my generation story


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togetchi forever

Well-known member
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Well, today i have my V4. It was called to 4 job offers. My tama, Pyonkotchi, had low skill points, so it was rejected to all of them. It was 3 years old and was 10G. It was past 10:00 and my tama was asleep. I tried to figure out what my tama loves to eat. I didn't know it though. :blink: :( ;) Its name was Pearl and was 99 lbs.

Today my tama left my baby. I may take care of it well, as its name was Red and was a Mohitamatchi. :( :) :D It was already 8:00 when she fell asleep.

well, so on Saturday I bought a V4.5 and today we saved it by resetting. ( It had no battery, that's why.) both of them are teens.

Okay, after being ofline for a long time, here we go again!

Now I have 2 Music Stars, both recieved as awards.

One's asleep and the other's on pause. :mellow:

My Tamas married! They have baby boys now, but I pause it at night so it never leaves :) I wanna start a new generation but wanna also sleep in..

Okay, last Friday the parents left the babies. The first I named Kaito ( What? Anything wrong with that? ) and the second is named Michael ( R.I.P. Michael Jackson :D ) So they are Kutchitamatchis, and that's too bad. I wonder what it would be like to have a Kuribotchi :huh:

So anyway. Here's my status report!

Music Star 1

Name: Kaito

Age: 0

Weight: 15 lb

Genre: Classical


Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Generation: 3

Music Star 2

Name: Michael

Age: 0

Weight: 15

Genre: Pop :p

Stress: 06

Hungry: Full

Happy: Full

Generation: 2

I reeeeeeaaaaaaaaalllllly want a Kuromametchi!

On a side note: My plant delivered an alien :p

Kaito and Michael evolved into Kikitchi! Yes! They both started bands, too.

Kaito's Band: Vocaloid

Genre: Classical

Michael's Band: Thriller

Genre: Pop

Oh no!!!!! You know that Michael's genre is Pop right? Well now it's CLASSICAL! Gosh! Oh wait, now it's Pop again... *embarrassed*

Now they are both awake, so here's a full report on them!

Music Star 1

Name: Kaito

Age: 1

Weight: 28

Hungry: ****


Stress: 0

Band: Vocaloid

Genre: Classical

Members: Kaito, Daniel (Hinotamatchi), Jenny (Ringotchi)

Music Star 2

Name: Michael

Age: 1

Weight: 20


Hungry: ****

Happy: ****

Band: Thriller

Genre: Pop

Members: Michael, Penny (Ichigotchi) , Colleen ( Ringotchi)

Both are lounging around right now.

Ok, both are on pause right now. Hey, I wrote in indigo! Thanks to all the guides on Tamatalk for making how to's.

Now since both are on pause, I will take this opportunity to make something using color texts. The status report will come after these messages.

Kaito is blue

Michael is red

I am indigo

I wish I was Pop.

Um... sorry...

I don't like it as much as you do, Kaito. Hip Hop is too common. Pop fits you, Michael.


[SIZE=21pt] HEY! [/SIZE]

I've been completely ignored!

Oops! Sorry about that.

Objection! You weren't completely ignored! You got to speak once!

We've been watching too many Phoenix Wright videos haven't we?

Well, i will give the status reports in my next post, which should be in about... 5 mins.

Alright, here's the status report:

Music Star 1

Name: Kaito

Age: 1

Stress: 0

Weight: 23

Genre: Hip Hop


Happy: ***

Music Star 2

Name: Michael


Stress: 0

Weight: 21

Genre: Pop


Happy: ****


Kaito and Michael just evolved.

Kaito -> Mametchi!

Michael-> Kuromametchi!!!!!

And Kaito just got a Tama Battery!!!! And it gave him Singing Robots!!!!!!

Ha ha ha!

Okay, calm down :nazotchi:

Oh sorry.. :mametchi: Kaito, that's mean! :mametchi:

Kaito is blue

Michael is red

I am indigo

Now for the status report.

Music Star 1

Name: Kaito

Age: 2

Stress: 0

Weight: 34

Genre: Asian


Happy: ****

Music Star 2

Name: Michael


Stress: 0

Weight: 30

Genre: Pop


Happy: ****

Oh yeah! I just remembered. The other Vocaloid band members evolved and got Pro Debut. Daniel evolved into a Kuromametchi and Jenny evolved into Onputchi. This means I can buy food!

Michael's band, Thriller, got Pro Debut too. Its members, Penny and Colleen, evolved into Mimitchi and Masktchi.

Kaito's band is 5th rank

More fans!

Michael's band is 3rd rank

Better ranking!

Status report:

Music Star 1

Name: Kaito

Age: 2

Stress: 0

Weight: 44

Genre: Classical


Happy: ****

Music Star 2

Name: Michael


Stress: 1

Weight: 41

Genre: Pop


Happy: ****

Time for a chat with 'em.

Kaito: Blue

Michael: Red

Me: Indigo

Want me to tell you a scary story?


I'll put on our band's megahit, Thriller.

-_- :(

* sings to Thriller* Done!

Michael and Kaito: That's it?! :p

Me: :D I forgot the story!

Hi everyone!

They are both asleep, but the status report i can give.

Music Star 1

Name: Kaito

Age: 5

Stress: 3

Weight: 54

Genre: Jazz


Happy: ****

Music Star 2

Name: Michael

Age: 5

Stress: 3

Weight: 57

Genre: Hip Hop


Happy: ****

Kaito 's awards for today


Michael's awards for today



Tomorrow's Saturday. Bye~~~!

Michael: Red

Kaito: Blue

Guess what everyone!

We got married!

Yes, that's right! Kaito married a Sebiretchi, and Michael married a Chantochi.

They had boys :D

But they're not leaving yet.

This is probably the babies' last nights with their parents. On my music stars, the first always had Japanese names.

The second with english names. So, I know what i'll name the second boy, and that's Rico. But for the first... I dunno. Uhh... Keitaro. I looked on a list of names.


1st: ALWAYS Japanese names.

2nd: ALWAYS English names.

Bye-bye, for probably the final time,

Michael and Kaito

This.. is... SPARTA! Oh wait, that's not right.

Anyways, Michael and I haven't left. YET XD

Kaito! Off to bed!

See ya! Gotta go. We plan to leave this night though.



They're still not leaving. And I just noticed something: I bumped my Tama log! OH NOES! That's because I lost my password for two years. DX Well anyway. They might leave tonight though, they got 1000000 Gotchi from the Band Manager. See ya! I'll update when they leave.

EDIT: Michael flashed the 'No Battery' Sign! I've got to get a replacement bsttery. :D DX

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Sorry for my last post. Michael did flash the 'No Battery' sign but it's ok now. I can't edit my last post :( Again, I am SO very very sorry for this spam post.

Edit again. Don't wanna waste posts! ^_^

Michael and Kaito have left. Now it's onto the lives of Keitaro and Rico!

I entered the competition. Vote for me if you want~ If you do, I'm AY4091. I am on either the Kutchipatchi server or Normal server.

On the other hand...

I always seem to get Kutchitamatchis.

Status Report!

Music Star 1

Name: Keitaro

Age: 0

Stress: 0

Weight: 15

Genre: Latin


Happy: ****

Music Star 2

Name: Rico

Age: 0

Stress: 1

Weight: 15

Genre: Rock'n'Roll


Happy: ****

Keitaro: Gray

Rico: Green

Hi there everyone! My name's Keitaro. I just got accepted to preschool! :D

.... ^_^ *waves hello*

There is a preschool certificate next to Rico.

Rico is silent sometimes. Keitaro, on the other hand... is talkative.

See ya!

............And good bye! ;D

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