My best friend...


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2007
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This guy I like who sits next to me in all my lessons sounds as if he likes me. My best friends were saying I should make a move, but I'm to shy. It's really awkward. Then one day he was coming close to me, nudging up to me in lessons and he rested his head on my shoulder pretending to fall asleep. It was magic, I swear! Later that day my friend, Victoria told me she had a crush on him, and I was like :D . I told her I liked him and she asked me if I would say no if he asked me out. I was just shocked then. She usually asks me not to talk to people she doesn't talk to but this was a little over the top. Now she isn't talking to me after I said no and we've been best friends for years. All over a boy! :)

That's a toughy. :huh:

Just remember - You've been friends for years. When did this guy come into the picture? As cliche as it sounds, you should put your friends before your crushes. If they're a good friend, they'll stick with you and be by your side, no matter what.

However, your friend is being selfish and a bit unreasonable. If she was set in the right frame of mind, she would be happy for you and your crush getting closer, and back off. The way you described her sets me to think that she's jealous and a bit competitive.

The best thing you can do is sit down and talk to her. Explain to her that you don't want a boy to come between you two - you've been through too much for that! Tell her that if your crush ever askes you out, it could be a big opportunity for you and it's not something you would want to turn down. Show her the converse. If your crush asked her out, would she be willing to turn him down for you? How does she feel to be put in your position?

If she doesn't understand, she doesn't understand, and it's her loss. Eventually she should come around.

I know! The last few days before she wasn't even going near my crush, then she see's him with me and starts on me. I don't get it. I've tried talkin to her but she says she can't believe that I'd pick him over her... I didn't even say I would say yes! I sent her an e-card saying BFFL but she still won't talk to me. Crud!

Go for the boy! He might like you! If you get the boy a real best friend would be happy for you. If you get him and your friend is still your best friend keep in mind she is a real best friend.

well....... i don't know what to say but think about it you two are best friends for many years!!! well that's all just think about and umm... post when yo were good friends again hehe... i just want to know

and if your sad jsut visit this site

and search moymoypalaboy

i hope i help♥


As much as I know the situation, it's rather unlikely she loves him. ;]

Anyway, I've had it happen... It happens.

The best thing you can do, really, is decide who is worth more to you. The boy, or your best friend?

.. In my life, Angelina is worth more than any guy.

The rest of them... eh.

<3 Keep on going, it gets better.

In my eyes, a true friend wouldn't ask you to turn down a boy so she can go after him.

The 'courteous' thing to do would be to say no, but not because your friend likes him. Because you don't want a boy to ruin your friendship. Especially if you've been friends for years.

I think you and your friend need to sit down and have a mature discussion about this guy. Maybe you can agree for one of you to date him, or for neither or you to and to just drop it.

That's a toughy. :p
Just remember - You've been friends for years. When did this guy come into the picture? As cliche as it sounds, you should put your friends before your crushes. If they're a good friend, they'll stick with you and be by your side, no matter what.

However, your friend is being selfish and a bit unreasonable. If she was set in the right frame of mind, she would be happy for you and your crush getting closer, and back off. The way you described her sets me to think that she's jealous and a bit competitive.

The best thing you can do is sit down and talk to her. Explain to her that you don't want a boy to come between you two - you've been through too much for that! Tell her that if your crush ever askes you out, it could be a big opportunity for you and it's not something you would want to turn down. Show her the converse. If your crush asked her out, would she be willing to turn him down for you? How does she feel to be put in your position?

If she doesn't understand, she doesn't understand, and it's her loss. Eventually she should come around.
I think that this is really good advice. Listen to Cinderpelt :p .

Ah...I've had my fair share of experiences like this. I've been in both places, too; yours, and your friend's. Here's how I have, and would deal, just some tips from experience (sigh :( ).

For You-Like Cinderpelt said, is this girl really your best friend if she is throwing everything away over some guy :huh: ?!? Considering that I have acted this way before (when I was younger, and still getting a handle on my feelings) I would suggest that you give your friend some time. She may just be dealing with a bad case of jealously-believe me, I have felt this way too. But don't give her too much time, though. If she doesn't come around soon and apologize, you may want to start looking for some new and more loyal firends :( .

For Her-I'm guessing that your friend really likes this guy. A lot. She's probably feeling jealous, angry, and completely torn apart. I'm also guessing that she isn't very good at coping with these kind of feelings, considering the way that she's been acting toward you :p . This is the wrong way to go, ignoring you the way that she is. Even if she is feeling down in the dumps, the best way for her to act is to hide these feelings for the guy you like, especially if you two get more serious. It is very painful :( , but it is worth it. It saves the risk of hurting your friendship. It is worth it. Have you ever heard the song "Beauty From My Pain"?

However this ends up, good luck to the both of you. Never let a boy come between you and a friend. Remember that :p .

[SIZE=8pt]Oh my gawsh o_O[/SIZE]


That's almost exactly the same as what happened to me -.-

My 'best friend' always copied me, so when I told her I liked this guy, couple of days later, she likes him too. It was tough but we both got by.

We were just happy for each other when he laughed with us, etc etc. A boy shouldn't get in your way.

Now, 2 years later, I think I might still like him. She claims she does. In fact, I was talking to him on IM last night, and I told her, and she's not allowed on at the mo', so she text me saying 'I hate you :mad:'.

She didn't mean it, and I'm used to that anyways.


But this isn't about me, it's about you!

I agree with Cinderpelt and Memetchi Dreamer. Give your friend some space and time, it's really hard for friends to like the same boy. But let her know you're not turning your back on her (are you?), because when she comes round, she'll need a friend's shoulder.

As for the boy, let him decide which of you two he likes best. That is, if he likes you in that way. Guys are really hard to understand, you need to know that - he may just think of you as a friend :D

But I doubt that ^.^

Anyway, your crush might wear off sometime. You won't like him forever, even if you think you will.


I wish you the best of luck


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[SIZE=8pt]I've been having the same problem, I like this guy but my friend, I think, likes him too.[/SIZE]

The best thing to do is tell your friend how you Really feel, and that she's still the number one you're going to talk too.

But follow what your heart thinks, who's more worth it? Really :D


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