My Life as a Tama.


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Well-known member
May 23, 2009
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Sure 'tis a mystery, young grasshopper.
Hi everyone, welcome to my tamagotchi log. I'm currently running my camoflauge v4, and my pink iD. I'm going to be posting updates as often as possible, so keep checking back regularly. I'll try to include pictures, if someone would like to PM me on how to do that, it would be greatly appreciated. :) Addie will speak in green, and Tony will speak in blue.

As for the stats:



Age:0 (I just hatched her.)

Weight:17 pounds. Chunky baby:)

Gender: Girl, obviously




Although you can't name it, I've been referring to him as Tony.

Age: 0 (His parent left an hour or so ago.

Weight:41 grams.

Gender: Boy.

Hunger: Full.

Happiness: (lime green) Full.


Man, from what I've figured out by having 2 running at once.. is it's hard keeping up with two babies. lol. :) I think they both have something to say also.

Moooom! I'm hungry!! You need to clean up after me!

Mommy! When will I grow up?

Soon Tony, soon. Hush now.. Addie, I just fed you.. now I'm writing about you in my log!

Tony and Addie: Yaaay!!

Bye for now guys, I'll update you when they evolve or something special happens! :)

So, as promised, I'm updating so soon because something very important happened. My iD evolved!! :)

Tony is now Hanepatchi. :)

This, is Hanepatchi, if you want a pic.

And here is how Addie looks now. . . :)


I'm also taking my v4 to school tomorrow, so I'll let you know how that goes.. I've taken it since yesterday.. but I haven't played with it.. I've just been putting it on pause. . tomorrow, I shall play with it during school. :D

Tony and Addie are happily bouncing around.. and sitting here, watching me type this.

Hey guys, we'll be back to update later tonight!

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Okay, it's not that much later, but since neither one of them will do anything else tonight.. guess I might as well make the last update for today.

Tony is on pause.. I didn't want to forget about him since I'm not taking him to school.

Addie is asleep. Has been for 11 minutes. :)

*Yawn* Moom! I'm tired, goodnight, see you in the morning while you're at school!

(I'm going to speak in Red from now on)

Goodnight Addie. Sleep tight. I'll see you in 2nd period. heehee.

Well, more updates tomorrow, I'll do the stats, and such.. I'm probably only going to post pictures of Addie and Tony celebrating a holiday or the next stage in life.. with a baby or such. See you guys tomorrow, be looking for my update!

Now for a quick update. Addie and Tony are both on pause, because I'm not feeling real great right now, and I don't feel like caring for them. I also did not go to school today, so I don't have any stories to tell as far as how I didn't get caught and such. Maybe later on this evening I'll unpause them and care for them for a little while. Tomorrow, I'll be going to school, so you can look forward to the stories then. :)

Have a good day! :]




Okay, so I took them off pause. Now for stats and the important stuffs. xD



Age: 0 years

Weight: 70 pounds (I know, I've gotta work on that.)

Generation: 1

Training: 2 bars

Hunger: ♥♥♥♥




Age: 0 years

Weight: 92 grams

Generation: 2nd

Hunger: Full

Happiness: Full

So, from now on, on the stats, I'm only going to include Age, Weight, and hunger and happiness. I'll include generation and training when it changes.

*Sniff sniff* What's for dinner?

*bouncing around* Huh? Oh, you're always hungry Tony!

Guys, don't start.. you remember what happened last time?

Ugh, yeah. Tony started it!

Did not!

Addie, Tony, seperate. I don't need arguing today. I'll feed you as soon as I get done typing this post about you guys.

Yay! We're on Tamatalk?


Tell everyone 'hi!'

Hey everyone! :)

Quick update.

Tony is on 'pause' at the moment.. I thought I could run 2 tamas, but with school, I'm having to run one at a time. So, Addie is happily bouncing around.. :) Not much to update on her..

Not much for Tony either.. except that I almost lost him today..because I forgot to pause him until lunch.. ooops. D: He was mad at me, with 2 poos on the screen, and no rice bowls filled, and the happy meter half empty. D:

Addie is now a young Memetchi, and nothing really to update on Tony... So.. I took Addie to school today, and I was playing with her while waiting to be picked up after school. Everyone that came up to me, was like, "Why are you playing with a Tamagotchi? Those are so childish, those are so gay, etc" I was like, "Psh, shut up." In my head, I was going, "At least I don't participate in things that some teenagers do.." Anyways, so that was how my experience went at school with Addie.

More later.. :)

Sorry for not adding a reply in so long guys.. thanks for reading, by the way. :) Anyways. I will not be adding anything else from my v4 to this log. It will only be for my iD. Now, to get started.

Since I last posted, a lot of things have happened. I reset my iD. If I had logged earlier, you would've gotten to see my tama turn into a lovely Lovelitchi. :)

Here's the stats

Name: Spirit

Age: 2 years

Generation: 1st

Gotchipoints 470gp



Happiness: Full, with the two added colors added onto it.. :p


I have:

*No friend stamps.

*No friends connected to my iD

*1 picture.

*A few items, not many.

Now for the actual log. :p

Spirit is happily bobbing about the screen, happy, full, completely content. I have played games with her periodaclly throughout the day. She evolved around 12:50pm.

Her growth is as follows:

1.) The pink baby. (Whom I can't find a picture of at the moment.

2.) Belltchi

3.) Shelltchi

4.) Lovelitchi

I'd like to add that if anyone needs any help with the tamagotchi iD, I would love to help you. PM me! Also, please ignore the "v4" part of the log title, as I'm not logging my v4 anymore.. (I'm not even running it right now.)

Thanks for reading, and I'll do my best to add more later. :)

PM me your comments and suggestions so that I may make my log better. :)

So nothing really to update, Spirit is already in bed.. in her new renovated room. :) She had the entire house decked out in the gold palace looking rooms today. I also got TA MA TO for her, and will get MO in 2 days so I can get a friendship stamp.

More tomorrow! :)

So.. a lot has happened since I last posted. Spirit got married to an adorable Kutchipatchi.. and they went on lovely dates, and had a wonderful baby boy. I named him Ducky.

He evolved yesterday into the blue toddler with the orange and green leaf-looking things on his head. He's so cute! :)


PM me opinions and questions about my log! Tell me what I should change, if I should change anything, etc.

This morning, while I was at church, my little toddler, evolved into a teenager. He is now the teen boy with the red mask. I'm hoping to get Mametchi, since I forget to get some care misses.. ( I originally wanted Kutchipatchi.)


That's all for now, more later guys!


Keep reading and send me your opinions!


x.Tori.x and Ducky.

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