My childhood's v3


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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2015
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When I was 11 (on my 11th birthday) my parents took me to a bigger town (bigger then I live in) which has a hypermarket. I can't closely remember how I found out about Tamagotchis but I knew this store had them. I found out their stall and picked up the last one, the white one with pink flowers. I gazed in awe at the device in its package as I rode the car home with them. We stopped at my dad's father's apartment where I got scissors to open it up. I had my cousin with me as well, but she (1 year older) didn't even bother to look at my precious new baby. As soon as I set the date, it showed a 'Happy Birthday" animation. I was thrilled to take care of my first tama. I took it everywhere with me, even the bathroom while taking a bath (keeping it far away from the tub, of course). Once though, it didn't survive my bath. I accidentally shoved it into the open toilet. It stopped working. I cried a lot that evening. Afterwards I bought a different one, it was a pink v4 but it disappeared in unknown condition. Years from that, when I was in 1st year of middle school, I saw a v4 on the rack in a toy store in my town. I grabbed all my pocket money and went to buy it. I had it for a year, then my interest in it withered and I kept it on the bottom of a box that contained various stuff I don't use anymore. In 3rd year of high school, I found my v4's instruction sheet with personal notes and I started to miss my v4. but I couldn't find it. Being a noob in Tamas, I bought a TF online. It wasn't worth it. It was nothing alike. Finally, in January 2015 I found a used v4 in my country. I felt happy that I had this, but it wasn't the right shell, anywAYS I was happy. A P's and an iD L later, I missed my v3 so I added it to my wishlist on a Polish forum. The admin of the forum sent me a link to an auction that had my dream v3 in the perfect shell for 5$ plus a Kuchipatchi case. I got it, and I'm now very happy.

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