my friedn got her tamagotchi taken away


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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2004
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she just got it. during science it beeped,she wasnt playing with it my science teacher took it away :hitodetchi: Now I'm the only one with a tamagotchi

awwwww!!! thats soo mean of that science teacher! i hope she gets it back! :puroperatchi:

Well mabye the teacher thought that she was playing it, and then took it away. (She could have put it on pause, or turned the sound off.) But that is sort of unfair that she got it taken away even though she wasen't playing it. When my classmate's cell phones ring in class, even the strict teachers just say to turn it off. :eek:

I don't bring mine to school. I have two. Teachers don't know that they cost $15.00.

They think they are cheap just because they are small. Teachers never give things back. I hate when it happens.


Hey babaju, remember your old teacher last year? Well, my old friend lent someone in your old class her tamagotchi, Miranda I think?, and your old teacher consficated it. Miranda wasn't even playing with it! Your old teacher SEARCHED Miranda's backpack, took it away.


Well judging that they took it away even though she/he wasen't playing it, I'm guessing that the teacher is strict. :furawatchi:

Wow, that's kind of harsh. I mean, she shouldn't have bought it into school in the first place but I have brought mine in a couple of times in my blazer pocket so I can't speak. If it is seen I am usually told to just put it away unless Miss. Reynolds sees it. She would confiscate it no problemo. And the problem with a confiscated tama is that it has nobody to take care of it, resulting in the death of your tama. Has your friend got it back yet? That is really horrible. I'm very sorry. Hope the tama is ok. :furawatchi:

well when i saw tamas, i thought they were fast food prizes! lol. anyway, bad news, but tell your friend to plead till she's on her knees for her tama to come back!

Does the word DISTRACTION mean anything to you people? Tamagotchi are fun, which means they distract you. They make distracting noises in the wrong hands. Teachers need to teach. Distracting devices do not aid the teaching process. Do you get it yet? LEAVE YOUR TAMAGOTCHI AT HOME ON PAUSE IF YOU ARE DISTRACTED BY IT IN CLASS. Especially if it distracts other people in your class. It's not fair to the students who are there to LEARN instead of playing with a souless, lifeless piece of plastic.

Does the word DISTRACTION mean anything to you people? Tamagotchi are fun, which means they distract you. They make distracting noises in the wrong hands. Teachers need to teach. Distracting devices do not aid the teaching process. Do you get it yet? LEAVE YOUR TAMAGOTCHI AT HOME ON PAUSE IF YOU ARE DISTRACTED BY IT IN CLASS. Especially if it distracts other people in your class. It's not fair to the students who are there to LEARN instead of playing with a souless, lifeless piece of plastic.
That's going to get you some angry comments.

Wow. Usually we don't have that kind of problem with tamagotchis. (Although a lot of people have them.) It's usually a cell phone. One time, purplegal93's cell phone rang in the middle of first period, and all my teacher did was listen to the ring tone until she she turned it off. I couldn't stop laughing at her. We were reading "To Kill a Mocking Bird", and her Pooh Bear ring tone went off. She grabbed it, and turned it off real quick. It was funny. :wub:

Why don't you just lie and put it on the watch feature.

That's what I would do if I ever got in trouble with one.

There is a feature to turn off the sound/pause.

Teacher: What do you have?

Me: Oh, it's just a watch.

Teacher: Alright, keep it in your pocket. :wub:

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