My father is ragging on me about me owning a Tama


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I was like in 3rd-4th grade when i stopped playing with barbies, we all have a young kid inside some have theirs out more than others. Heck i still want to play in a kiddy area and i am a teenager! Let you're dad know that it isn't his right any more to tell you what you can or can't do! simply say:

"Dad, i'm 19, i maybe older but that doesn't mean i can't still act like a kid once in a while. If you don't like me doing it then don't waste you're energy on telling me that i shouldn't. It's my decision, if i would put it down now b/c you say so, i wouldn't have bought it in the first place."

You can also think of an example of something he bought for fun or something that he bought that was to "young" for him!

I hope i helped! good luck!


~~~Listen to the Music~~~

I know one thing for sure is 19 year olds dont play with tamagotchis lier lier your heads on fire u might just be a dier!

The whole POINT of this topic, smart one, is to say that his dad thinks he is too OLD for this.


i kinda know how u feel... evryone says to me "tamagotchis are girly and boys dont play with them" but thats not true either so i play with them anyway

well I'm 11 and I have 6 tamagotchis all together. 3 V3's and 3 V2's. My parents think they're cute and mostly all of my friends like them. I love playing video games and stuff like that too. but i like tamas better lol. anyway, your dad should love you the way you are. There would be no use of living if your life is always going to be boring. (by the way i'm a girl) Why is it such a big deal?? I agree with everyone else. Hope I helped!!


kuchipatchiluver :) :ph34r: :)

I'm turning 20 this month, and I definitely still raise Tamagotchis when the mood strikes me. I think a major sign of maturity is the ability to be able to do silly, fun things at times. A truly mature, self-confident person doesn't have hang-ups about having some fun. I know how it is when your dad behaves like a serious, stodgy old grouch. Mine tends to quite ofetn as well. But, you know what? You are an adult, and you can make your own decisions now. My dad is fully aware of this fact, and he can complain about me having Tamagotchis and "creepy pets" like reptiles, but they make me happy. I'd much rather be a mature, but happy person who isn't afraid of doing something a little silly when I feel like doing it, than a stodgy, self-conscious stick-in-the-mud who strives constantly to prove to the world JUST how mature and accomplished they are. If a person truly has a particular quality...they are the ones who are NOT trying to slap it in everyone's face, overcompensating for what they don't have. ;)

^^I rant a little about this subject, because I feel pretty strongly about this kind of thing. ;)

I know one thing for sure is 19 year olds dont play with tamagotchis lier lier your heads on fire u might just be a dier!
Interesting you say that considering I know plenty of people here that are over 20 who play with them and have a gigantic collection. Maybe you should do some research before you spew ignorant comments like that again.

Anyway, my advice to you would be to not play with them around him. Don't play games or read comics around him. Do that when he's sleeping or not home. When he is home, do work around the house, fill out applications and just be productive.

If he says that no self-respecting adult plays with tamagotchis again, tell him no self-respecting father tries to make their kids feel like crap for doing something they enjoy.

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I'm only 13 so I guess I can't relate as much as some people here, but I think that as long as school, work, and that stuff as your main priority then who cares what you do in your spare time!?!

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