My "friend"...speaks her mind a little too much...


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Apr 6, 2008
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I have a friend. Her name is Jenna. Me and her have been good friends for two years nnow.

But, I find that she speaks her mind. Normally, I'm okay with that! Yet, I think she speaks her mind a little too much. It hurts my feelings sometimes. Like, she'll say, "You look like your on drugs" or "Ew you look so horrible today!" or "That picture of you is so ugly!". She's bratty and bossy, but I still want to be her friend! I just wish she would keep some things to herself!

Any advice on what to say to her??

I know exactly what you're talking about. It can be a hard situation to handle.

Have you ever told her this is hurting you or that it's just plain rude? Some people don't realize how much their words hurt.

Ask her why she cares SO much that she has to be rude about it. Tell her to keep her rude comments to herself.

If she does that she's obviously not really a friend. o.o

Or, if she's nice on other occasions, just let her know?

Thank you guys!

She always does it, but she can be nice too. We're close friends, but she just speaks her mind too much.

Here's a conversation and how I handled it....(note, this was on msn)

Her: Wow, that picture of you and ______ is really ugly! Your face is horrid.

Me: ....well, I like the picture.

Her: Please take it off as your display picture! I can't stand to look at it!

Me: Jenna, I like it so I'm keeping it. :lol: If you too don't like, then too bad.

Her: Wow..your being really bratty!

Me: Its my msn, so I'll keep the picture there.

Her: Fine, w.e >.<

Did I handle it correctly? Or no?

Thoughts and opinions please!

Thank you guys!
She always does it, but she can be nice too. We're close friends, but she just speaks her mind too much.

Here's a conversation and how I handled it....(note, this was on msn)

Her: Wow, that picture of you and ______ is really ugly! Your face is horrid.

Me: ....well, I like the picture.

Her: Please take it off as your display picture! I can't stand to look at it!

Me: Jenna, I like it so I'm keeping it. :lol: If you too don't like, then too bad.

Her: Wow..your being really bratty!

Me: Its my msn, so I'll keep the picture there.

Her: Fine, w.e >.<

Did I handle it correctly? Or no?

Thoughts and opinions please!
That's better than caving but if that was me I'd be like, "Excuse me? I happen to like the picture and if you don't, sucks for you. It's MY MSN and I can do what I want and I don't need your snide and rude comments about what I look like, which picture I put where or anything else!"

Good luck with her. Keep us posted [no pun intended, lol] and we'll try to help you through it.

She doesn't sound like much of a friend to me whether or not she notices the things that come out her mouth.

Ya might wanna not listen ta the philosophical and happy-go-lucky answers here I'm seein'. The answer to yer problem is simple. Take her aside sometime and tell her that you do not appreciate somea the things she says and use past events as examples. Tell her why ya didn't like 'em, and if she refuses to stop, well then...

Chances are, she wasn't really yer friend in the first place. But don't fret. The average person meets more than 200,000 people in their lifetime. There'll be others. I didn't meet my lifetime buds until Junior year o' high school. Tha rest were just two-faced punks that I couldn't care less 'bout now.

One more hurtful you might learn i hate to add, just because to talk to you and look in your face everyday doesn't mean your necessarily friends most of the time, a lot of a-holes lie in my school.

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You handled it well by standing up to her as others have said, and now I suggest you give her an ultamatium: Either lay off you and her negative comments or you'll be taking a "break" from the friendship for a while. Then the ball is in her court and hopefully she'll be smart and choose the right thing. If not, as others have pointed out, she's a waste of your time.

I had a friend like that. Add the fact I always had to make the effort for us to hang out, like 90% of the time. I stopped trying with her completely after she moved and wouldn't even try to call me. I always had to phone her first and even then she was busy.

I'm also having problems with a friend like that. She'll say extremely rude things, like "Wow, you know, you're really ugly in that shirt" or "Did you forget to comb your hair this morning? You look like a MONSTER!" And she says them all casually too. If she sees I'm getting offended she'll start telling me how sensitive I am and how I need to get over it. So I try to ignore those comments, because other times, she's a really sweet, nice person. I think some people are just way too brutally honest. The other annoying thing though, is that she's sooo sensitive herself. If, for example, we're playing some stupid game where we rate each other on how we did something and I jokingly tell her that she did something terribly, she'll burst into tears and not talk to me for a few weeks. Urrgh. The only advice I can give you is to try to ignore what she says. If she sees you're not really responding to her mean comments, she might lay off them a little, because, believe it or not, sometimes even "friends" try to make you upset by saying things like that. Good luck!

That's better than caving but if that was me I'd be like, "Excuse me? I happen to like the picture and if you don't, sucks for you. It's MY MSN and I can do what I want and I don't need your snide and rude comments about what I look like, which picture I put where or anything else!"
Good luck with her. Keep us posted [no pun intended, lol] and we'll try to help you through it.
You are just like me! I would be like, 'It is my MSN, are you in control?' I think it would help if should tell it to her face. I personally are not to fond of people like that so maybe try taking her into a little corner aside from others and tell her it is bugging you.

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