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Jul 12, 2006
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poestenkill NY
Dear Diary,

Huh.... I wrote a letter that my dearest Evani can read in tama heven. Here it is:

Dear Evani,

Life wasn't as fun as I thought it would be when you left. It has been quite some time now. Did you know that I got a new tamagotchi, and I am getting another tomarrow! It is sad to me that you didnt get to see your child Emily grow up. She has now passed to! And she gave me a beautiful baby boy I named Laton. You are a grandma and a Great Gandma! Your Grandchild Laton Got married! He got married to a ever so beautiful tamagotchi named Cathy! Cathy and Laton are happily in Tamatown enjoying life as we know it. They were very sad to leave their 2 baby girls named Alice and Betta. They cried the day Laton and Cathy left! And so did Emily when you were forced to leave her. I think she missed you! Alice and Betta are both Hashitamatchi's and they are 1 year old. I will definatly miss them! Betta keeps giving Alice poop! You were a very athoritave tamagotchi and I know you would not stand for it!!! But kids will be kids! I remember when you were a baby, you opened your first Chest and turned into a Megatchi! And then you turned back. But afterwords, a couple of days later, you DID change into a Megatchi! I remember when you fell in love with Momo. My friend kayla's Tamagotchi. I love you! And I hope you see Momo sometime soon!!!

Love, Carolyn.

So as you can see, we loved each other. I cant believe she left, and I missed it! When she did leave I was reluctant to find a single 'Z' at the side of the screen..... It is a moment I will treasure.

I will see you later oh Diary of mine!

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Edited: hello_bunny, I've edited the title of your log to remove "you can reply". We actually do not allow replies to logs other than by the person who created it. i.e. you! Other members are more than welcome to PM you or if you really wish for people to reply then you can always join our affiliate site Blogagotchi*

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