My Great Super Awesome V5 log


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did yall know that each page holds up to 15 posts? i found it out ages ago .

If anyone here knows this but whatare pixels and how do you make them. reply ASAP


45 mins till new year!!!!!!

Its the new yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I went to church tday and when we came home we had some treats. YUUMMMY I gave GWEN TIM AND TYLER

kebabs so that they could celebrate but gess what? THEY EVOLVED INTO

TIM mamekatchi :ph34r:

GWEN chamametchi :p

TYLER bakutchi (AGAIN) o_O

more later

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I cant believe it they evolved into a fat one a gypsy one and a uhyothci ^_^ :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: NOT FAIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


I made my tamas wake up early yay me

this is the color code





haha m a potetchi yay meeeeeee

so im a uhyotchi hmmmmmm yay me


[SIZE=21pt]300 VIEWS[/SIZE]

YAY 300 views! nofin much happened with timmy gwen and tyler. i plan on getting them married tommorrow so i will get onto my 5th gen YAY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D :eek:

[SIZE=21pt]300 VIEWS[/SIZE]

YAY 300 views! nofin much happened with timmy gwen and tyler. i plan on getting them married tommorrow so i will get onto my 5th gen YAY MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :D :eek:


So sorry i havent replied in a while it is just that i reactivated my nintendogs and ive been so hooked up with that and the beginning of school. anyway

i Married timmy and he turned into a papatchi and his beutiful wife turned into mememamatchi. They had one kid that i named bob and he was a boy

baby omutchi

child ahikuritchti (or somin like that)

and then a mamekatchi

then now he is a hatugatchi

he hant had any trabonds cuz when i set the time it doesnt work :angry: any way ill tell you when they get married (which is either today or tommoroow cuz he evolved to an adult yesterday!


[SIZE=21pt]300 reviews[/SIZE]

Yay thanks to everyone who reads this log timmy wants tovsay somin




SOn i am so proud of you, all grown up havin kids and all

Remember to tell them about us

DAD MUM everyone on tamatalk can hear you


Hi bob got married and had three kids 2 ........BoYS and 1 girl :p i named them mary zac and chad.


first babies


zac mimifuwatchi

mary mimifuwatchi

chad futabatchi


Hi folks!!! Yeah its me tama2007 the one and only and this is my log about my v.5 family called hmmmmm.....




Anyway, a few minutes ago i decided i should create another log for v.5. So firstly I would kindly like to tell you all that could no one post in my log please. Just PM me and I'll quote it on my log. Also if you have any suggestions then PM me and I'll include it in my next post!!!

So lets get on with it...


It was a cold, stormy... errrr oh yeah evening. I ran to woolworths to get my tamagotchi. There it was... THE ONLY ONE!!! I felt so lucky. I picked it up and it was an itchigotchi design.

After paying for it and coming home I neatly cut the package open and well, you know the date and time thing came up. I filled it out and then my birthday. Afterwards I named my family the ROSE family and started a whole new generation.


Now, nearly 4 months later, a new family is created...



First born was a daughter named...... LOLA

NEXT was a son named ................... EDWARD

And the baby oF the family was ....... CHRISTY


I fed them and gave them medicine. FInd out more tomorrow, goodnight for now.


Guess what??? They evolved!!! Sorry about yesterdays bad post. I had to go to Wales this morning so I slept early. Anyway I'll start from when they... err were hatched.

It was a glorious evening, the moon was showing and I was on my computer when I started my tamagotchi v.5. After a few minutes 3 eggs appeared and one after the other they started hatching. As you know, I had






Lola, Edward and Christy were now a whole new generation of the flame family. I fed them then I played some mini games. After attempting Tea-time a few times I finally got 20 points. I was so happy!!! :ichigotchi:


Anyway, after about an hour the flame family turned into toddlers. Here are how they turned out:


Lola = Sakuramotchi

Edward = Ahirukutchi

Christy = Tororotchi


Just now a cute pixel came up with them having a bath and then a showerhead sprays some water at them and then back to the bath. SO CUTE :ichigotchi:


The Flame family have had their first conversation whilst I brought them down to Wales. Here is the colour code:





Where are we going? It's 5am and I'm tired!!!

Shut up, Lolly pop Lola. Mummy's sleeping and we're going to a country called Wales. You should know this by now.


Ahhh, aren't they a loving family... NOT!!! Anyway whilst I was in the car going to Wales there was another pixel of them looking at the sun and later on another one of them watching something. I wasnt sure what it was but I'll note what time it was tomorrow so I can find out. :pochitchi: Anyway thanks for reading todays post and I look forwards to any PMs. Plus if you have time, check out Squidward is Cool's log. Its really great and I got heaps of inspiration from it.



I just got up and guess what? The Flame's had done 2 poo's and were 2 hungry and 2 unhappy. So I cleared them up and played- oh ! minute their calling for training... YES!!!10% bonds. My tamagotchi always gets the smart training for some reason and yet their a blended family. Anyway as I was saying, I played a few minigames then thought... Maybe I could do stats checks so here is the very first



Hungry : ^^^^^

Happy : ^^^^^

Bonds : 10%

Blended family

Family name : Flame (DUH)

Generation : 1

340 gotchipoints

Anyway, that was the first STAT CHECK so YAY ME. See you later.

If anyone knows any cool colours, please PM me some because the last time I ever wrote something on a log was ages ago. PLEASE HELP ME!!!


I just put a new battery into my v.4 and it turned out to be a little boy. I named him HAIKU and he evolved from a tsubutchi into a puchitchi. From now one this is both a v.4 and v.5 log and when I'm talking about my version 4 It'll be in light blue colour!!!

It just got a letter about pre-school and is taking singing lessons. YAY HAIKU!!!

The Flame family are getting on well to. A cute pixel came up of Lola talking to a fridge. Whilst she was there Edward and Christy had another conversation.

Yeah... I know... mmm ...yes...Ok!!!

I wander why sis always hangs out with that pesky little fridge. She should be earning more money and going to tamatown instead. Shes such a bad example. :p

Don't be like that Edward. Say hi to Tamatalk. They are listening to you moan.

I'm not moaning. Just making a clear statement and I know evryone agrees.

You know nothing. Hi Tamatalk, excuse my twit-headed brother. He's a little koo-koo.


Anyway, that's all for now. Bye!!! :)
