my brothers tamagotchi


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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
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alright my brother just got a new tama for xmas its version 4

i have been looking for a photo of it on thet net i havent seen one

and i have been looking for like 4 hours !!

its a reddy orange colour with blue, green,orange then yellow circles

it has lil drawing of something an the buttons match the background

have yous hard of one looking like that??


how come most of the v4's pictures dont have beads on them?

i know this one isnt a fake becuase we brought it at toy world

The ones without beads are for the USA market. Most of the pictures you're finding on the internet are of those for the USA market.

there are different versions for different regions... each design is used to distinguish which region it's from. for example, the american V4s say "tamagotchi connection" above the screen and have a keyring, and the UK ones just say "tamagotchi" above the screen and have a ball chain. the asian ones have beads like the one that your brother has. i bought a V4 in singapore over the summer and it sounds just like the one that your brother has :mellow:

i know abotu different one from different regions i have look everyway for it and have seen i think all of them from austrilia but i have never seen this one
the image tags arent working :D
Wow! I have never seen a Tamagotchi like that... Where's the 'Tamagotchi' sign or 'Tamagotchi Connection' sign? Or does it not have one? :)

:) 0o-Raspberry-Tama-o0 :furawatchi:

it doesnt

but on the back it says bandai and it also logs in to tamatown so i dont think its a fake

Ooh, okay. Nope, it's a real Tamagotchi, not fake.

Hmm... That's one awesome Tamagotchi. May I ask where your brother got it for Christmas? :)

:) 0o-Raspberry-Tama-o0 :furawatchi:

um i dont know my mum brought it for him and right know she is working

i was talking to my sister and she said that it was the only one (of the design) left

Oh, okay. Well, it is definately real, and I suppose you could call it rare. I mean... I've never seen it, but that could be because I'm in the UK, so maybe certain parts of the world wouldn't have seen it anyway.

Very cool design, though. Unique and colourful. :)

:blink: 0o-Raspberry-Tama-o0 :furawatchi:

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i know its a connexion because thats what all australiain tamagotchis are called but that still doesnt explain why its a different design and doesnt have the word tamagotchi on it

i wish it was mine but alas its my brothers im just looking after it for him. My tamagotchi's have been put away by my mum because, i at that moment was too busy to look after them and so was she and now she cant remember where she put them

the only explaintions i can thnik of if A it was prototype (not the game it self but a prototype of the shell design) or B (this is less likely) they have a compertion going that they havent announced yet and whoever gets the speical shells wins a prize

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