My First Familitchi Log


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Tamaguy 20

Well-known member
Jun 16, 2006
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Hello! This begins my log on the Familitchi. My Tamas are teens on the second generation, but now is the best time to start. First, I have five characters. Mama (Mememamatchi), Papa (Papapatchi), Leroy (Mamekatchi), Kylee (Chamametchi), and last but not least, Sparky (Bakutchi).


Right now, nothing is going on. Ijust cleaned up a mess and played a game a few minutes ago. I have 1870 GP right now.


Kylee and Sparky love to run under Leroy when he jumps in the air.

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Oops, I just forgot. My bonding level is at 40%. When I press C, my Tamas run off the screen and run back on and trip over each other.

Hi! I'm Leroy, Papa's oldest son. My favorite food for luch is simply bread. It feels so good on my taste buds. My brother and sister like to run under me when I jump in the air. I turned into a teenager today, so I guess I'm supposed to be mature. I have to go now. Dad wants to go golfing with me. See you all later!!!

Hi! I'm Papa. My son, Leroy and I just went putt putt golfing. We made it to the 12th hole before he accidentally over-swung the putter and hit me in the side. I've got a bandaid on now and I should be better soon. At least we had fun!!!

Now I have 1880GP. I used to use the cheat for 1000GP, but I quit using it when my Tamas turned older.Still nothing much going on. Be back later. We're gonna go visit the Tama&Eartch Expo. These children have never been there before, so hopefully they have fun!!!!

[Hi! I'm Kylee, and the other day we went to the Tama&Earth Expo!! It was very fun and we even got a lot of Gotchi Points! I think we got about 200 or 300 gotchi points. We also played some games, and now me and my family have a total amount of 2200GPs!! Well, gotta go for now!! Bye!

Yeah! We are finally up to 50% on bonding. Although the kids still do the ame animations, it's the thought that counts!



The children all turned into adults! Leroy is a Furikotchi,Kylee is a Violetchi, and Sparky is now a Mumutchi. That was yesterday, so tomorrow, we'll try the dating channel. I think I'll have Kylee get married.

Hi! It's Leroy! I'm busy packing my things because today, Sparky and me are going back to Tamagotchi Planet. Kylee is getting married, and I feel so happy for her, that she's finally grown up, and now can raise a family of her own!

Hey there, it's Kylee. I'm trying to get the flowers just right in my hair, so I can finally meet and impress my new husband! I'm very excited.

(sob, sob) It's Mama. I am very excited for our daughter, and I hope she turns out to be a very good mother.

Hey, it's Sparky. I'm happy for my sister, but I'm worried that I won't like the husband she chooses. Well, I better get back to packing.

Hey, there it's Papa. It seems like our little girl grew up way too fast...

Hello! Yesterday was a BIG day for the familitchi. Kylee got married to a Tamagotchi whose name is not on the character chart, but he looked like the sun, and his name is Larry. They had one daughter, whose name is Loraine, and then the parents turned into Mamametchi (Kylee), and Planetchi (Larry). Loraine was an Iwatchi, but now she is a Hoshitchi (also not found on the chart). Hoshitchi looks like a star with a flame under it.

Now everything is going well, and Loraine wants to visit the Tama&Earth Expo pretty badly. We'll see you guys later!!!

Hey, it's me. I know it's been so long since I updated this log, but I intend on starting a new one when I get my music star in a few days. Until then, keep caring for your pets and look for my new log, starting sometime in early January!

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