My brother talks in his sleep


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2007
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IT's 1:50 AM right now and my brother (6 years old) is sleeping on the couch behind me. He started muttering something that sounded like it could pass for Japanese. Then he said really loudly "Did The Plane Land Now?" or something like that. MY mom sometimes has to sleep with him if he has a nightmare or something and I don't get how we never wake up from him (sometimes I sleep on the other sofa in the same room)

It was weird and it scared me to death.

Do you guys know anybody who talks in their sleep. LOUDLY.

I use to kind of talk in my sleep. One time I was at an overnight with my friends and she was screaming stuff in her sleep. It was soooooo annoying!

Yes. Oh gosh. Once I was sleeping in my brother's room on the floor, and in the middle of the night, he sat up, and said loudly, "Raise the Buffalo ship!!". o_O That was a little weird. xD

Another time he was sleepwalking and said "Have... to destroy... Dad!"

Lol. Weird.

One time I was having a seepover at my house. All of a sudden one girl yells, "I AM YOUR FATHER!" really loudly. :rolleyes:

MY SISTER. And I have to share a room /bunk bed w/her. luckly i brought a swimming noodle into my bunk (the top) and I hit her really hard whenever she's snoring or sleeptalking. :l

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One time my sister and I were invited to a sleep over and her sleeping bag was right next to mine,

And she started screaming "IT'S MY GREEN CUPCAKE" and started kicking everywere....

She was about 13 at the time and I was like 9. I will never forget that night xP

xD that sounds hilarious!

I have been told that I talk in my sleep.

My sister said that I said "pickle" when we had to share a room for christmas (my aunt was sleeping in my room) and I fell asleep while she stayed awake.

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