my freinds keeps ringimg me


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Well-known member
May 6, 2007
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she rings me llikethree times a day every day what do i do plz help

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A true friend would tell each other the truth. Just tell them that it's getting a little annoying. But it doesn't mean they have to stop calling you. They can just call about 1 time every 2 days..or 1 time a week. Just tell them the truth and you'll be fine. ;)

Ask her politely to stop. Tell her that it's a little annoying to get three calls a day from her. Maybe you two should have a day together so she doesn't feel so in need to talk to you or something.

Stay mature about it thought. Be polite. She just wants to talk or hang out with you because she probably enjoys your company.

Hope I helped! ;)


Writing Makes The World Go Round

um i willl try to tell her and she dose it to my bestie two no offence Mileyroxursox2342 but that is hard when they dot wait for the anwsing machine and dont leave messages

My friend does the same thing. xP

She calls me 10 times a day, and when I tell her I have to go she'll say, ''I'll call you back in 10 minutes then!''

I love her to bits (as a friend) but she can be a little annoying. ;)

Be the opposite of me. TELL her she's getting out of hand, and you can't have her calling so often. Explain you enjoy talking to her, but sometimes it can get a little much and to call less often.

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My friend does the same thing. xPShe calls me 10 times a day, and when I tell her I have to go she'll say, ''I'll call you back in 10 minutes then!''

I love her to bits (as a friend) but she can be a little annoying. :D

Be the opposite of me. TELL her she's getting out of hand, and you can't have her calling so often. Explain you enjoy talking to her, but sometimes it can get a little much and to call less often.
Tell her the truth.

If you like it, then ok, but if you really don't, then you can just tell her. Say that she can call maybe only once a day, and if it's very important, then tell you the next day.

mametchi ;)

Tell her the truth politely. Use Tamagirl_Desy's way, or maybe this: "Hey ____, it is just getting a little bit out of hand, just calling me a you please stop?" That probably isn't good, so I suggest you use Tamagirl_Desy's way.

Just say, "I appreciate the thought, but I haven't the time to chat lately. I'll call you when I do."

If you find she is ringing you to much, you may say that your parents don't want you on the phone for so long, or tell her in a nice way that it isn't necessary to ring more than once a day. If it is during the school week, see if you can chat via email, or if what she has to ask/say can wait for the next day. :eek:

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