I just praised her because she was crying. She is adorable, none-the-less! So, WELCOME APRIL!




Let's check April's stats!


Name: Alex

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Intelligence: 9

Arts/Fashion: 4

Social/Kindness: 11

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 7 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Point: 19160 p

Character: Babytchi

Stage: Baby


She's good right now. It's been an hour since she woke up so I expect her to grow soon.




Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥

Training: |||||

Funny: 36

Georgous: 18

Spiritual: 18

Age: 2 yrs

Weight: 16 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 14250 p

Character: Ura Young Memetchi

Stage: Teenager



Okay, I'm going to fix her happy/hunger hearts as soon as I finish this post.


I'll update later! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :nazotchi:

Hey! Let's not do a mail check right now. We'll do that in my next post.


[SIZE=13pt]Growth Spurt![/SIZE]


Well, Amber and April both grew! [April actually grew twice since last time I posted!] April is a lovely Ichigotchi :blink: and grew to that from a Mohitatchi [i believe that's the correct spelling . . .] and Amber is a Purimatchi! She looks like an angel! Haha.




Name: April

Happy: ♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥

Training: ||

Intelligence: 14

Arts/Fashion: 20

Social/Kindness: 14

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 18 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Point: 21380 p

Character: Ichigotchi :)

Stage: Teenager


I'm going to fix her hearts after this post.




Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥

Training: |||||||

Funny: 36

Gorgeous: 30

Spiritual: 30

Age: 3 yrs

Weight: 32 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 15950 p

Character: Purimatchi

Stage: Adult



I'll fix her hearts after this post as well as April.


Thanks for reading! I'll update later!!


Tama Mama :D



Well, as everyone knows, school is back and it's worse than ever! Haha! Well, I knew it would be hard to bring all 3 of my tamas to school and make sure they're all happy and healthy and fed but I didn't know it would result in death!!!! I am so upset. I mean, I'm not a bad owner, you guys know that, it's just that it's so hard to take care of them during school! I suppose I should leave them at home sleeping . . . yeah I think I'll start doing that. Anyway, from now on, I will not be writing about:




Ughh, I'm so upset.


I'll update soon on the new baby and give you a mail update on Amber. Bye.


:D :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :unsure: :blink: :blink: :lol: :( :( :( :(


Tama Mama :kuribotchi:

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[SIZE=13pt]The New Baby . . . [/SIZE]


*Sigh.* I'm still so upset about April. :furawatchi: Well, now I'm going to reset my tama. It's a cute little egg. It's jiggling and stuff. Waiting . . . waiting . . . waiting. IT HATCHED! It's a beautiful baby boy. Let's name him . . . [spends a long time thinking hard] JEFF! Okay, let me type that in. Now I'm going to feed and care for him. Okay now let's do those well-loved mail updates! ALSO! I'm going to write about Amber in pink now, and Jeff in blue. I switched them.


Amber: Fortune with two stars for money, one for love, and three for strength. And the King came for a visit! We got a present; a fruit!


Jeff: mailbox empty




New Stats!


Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||||||

Funny: 51

Gorgeous: 30

Spiritual: 38

Age: 4 yrs

Weight: 31 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 17270 p

Character: Purimatchi

Stage: Adult

Job: Currently Unemployed


Amber survived school! Haha. I plan to leave her home tomorrow sleeping. Just in case.


[SIZE=13pt]Introducing Jeff![/SIZE]


New Stats!


Name: Jeff

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥


Intelligence: 8

Arts/Fashion: 2

Social/Kindness: 5

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 7 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 20910 p

Character: Babytchi

Stage: Baby


Hmm, why do I feel those hearts will go down as soon as this post is done? Well, I know that Jeff and future generations will go very far! I just know it.


Well, I'll update again later! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :chohimetchi:

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Hello!! Today was a better day than yesterday . . . school wise. Haha. Well, I took my tamas to school but used the sleep trick. I left them in my coat pocket in my locker. I was relieved that I didn't have to worry about my tamas not being cared for. Well, here is a beloved Mail Check!


[SIZE=13pt]Mail Check[/SIZE]


Amber: Fortune = 2 stars for money, 1 star for love, and 3 stars for strength. She also got a snake. GRR!!!! And last but certainly not least, she got [!] mail! Maybe some job offers and Amber's near future? Yup, I was right! Job offers! Here is what she got offered: a place with a heart in front [called what?], a Travel Guide, Kindergarten, Florist, and a Bakery. The first job I clicked was the Bakery and that's what she got!


Jeff: Fortune = 2 stars for money, 3 stars for love, and 1 star for strength. He also got a heart. Aww. Then the nanny, Ms. Frill came and took Jeff to Kindergarten! He recieved a backpack!




New Stats

Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||||||

Funny: 58

Gorgeous: 36

Spiritual: 42

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 30 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 18170 p

Character: Purimatchi

Stage: Adult

Job: Bakey


I'm going to take Amber to work. [A few moments later] Back! It was cute. She took her chef's hat to the Bakery and we used a crane to pick up the treats that was pictured.


TIP- If you work at the bakery, you know that it can be a little annoying waiting for the slow converyor belt to move. Well, click the A button to make the conveyor belt move faster. When you see the treat you need to pick up, release the A button and it will slow down. Hope this helps you guys a little!




New Stats

Name: Jeff [do you notice how I always mix up names in the stats?!]

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Intelligence: 10

Arts/Fashion: 3

Social/Kindness: 9

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 10 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 21410 p

Character: Putchitchi

Stage: Toddler


Well, Jeff evolved! He is now an adorable Putchitchi! I expect him to turn to a teenager tomorrow. He is probably excited. :eek:


Well thanks for reading! I'll update more later or tomorrow!


Tama Mama :(

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[SIZE=13pt]New Characters![/SIZE]


Hello! Sorry I haven't written in a while. I have been busy. But, Jeff eveolved twice since I last wrote.


Jeff was a Putchitchi. Then he evolved into an adorable Young Androtchi. I was confused at first because I thought it was the adult one at first. I was wondering when it was ever a teenager! Then I realized it was a teenager! Haha. So then it evolved into an adult a few days later [probably about 2 days later]. I am VERY proud to say that Jeff is now a [drumroll please!]




Yay. I'm so excited. It's my second one.


Well, I can't talk about mail or stats right now. I'll talk about all that and Amber soon. I actually expect Amber to get a isit from the match maker either today or tomorrow! Yay. I'll update probably tomorrow at the latest! Thanks for reading!!


Tama Mama ^_^

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Hello! Let's do a status check and some mail updates!




New Stats

Name: Amber

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||||||

Funny: 65

Gorgeous: 37

Spiritual: 72

Age: 9 yrs

Weight: 30 lbs

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Point: 20890 p

Character: Purimatchi

Stage: Adult

Job: Bakey


Mail: She got a fortune that had two hearts for money, one heart for love, and three hearts for strength. She also got a visit from the King. She got money! 400 p!


Some News: Well, Amber got married last night at 7:00 pm! The matchmaker came and she got married to a Ura Kuchipatchi! They had a baby boy. I better start thinking of names for him because Amber is leaving tonight!




New Stats

Name: Jeff

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||

Intelligence: 31

Arts/Fashion: 13

Social/Kindness: 20

Age: 3 yrs

Weight: 32 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 24070 p

Character: Mametchi

Stage: Adult


Mail: He got a fortune that said two stars for money, three for love, and one for strength. He also got a poo. UGH!


News: He is doing good right now.


Okay, well thanks for reading! I'll update later!


Tama Mama :p

Hi! Let's get right down to buisness!


[SIZE=13pt]Amber's Baby[/SIZE]


Well, as you all know, Amber had a baby! She left her name and I came up with the name Ryan [with the help of my sister!]. He is now a teenager! Wow, they grow up so fast! He turned into a teen today, but he was a Kuchitamatchi as a toddler.




Well, Ryan turned into a teenager today! He is a lovely Daiyatchi. It's a diamond! Yay diamonds! :ph34r: :lol:




Okay, I'm not going to be talking about Ryan in hot pink! I'll be writing in green for him from now on. Here are his stats:


New Stats

Name: Ryan

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||

Funny: 44

Gorgeous: 14

Spiritual: 16

Age: 1 yr

Weight: 16 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Point: 26120 p

Character: Daiyatchi

Stage: Teenager


Mail: He got a fortune with two stars for money and love and three stars for strenght. He also got a poo. GRRRRR! First he got [!] mail and he said goodbye to the nanny as his teacher. Then he got another [!] mail. He got to pick his teacher. He picked Ms. Flower. :lol:




Hmm, I expect Jeff to get a visit from the Matchmaker either tomorrow or the next day. Yay! Here are his stats:


New Stats

Name: Jeff

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||

Intelligence: 54

Arts/Fashion: 32

Social/Kindness: 35

Age: 5 yrs

Weight: 32 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 26700 p

Character: Mametchi

Stage: Adult


Mail: He got a fortune that had three stars for money, two for love, and two for strength. He also got a poo. GRRRR!!!! If I get one more of those . . .


Haha, I'm connecting Jeff and Ryan and they're playing ball. Aw.


Well, sorry this post was so long! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :(


Edit: Thanks to Lilangelbaby1985 for clearing up any confusion!

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Gr, I'm angry! I just spent a long time typing up a new post [which was kind of long!] and it all got deleted! I'm not going to do mail updates or stats right now because I don't feel like typing it all again. I'll just write that the matchmaker came to Jeff like I suspected. He married a Violetchi. :huh: They had a beautiful baby boy. :lol: Well, thanks for reading!


Tama Mama :huh:

Hiya! I'm not doing a mail check today. They bore me. Haha.




He's still a teen. I wonder if he'll turn to an adult tonight . . . ah well I doubt it. Probably tomorrow.


New Stats

Name: Ryan

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Funny: 65

Gorgeous: 26

Spiritual: 16

Age: 2 yr

Weight: 16 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Point: 28510 p

Character: Daiyatchi

Stage: Teenager


He's good for now.




This is going to most likely be my last post about Jeff. :eek: He is leaving tonight. Well, I'll get to take care of his beloved son. I still have to think of a name for him . . .


New Stats

Name: Jeff

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |||

Intelligence: 66

Arts/Fashion: 37

Social/Kindness: 44

Age: 7 yrs

Weight: 32 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 28320 p

Character: Mametchi

Stage: Adult


Aw, I had to distrupt a bath to get those stats. Haha. Sorry Jeff!


Okay, I'll update tomorrow!


Tama Mama :angry:

Hello! Sorry I haven't written in so long!!! 5 days to be exact. Yeah . . . Boy do I have a lot to tell you!




So, Ryan was pretty young last time I wrote. Now he's an adult who is getting married tonight! Wowza! He is a Celebtchi. He kind of looks like a girl . . . sometimes I forget he's a boy . . . Shhh, don't tell him I said that!


New Stats

Name: Ryan

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: ||||

Funny: 115

Gorgeous: 49

Spiritual: 24

Age: 7 yr

Weight: 1628 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 2

Point: 33210 p

Character: Celebtchi

Stage: Adult


I'll post later with updates! :D




Well, last time I wrote, Jeff was here with his son who was just a baby. Well, Jeff left the baby and I never got to post about the baby's childhood. :( Currently, Jake, the name of the baby, is an andult! Wow. Here is some info about his childhood:


Toddler: Unknown; sorry

Teenager: Hawaubitchi [looks like a tooth!]

Adult: Debatchi



New Stats

Name: Jeff

Happy: ♥♥♥♥

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥

Training: |

Intelligence: 17

Arts/Fashion: 16

Social/Kindness: 36

Age: 73 yrs

Weight: 33 lbs

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Point: 30720 p

Character: Debatchi

Stage: Adult


Jake is good right now. :)


Okay, well I'll update soon! Thanks for reading!


Tama Mama B)
