My lil' Tama Log!


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Well-known member
May 15, 2009
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[SIZE=10pt]Hello Log-Readers! :) I've had my Music Star for a little while and decided to start a log for it, a what a perfect time to do so! Craig, my Kuchipatchi, just had a baby and SHOULD be leaving soon. I'm gonna name him Kuro in hopes of getting one of my fav characters, Kuromametchi. I'll tell you what happens later![/SIZE]


Hey! I set the time to when Craig goes to sleep and he and mommy left! I named the baby Kuro, and he evolved into a Kuchitamatchi. Hmmm, is that bad? Can I still get KuroMametchi by having Kuchitamatchi? Are tomatoes really fruit??! QUESTIONS THAT MUST BE ANSWERED. Oh, I almost forgot, my (awesome) mom is gettin me a TMGC+C soon and I'll start a log for that one! :D It's probably gonna be white.I'm so exited!!! well, right now, Kuro is jumping around like a little butterfly! :p Kuro's stats as of right now are:

Age:0 yrs. old


Hungrey: 0000; Happy:00000

Stress:35 ( that's alot for a little toddler!)


Music: Rock N' Roll (yea, go lil' Kuro!)




well, see ya'll tommorow! :angry:

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What's up, people? Well, Kuro evolved today into a Hinotamatchi. :D I swear a took super good care of him! Mabey my Tama doesn't like me... I was hoping for a Kikitchi. Oh well. That crab lookin guy came and gave Kuro a keyboard, so I went to "AWAY" met my band members: a Nonopotchi named Toby who plays the drum set ,and a Chamametchi named Jenny who plays the keyboard, then named my band COCOPUFF :D What?I was not in the mood for creativity, I was tired. :lol: Also ,today Kuro changed his music genre to R&B. oh, yeah there's somethin else I've been wondering. Before Craig(Kuchipatchi) left, the king came a gave him something that looked like a time machine. I looked in "SPECIAL" and saw it was a "TAMA BATTERY" :eek: When I looked closer it did look like a battery; it had the "+" and "-" sign and stuff. If any one knows what the heck THAT does, PM me! Also, the king kept giving me those dang diet drinks. My Tama was NOT fat, thank you very much Mr. King! :D

Kuro is practicing his guitar. Good Kuro! *praise*Wait, someone's at the door.

yay, the king is giving me a preasent! and it's.... MAKEUP?! :( What use does he have of makeup rite now, I don't even have a mirror. :(

Well, i'll see you peeps later on when something interesting happens( beside getting makeup ;) ) Adios! :D

EDIT: I added a little color!

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Good Morninig! :blink: I woke up kinda early today. Kuro's dad came and gave me 1500GP! That's about all that happened.

Status Check!


Age:1 yrs. old


Hungrey: 000; Happy:0000

Stress: 16 (much better)


Music: R & B

Gen: 2



Toy: Bandai (he's walkin around with it on his head ;) )

OK, I'm about to use that "TAMA BATTERY" I told you about yesterday.ok somethin came down and .. I guess plugged up to it, it transformed into a wierd lookin tama and left me a present. It's a helicopter!wow, that was AWESOME! :D Aww, after all that, a cute little tune played! Aww! :lol: i'm gonna go in the shop. Hmm, there's Popcorn;Teriyaki Chicken *buys the chicken*, more Popcorn, and a Chest *buys the chest* I'm using the chest. Ughhh, it turned him old! Every chest i've bought so far exept 2 turned my tama old ever since my birthday(April 17)! :angry: :angry: :angry: Why,WHY, WHHYYY??!! *ahem* :mellow: Anyhoo,Kuro should be "reaching adulthood" soon, so I'll post later when that happens. So ,uhh, see you then!

(P.S. This is kiinda off subject, but there's a Tamagotchi DVD and it's supposed to be out in english. Does any1 kno where I can find it? if so PM me! I wanna see it sooooo bad! Thanks! :) )

:mimitchi: :mametchi: ;) :lol: :)

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hi! B) sorry I didn't post yesterday, but Kuro still did not "reach adulthood" yet! :D it's been like 2 days and I haven't paused it! oh well, I won't rush you, Kuro. :blink: I changed his instrument to the turntable, he seems to like that better. :p well I'm pretty bored.

Status Time!


Age:1 yrs. old


Hungrey: 000; Happy:000

Stress: 11


Music Genre: Hip-Hop (make up your mind!)

Gen: 2


Instrument: Turntable

Toy: Helicopter

Hmm, there's some "LOCO MOCO" in the shop. ha ha, loco moco. I wonder if Kuro's gonna go nutz after he eats it. well let's test it out.*buys loco moco*

aannndd...nothin happens. hmph. :( ........ahhhh, hurry up and evolve, Kuro!! :angry: and he's just bouncing around all happy-go-lucky like nothin's wrong. well news flash Kuro, something is seriously wrong!!! ) :< ok,ok, I'm sorry Kuro, I have...issues. :lol: please don't hurt me. weelll, I have 2 v5's and I was wonderin if the v5 and Music Star can connect. yesterday I was runnin around the house loking for a CR2032 battery, found 3,and found out they um..they didnt work. ;) yeah I felt like putting that . ok, I'd better go 'fore I start a summary of my life. :p Cya!

EDIT: P.S. did you see my avatar? I went to the tamatown website here, went to v5,went to the amusment park and played the Perfect Roller Coster Image game! try it! :D

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Aahhhhhh! :( B) B) Kuro evolved into..... KUROMAMETCHI!!!!! :D :D my band members are still tiny so i'm gonna go to "AWAY" and watch 'em change .haha they got scared! they were like "Ahh, what's this big person doin' here?!" Ok, Toby, the Nonopotchi changed to Kuchipatchi, and Jenny the Chamametchi changed to Makiko. I kinda knew she would :p well, as usual I failed the band audition. surprise, surprise. :) but I'm still happy! i thougth i'd get this thing. he's ok, he's just.......creepy lookin on the tamagotchi.*sudders* Kuro has the helicopter on his head. :( awww, he's soo CUTE!! :D :D well, i have to wash the dishes. See ya'll tommorow!!!

P.S. Kuro says, "Hi, to all those people out there reading this!" bye!!!

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hi! Well, the King was very generous between yesterday and today. He gave me a bow, spot-costume, a rock CD (no stereo :( ) a tama battery (yes, another one!), chocolate cake :furawatchi: , and a diet drink. :ichigotchi: I went to practice with my band COCOPUFF becuse rite now, his star ranking is 999th place( stop lauging) and he has 2,864 Tama Fans (what did I tell you about lauging?)

Age:2 yrs. old;it's gonna be a while 'fore he can get married...


Hungrey: 0000; Happy:0000

Stress: 22


Music Genre: he's sticking with Hip-Hop

Gen: 2

GP:22562970 (it's slooowly decreasing...)

Instrument: Turntable

Toy: Helicopter

I wish I had a digital camera so I can take pictures of Kuro when I press the © button. *sigh* oh,well. oh guess what? I was on youtube yesterday and found

// OMG!! I knew there was a Tama store but I didn't kno it had THAT much stuff!! :eek: hmm, mabey I'm just stupid. did U guys know about it? :mellow: :eek: :eek: Awww, Kuro is looking at a sun! ;) ohh I wanna start my v5, because I get bored takin care of one tamagotchi; it's fun when you here all these beeps ( I have no plans this summer, I live a boring life) well, I'll C you people later. Ciao!Kuro is still watching Mr. Sun

Kuro:"Hmm, very interesting."

Me: "How? It's a sun

Kuro: "Yes, but HOW did it get there?And it's moving! Answers, people!"

Me: :eek:

:eek: B) :lol:

:) HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!! :) well, that's it. :p Nothing else happened, except I bought a pencil. not in real life, on my tama! ;) and when I went to go praise Kuro I accedently hit TIMEOUT. He cried for like 30 seconds. Oh, toughen up, Kuro! but yeah, it's only 10:15 and I just woke up about an hour ago.Kuro failed yet another audition.*sigh* and, Craig came and gave me a harp. A harp! How do you play those things? :huh: :huh: . and I know what you're thinking. you will finish reading my log, no matter how boring this entry might be!!! ok I think I might be losing people here.......alrigthy I'll post later on when something interesting enough to put down happens.

Kuro: "So, what are you trying to say?!" :angry:

Me: "You're kinda boring today."

Kuro: "Oh, really?? Fine, watch this! *looks at sun* Is that interesting enough for ya?"

Me: "no."

I think I'm losing my audience here. <_< don't leave, ppl! I'll be bac l8ter!!! right now I'm checking out this website here even tho I can't understand it. :angry: Byyyyeee!! B)

:blink: Hi, guys!! so sorry I didn't post yesterday....or the day B4 that. :p things came up. Well, Kuro and the COCOPUFFs got an award from the king for 1ST STAR RANKING but they did not pass the judges yet. is that normal? :huh: Here are Kuro's stats rite now:

Age:5 yrs. old


Hungrey: 0000; Happy:0000

Stress: 55 ;) ( I didn't do it...)


Music Genre: Hip-Hop

Gen: 2

GP:42558390 (woah)

Instrument: Turntable

Toy: Helicopter

His star ranking is 1st and he has 351,345,457 TAMA FANS. ha, laugh at that! yes, my little Kuro is gonna be so succesful. now, if only he could pass his audition...

I'll post when the judges comes back, ok? Bye! B)

What's up, people? Kuro is 6 years old and I want him to get married, but I don't kno what time the matchmaker comes. I started from 9:00 all the way to the time he sleeps and nothin!

( I did 9:00;9:30;10:00;10:30, and so on.)I want him to marry a Chantotchi, Violetchi ;) or

Memetchi. :) his Tone,Rhythm and Original are all 999. yahoo.I also changed his instrument to the keyboard and his toy to a tamagotchi. ha, he's playing with a Tamagotchi on a Tamagotchi! huh, it's like a pun or something. so now Toby plays the BASS DRUM and Jenny plays the GUITAR. I just used a chest and got a Asian CD. yay, that makes 3 of them. :p i'm bored. I gonna start making my posts COLORFUL,

so it'll be less boring(hopefully)PM me if you think there's something I need to change to make my log better. Anyway, Kuro's stress is down to 12 and he has 27590000GP (I bought a MUSIC SHOP)

Ah, this is a colorful post! :D well, when I figure out when the matchmaker comes, I'll let U know. Ta-Ta!

[SIZE=10pt]The cow says "Moo" [/SIZE] :D

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]

Hi! :kusatchi: sorry I posted so late but my 1 year old cousin came to my house and....never mind. Well, Kuro is now 7 and the matchmaker didn't come. Ahhhhh! :D :kusatchi: ok, calm down.there's a logical explaination for this. the matchmaker hates me. Oh, thank you,Kickthekan123 for the nice comment about my siggy:

your signature is so cute. with the 123 and the abc and... well u no wat i mean. check out my log, the link is in my siggy. bye!
[SIZE=10pt] Here's[/SIZE] the log

[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]

I just bought a Spot-Costume. yay for Spot-Costumes. yeah, I have nothing to say.

[SIZE=10pt]Kuro is practicing his keyboard and his stress is 40. did THAT happen? [/SIZE] :kusatchi: ok, I am totally boring myself out. i'll see you TamaTalk'ers 2morrowow. Stay awesome!! :kusatchi: :kusatchi:


Hi. ;) :angry: Kuro is 8. Eight!!! And nooo matchmaker!!What did I do wrong?!?! Arg! :( :( Kuro is gonna get old, and never get married and die a lonley death! unless I can find another adult Music Star.*long sigh*I so can't wait till my mom orders my TMGC+C. Kuro is unaware that his life is in stake right now.Poor little Kuro. :( Yesterday, kuro changed his Music Genre to Classical, Then R&B, then Rock n' Roll. So now I just have to get Asian and Jazz and I'll have all the awards. I don't care, neither, I just want him to get married!! *hyperventilates* Sorry. ;) I shouldn't be sharing my problems with you guys. I'm about to go make my lil' sis some oatmeal(she's sick :( ) Bye.I am mad. When I get my hands on that matchmaker.......

[SIZE=10pt]OMGGGG! Kuro almost turned to an ...OLDIE!! :eek: :eek: :eek: . I heard that noise that you hear when it's evolving and I freaked out. Good thing I had a pencil near me, so I downloaded it. Whew that was close! OK I am on Round-The-Clock Oldie Patrol. I do NOT, repeat, DO NOT want my sweet little Kuro to grow old. ;) Oh hurry up matchmaker!! :( :( I am frustrated, very frustrated! I have to be very careful, because from what I heard, oldies can't get married and dies when you don't take care of it. Plus, the old tamas are kinda creepy-lookin'. ;) :angry: :( (sigh) I'm not in the mood for color.[/SIZE]

:( :( :( bye. hmph.

[SIZE=10pt]*sniff,sniff* um, I guess you know what happened. obviosly, Kuro changed to an oldie while i was asleep. :lol: :( well, I was NOT expecting that. My little sister heard it, but she said she did not feel like geting up. Lazy :mametchi: :mimitchi: . So now KuroMametchi is ....(gulp) Rexitchi.*shudders* He has on the spot-costume because I will not look at him. Oh, now he's callin' me. Oh, what do you want?! Craig came and gave him a cupcake. Not in the mood, Craig. I want Matchmaker, not cupcake. I'm so mad. Well, all hope is not lost. I heard That the old people can connect with the adult v5's. I mean, that's what I heard. The v5 I have was adults before the battery went down.This mornin, when I woke up and saw that he...changed, I uh.. I threw it on the floor. :gozarutchi: What? I was mad !well, I'll talk later when I calm down.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Hey. Sorry it's been awhile but I've been soo sick. Yes, I'm better now thanks for asking.[/SIZE]

Now for today's headlines:

* I reset my Tama. Today when I woke up, I couldn't press any buttons so I knew he was dying. You know, the oldie. So I thought, what the heck. Now it's a girl!

*When the egg was hatching, I went to feed my dog and my little sister named her "Lizzie" Not tooo bad, since I had no name for her.

* Tommowow's 4th of July!!! :D :) B) B) PM me and tell me what you're doing! Please. I'm so very bored. In case you're wondering-which I know you are, right?- I'm going to the beach!!! I mean, there's a 99.99% chanche, If my mom really wants to. Which I know she will. She'd better. ;) ugh, this space key is sticky. :p

*In case you didn't know this entry is non-colorful. That's because I'm trying to hurry so I can clean my room B-4 my mom gets home. Hey, that gives you know reason to stop reading my log!

If you didn't realize, please contact your docter. No joke.

* Lizzie is a :) :huh: yay!

welll, it's been nice chattin' and all but I reeaallyy gotta go. ohh, I know you're so sad and all but I don't wanna get in trouble. Bye!

[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

Happy 4th of July, people! well, my mom and dad were talkin' and seems like we not going to the beach. :p :p But we are going somewhere, i'm positive! Well, bac to my tamagotchi, About 5 minutes ago, the king gave me 2000GP! Oh, what a realif! that's the hardest things about the 1st Gen.: you don't have that many points to buy food to keep the little dude alive. oh, and yesterday, after my room was spotless :p , I saw a WILD GUITAR in the shop, and ,whoo-hoo, was it expensive! :D When my tamagotchi was rich I used to buy everything I saw. I bought the STANDARD CAR, LUXERY CAR, and the other car, something like the SUPER CAR, and found out they did, like, nothing. well, almost nothing. The character "drove around town".haha. well Lizzie plays R&B music. I'm so bored- Ahh! Lizzie just changed to Chamametchi!! That's good right? oh great now I need a band name. hmm*looks around room*, Germ X? noo. How about... Kiwi? Now, who doesn't like Kiwi? :D ooh ooh or KIWIROKS? no no.What about the RASCALZ, after one of my fav groups Rascal Flatts! :D :D don't know Rascal Flatts? feel sorry for you. :p ok my mind is set. RASCALZ it is. I dedicate this to you guys, Rascal Flatts!! Whoo! ok. so once that crabby-dude comes and gives me another instu-ment I am set 2 go. catch up with you later!! B)

[SIZE=10pt]Okay! [/SIZE]Mr.Crabby gave me a piano. Sooo, my band members are:a Kikitchi named David :huh: and a Hinotamatchi named do you pronounce that? ;) After I named the band , I so forgot I was supposed to play that little game after so I failed. so sorry, guys. Well, that's about all I need to say rite now. I realize most of you are probaly doing something. *sigh* I! Well, anyway, Lizzie plays the guitar and her toy is a dress :eek: ( I dunno how on earth you PLAY with a dress but oh well.) She changed her music genre to Ronk N' Roll. and my space key is un-sticky! whoop-whoop! aaand makiko123 sent me a nice message:

have a great 4TH OF JULY hope your tama likes the fire works and collecting candy with you at the parade. :D   :D tama is a mametchi. :D
Thank you! ^_^

oone more thing. My tamagotchi+color is scheduled to being ordered this month. In other words my mom did not order it yet. <--sad truth. whew! ok, I'd better go. If you wanna chat, pm me. pwetty pwease! ok, see ya!! have fun this weekend!(I'm so nice)

[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

:blink: :furawatchi: :lol: EDIT: YAY!! my 50TH post!! :D :mametchi: :mimitchi:

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[SIZE=10pt] HEEEYYY!! well, yesterday, we went to Celebration Station instead. It was AWESOME!! then we came home and popped [/SIZE]firecrackers, then stayed up till midnight watching "Twighlight Zone"!!! What? Well, Lizzie is doing great (not really):

Age:2 yrs. old


Hungrey: 00; Happy:00

Stress: 26


Music Genre:R&B

Gen: 1


Instrument: Guitar

Toy: Dress


Well, I'd better go buy more food, huh? Problem is everythings so EXPENSIVE! :wacko: Oh, well. I say "well" alot, don't I? It's not my favorite word, my fav word is awesome!!(at least one of them is; I also like the word "oatmeal" :blink: ) ew, Lizzie just no-no'ed! :lol:

Lizzie: *blushes* no.. I.. that-that wasn't me! How dare you accuse me of this!I-I will punish you!


have fun, Lizzie. B) well,(there I go again :lol: ) ther's nothing else to report. bye 4 now!

YAY!!!! Lizzie evolved to a (drumroll)....Mimitchi!! :p :p :( She is soooo cute up-close to the screen!! Now David is a a Mametchi :huh: :D and Ryo is a Androtchi :D :D . sniff, it feels lke just yesterday she changed to a ChaMametchi. wait, it was yesterday. Stupid me. :D well, that's all that happened. I need to go and wash some clothes. Lizzie says hi!!
