My Dream Tamagotchi


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Well-known member
Mar 23, 2020
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This is my dream tamagotchi:

Called: Tamagotchi World

What it does: Go to school, go to work, travel around the world, start a business, make friends around the world (have to be on internet), talk to people around the globe (also internet access), buy new houses, etc...

Houses: I get bored to where you have to have another tamagotchi ON, friends, 4U, etc to be able to visit friends! I wish you could travel around the world to where your friends are, then buy a house or "Air-b&b." When you go to school, I wish it was like as you grow up, you go to different schools. It would look like this:

Baby: Elementary School

Toddler: Middle School

Teen: High school

Adult: Collage (You don't have to go to collage)

When you go to collage, I wish there was a dorm for you to live in! You could have roommates from around the world and talk to them (Using the chat icon, which a bubble appears above your head if you use it). In your house I wish you could interact with it! Here's what I mean by that:

If you click the door icon, it will allow you to do things. So, let's say you are in your house/ dorm/ etc, and you want to go somewhere. Well, if you click the door icon, it will have options like:

Go to bathroom

Go to kitchen (Which you can cook the food there)

Go to room 

Go to _______'s room (Which if you click this, you will knock on their door (on their screen if they are connected to the internet they will have something appear on their screen saying: _______ wants to come into your room. Allow? Yes, no, come back later (if the person is not connected to the internet, the person who knocked will look at their door and their door will say: "Sorry, person is not connected to the internet. Come back later!" Something like that.) Whatever the person chooses is what the door will tell the person who knocked) and that's what will happen).

_______ (Some other icon, like living room)

Go outside

It depends where you are at the moment as to what it will show you. If you click go outside it will put you to where ever the entrance is (like if you are in a dorm, it will put you in a hallway with other doors that you can knock on). Outside could be the porch of your house, or the entrance of a cafe! 

Talking: You can use the chat icon (which looks like a bubble with 3 dots in it: to talk to others. You may type a minimum of 20 letters, so the bubble doesn't take up the whole screen. You can talk with other people around the world! You can also bump too, and do certain things with your bump partner! Here are the options whenever you press the chat icon:

Talk (which is the one that you use to talk to other people around the world)

React (Sends a reaction above your head, like a mad emoji)




If you choose bump, here are the options:

Visit house


Play games (Which you on both of your screens you can play games together)

Propose (If one person chooses propose, after you do whatever the other person choose, you will propose and they may say yes or no. If you both choose propose, then you will go to a place (like a park), and one of the tamas will propose, and the other one will immediately say yes! 

If you choose to marry, on this you MAY (You don't have to) have same gender marriages. Sorry for the people who don't support this, but you do not have to use this option!  

If someone starts to say bad words or bad things, you can block them using the Block option in the chat icon. The way you do this is you type their username (you can find their username by pushing the people button, which tells you everyone who is in the room with you) and then you press enter. Then, you cannot hear them. Another way is to report them, you do this by going to the TamaWorld website (which is not real, but if it was I would call it that) then clicking the report button after looking up their username. Then you type their username in, and the Tamagotchi workers will look at the chat log.

Your tamagotchi: On the profile icon (Looks like this: is where you can check out how your tamagotchi is doing, what it's name is, hobby, career/school, generation, money, how old it is, etc. When you click on the profile icon, it will say:




 If you click on profile, it will show your tamagotchi's hearts (How hungry/happy it is), it's currency (How much money it has), and your birthday (the one you put in at the beginning). 

If you click Name it will show where your tamagotchi is going to school/work, it's hobby (which will have an icon something depending on what its hobby is. For intense if you love art, the icon would be: Then you press the A button to go to the next page and it will show how old you are, what generation you are on, and your tamagotchis name (I would add more, but this is all I can think of of right now).

In this tamagotchi you can have one tamagotchi, twins, annnnd... TRIPLETS! If you have twins or triplets, the first one born is the one who will do the talking. You can give your tamagotchi any name (Whenever the are born, just like the tamagotchi ON or other tamagotchis) and whenever you go to the name section, there will be your tamagotchi(s) name there. Also, your tamagotchi will mix, just like the tamagotchi ON, meets, 4U, etc. 

That's all for today! Come back tomorrow for more about my dream tamagotchi!  :wacko:  

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Thank you guys for the support! If BANDAI  really made this, I honestly wouldn't believe it!  :p

Sanitary: There are several ways to keep you tamagotchi clean on the Tamagotchi World. In fact, you NEED to make it a daily thing. If you choose bathroom, there are some options that will look like this:




Wash hands

Brush Teeth

_____ (Some other option)

If you choose Toilet, it will allow you tamagotchi to do its business whenever lines go around it.

If you choose Bath,  your tamagotchi will become clean (if you do not take a bath for more than 2 days, your tamagotchi will become brown and can spread sicknesses (more about that later))

If you choose Comb, your tama will brush its hair (If you do not brush your hair for over a day, spikes (or something like that) will appear on your tamas head! EW!)

If you choose Wash Hands, that helps you become "germ free" (Though it will not count as a shower, and you tamagotchi will still be brown if you haven't had a shower). I mean "germ free" by your tama not catching any sicknesses (more about that later).

If you choose Brush Teeth, your tama will go and brush it's teeth. If you don't brush its teeth in over 2 days, it will have green marks all around it's face until you do.

That's how you keep your tamagotchi clean! 

Some Features Are also Included On My Talking Series of Outfit7!

Also The Adult Would Go To High school If They Didnt Finish Yet?

For example.

Mametchi Goes To High School For an Graduation. and Then Goes To a college.

Also.  Babies Dont start In KinderGarten. They will do If It is In Toodler Stage. The Child Is In Elementary School/Middle School. (Here´s My ideas For Your Dream Tamagothchi.

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