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My grandpa is 83 years old and just found out he has cancer :) I hope he doesnt die!
aww...I'm sorry about your grandpa...

it's never fun getting the news that a loved one is sick. :(

I hope he gets better. :)

My grandpa is 83 years old and just found out he has cancer :) I hope he doesnt die!
That is so sad. Well, I pray he gets better. It's very hard and sadning to see a loved one so sick...but at least you still have a grandpa. I don't have deid before I was born, the other oen died when I was still a baby. Having no grandpa isn't very fun and it's sad, but sometimes you must let go. I do hope your grandpa gets better but if it's not the case......and he gets worse...and sees a white light....he should head for it. I pray that he will recover :)

Remmeber may seem sad, but if you grandpa is in pain and just can't get better, it's best to let go. If Jesus calls to him and shows him the white light, then yes...he should go. Going through pain in your life is no way to live........when you close your eyes and never open them again, there is no pain. There is no fear, nor doubt. If one is not in pain but in happiness, there is a life worth living. I pray that your grandpa gets better, but if he's in too much just know that there is no life to live anymore.

I hope he gets better too! but yeah, tamagirl_desy is right.. living your life in pain is no way to live your life. But Think of him as your guardian angel, and he'll protect you :)

Thank you♥ Wow Tamagirl_desy that was BEAUTIFUL!
Life is a beautiful thing, but only if there is something to live for.

And your welcome. I'm glad I could show you the meaning of life, and the meaning of death.

0_0 thats pretty good for a ten year old im 11
You are really mature!

I was hysterical when my dog died
Thank you. :)

And about your dog, it isn't easy to let go of pets. When my first cat died, I triedto remain calm but of course I cried. But he was in pain, so I knew taht he'd gone to a better place where he didn't have to suffer.

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my dog passed away too, but in his sleep... but i was crying for weeks.. and i had to stay at my cousins because i couldnt bare seeing where he used to sit, sleep, and see all his toys.. then finally i got better. he was a beagle :) but yeah.. now i know he's watching over me and probably running around in huge fields and chasing butterflies... thats how i imagene him now..

but seeing now what tamagirl_desy has said.. im feeling better :)

Aw! thats so sad! I regret not going to his b-day part even though i was sick
It's okay. Not going to a birthday party isn't a moment you must cherish. Every moemnt your with your grandpa, you should be grateful. You must be happy he's lead such a good life, and be happy that you've spent wonderful moments with him. You've been with him in sickness and health, and he was with you in sickness and health. If he does die (but hopefully he'll be strong and pull through the cancer) then you know he's still with you. He'll be still watching you. All you must do is keep a spot in your heart for him, and he's never really gone. You're grandpa is stronger then cancer, so just pray that his stong heart will pull through the dark, rough, times during this tragic event.

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Oh,I'm so sorry!!!My grandfather died b/c of a stupid heart tumor,me,my sisters,and my cousins came to help.Then a hurricane came by,we had to move to Monroe,Louisiana.It was really funny when I fed him spaghetti,man I missed him.I afraid of the graveyard now.

My grandfather had cancer too.Ever since he died me,my friends,and my teacher prayed for him every single day.

Aww! I hope he makes it through! I feel bad for him I realy do. My best friends mom died from cancer. :lol: :eek: I feel so bad for her. But she has a new mommy now so she's OK. :angry: But cuteagotchi, I'll pray for your grandfather at night and I always will untill you tell us that he's cured! :angry: -ZTF

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