My friend smokes...


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Well-known member
Apr 3, 2006
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My house.
And she's twelve. Her name's Tamika. When I met her, which was just a few months ago (maybe a few weeks) I really liked her and she's really nice, so we're kinda-friends now. Like, we don't hang out all the time but we just have some classes together. But just a few days ago I heard a rumor that she was smoking in the girls bathroom <_< . At first I didn't believe the rumor but it's really true (unfortunately). I was surprised but I haven't said anything about it to her (well, of course I didn't), but is there anything I can or should do about it? She's really young to smoke.. Also, she never said anything about the smoking to me.

Did you see with your own eyes? If you didn't, do not assume anything even if someone else claims it. It may be that she smokes, but people lie and start rumors all the time.

I do not believe, though, that it's your place to confront her. It sounds like you are very worried about her and I can tell you are a true friend to this girl, but I think the best thing is to go talk to the nurse or counselor about the issue. They can handle it better than you or any other of your peers can- it's their job too.

Your nurse/counselor will call your friend in sometime in the near future, have a chat with her and talk to her about this issue. She will also call her parenst but don't get freaked out by this! They need to know so don't not because she may get into trouble.

It may be that it's just a nasty rumor, but it may turn out true. Having tobacco at this age, and ontop of that, smoking in the bathroom is illegal and dangerous. If you really do care about her, you'll talk to someone.

Also, make sure the adult you talk to KNOWS that unless you saw it with your own eyes that this is a rumor but that you are worried about your friend. I've gone through the same process, but it's better that you do and be wrong than if you don't and she has this problem. ;]

I agree. Get some help from someone that knows more about it. Just be sure that you are the strong one and don't give in to peer pressure.

She really shouldnt be smoking. Have you seen her smoke or just believe the rumors? 'cause if its the rumors then its unlikely true. If she does smoke dont try and help her stop because you can start smoking yourself. Just be friends with her and if she is really nice then try telling the teacher for help?

Did you see your friend smoking? If you didn't, it probably is not true. If you saw her yourself, then it is definitely true.

You really can't convince her to stop, because it is very hard to stop someone from smoking. I suggest telling her parents or your parents.

I did see a commercial which will help you quick smoking, but then she will know you know, and she may be offended. If you can't stop her, and you are hanging around her in class, your lungs could get affected too because you are around someone who smokes.

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