My log


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2008
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Hi. My name is Ashley and I have a V5. So this is my little log for them. I have joined a group hatch so tomorrow they should go back to babies if the group hatch person gets back to me. So here are your stars for today:

Brandy. Oldest. Belletchi.

Boston. Middle. Mousetchi.

Bethany. Youngest. Tororotchi.

Ashley. Host/Owner. Human.

Hey. As many of you might see I have named these Tama's after thier ansestors who have either passed away or left. Same thing really but I did have a Tama V4.5 and V4 so I say die and left. They are teenagers right now and they are 1st generation. They are taking a shower right now so I will let them talk to you folks later. This log was inspired by Squidward is cool. Because I laugh almost every time I read it and it is a great log and I want mine to be just like hers. SO... . Anyway I hope you like and I will keep posting. Ok they have been showering long enough so I will make them stop so they can talk to you. And so this way you can tell thier personalites.

Hey. My name is Bethany. Beth for short and I am the youngest. Moony tells me that I am the funny one. But that is just because I know how to have a good time. SO any way I hear that you ask if it suxs being the youngest and I have one word: YES. Brandy is always mean but Bos it cool. He is nice and he can tolerate me for a long time. That's why I like to hang around Bos. CUz' hes cool.

Hey yeah I'm Bos. As Beth calls me and Boston as Brandy calls me. I like Beth even though she is younger she is so much cooler then Brandy who keeps eating all the food making Ashley up there upset every time she sees that she has to feed us again. SO that is why Beth is Ashley's fave. I don't really mind.

Excuse my brother and sister's stupidness. They just don't under stand me. I don't have much to say so take it back to the idiots.

So now you have met the gang. As you can see Beth & Bos have a real great connection while Brandy is kind of hated. Well they must be sleepy and I have to get to tama town to get some more points. So chow.

Hey. My tama's are sleeping. I know that I should be in bed also but nah I don't wanna go to sleep so I will stay up till my mom says for me to go to sleep. So that tama's just went to sleep and I have realised that it is ok for me to set them at my time cuz I wake up befor them and I can just read a book until they wake up. Oh and a heads up I might not post on Saturday or any day of this week because my church youth will be going to a revival and I know for sure that I won't be able to post on tomorrow or wednseday (if I get lucky I can post and I hope I get lucky)and I might be able to post on thursday after I do my chores and on Saturday because my church's youth group has ben doing so well we get to go to Sea World. So I don't know when I will be able to post again.

Hey folks. This is Ashley and I am so sorry for the false alarm. They are not teens they are still toddlers. And in an hour they will wake up and still be toddlers. I am so sorry but I was looking at a chart on tama zone and then I see that they are still trying to find out what torortchi is then I look at the chart to find her and I find that I have toddlers and not teens. So sad but that means there is enough time for the group hatch. I can not get beck to the person who started the group hatch so I will not restart my tama's got that? [SIZE=21pt]I WILL NOT RESTART MY TAMA'S[/SIZE]

So I have to get off befor Brandy wakes up but get that above that thes tama's will go on as they are. And when they are adults I will put up a pole about when Beth should be married. And my date choises are the first day of school(Spet. 25), Halloween(if I can keep them that long),I have to go but I willl be back.

Hi i'm Ashley and welcome to my log. Thanxs 4 reading. I just realized how big of a idiot I am. I didn't even tell you who this family was so now I have to start over with the stats. So here they go:

Pres family (man I have issues)

All hearts filled

100gp (I keep spending them)

10% training

blended family

And so that is the Pre's fam stats. I have bad news... They are still toddlers. :) . I thought that by now it would or they would be teens by now and then they would go on to adults and get married by the match maker because my younger sister does not have her v5 yetbut as soon as she gets it we are going to hope that it will be the opposet gender and she will give hers to me. I have a question about that so if you would please reply I don't know if that means that she has to start all over again on 1st generation because then she might not do it and she might just go with matchmaker like she did the last time our tama's where engaged. I have another question and just hear me out on this one. DO you think that I should marry off the person that I planned to get married or marry off the person who gives me a special family. And I am asking this because if I do marry off the person who gives me a family then do they do like the space family. Like no matter who you mate with you get that family or like I can't change a meme family to a mame family? These are the qusetions that haunt me. So I have to go search tama talk on some tips but if someone would answer my question it would be appriciated. I forgot about posting in the morning.

Sorry I have been gone for so long so I will just update you on the info. So they went through the teen state then they turned to adults on friday. I paused them on sunday because I went to seaworld and we couldn't get a locker so I found that out before we went in so I didn't feel comfertable taking them in so they where paused. I unpaused them this morning and I do belive that tomorrow they will be able to get married and reproduce. I am getting another tama tonight for a special reason. For me to know and for no one to find out. I plan to raise them up as friends because family marrying each other just does not suit me well. But on 2nd generation I guess I will have to ajust to the facts. Now for the fun loving tama's you all know and love:

OMG. I'M A LOVEZUKINTCH. My younger sibs are total failures but I'M CUTE. Anyway back to my failure of a mother.

Wrong thing to say sis

Yeah and you call us stupid

Well now we know who wont be getting mated.

Mommy I don't feel good.

Ok. Heres 's some medicine. I am going to tell you who Beth and Bos are while Brandy pouts. Beth is a Makiko and Bos is a Kuromametchi. I wont tell you cycle because I am really tired and irrate just so you know if I come off rude. I have to go take Asprin so bye.

Hello. SO I went to Wal-Mart and I looked for a new tama. Well I was looking for the average V5 then I stumbled upon the...Celebrity Tama. Well I bought that of course. It's just like the V5 original except they start you off with 4 games and then you have 2 games with the parents (one with mom one with dad) so you have originally 6 games. The games are:

Tama Fans

Pool Play


Safe Box

Cue Ball(With Father only)

Jewels (With Mother only)

Thoes are the games. You can get gotchi points by bonding your tamas. Diffrent Items. You can get these familys due to bad training:

Paparazzi family,Pudding family,and the Model family. Well other then that is is really the same. So now to meet the new gang:

Hi. My name is Kelly and I am the oldest girl. I am a baby.

Hi. My name is Keith and I am the middle boy. I am like my sis a baby.

Hi. My name is Kristen and I am the youngest girl. I am a baby too.

Well you met the gang. Heds up I am planning to mate Beth tomorrow but she is sleeping right now. So I have to go look up some things on my new tama. Bye.

Hey I think that I have to wait one more day to mate Beth. Which means that I will have to start over with Kristen, Kieth, Kelly. Hopefully I will still be able to keep thoes names. But anyway to your cast of tama's:







Well there you have it all your heys. Now lets eavesrop on their real conversation.

SO anyway you little snobs I'm the oldest so I will be getting mated and I don't want my children to hang out with you bumbling idiots

What makes you so sure you will be getting mated?


Well I know I will be getting mated.

Hey I know I'm new but read the log.



Cool I'm getting married.


Talk about taking a situation way out of por porch.

Hey why where we not invited. I mean I want to talk 2.


Ok fine tama on tama. Whever wins gets to decide who get mated. The oldest. So if we win I get mated.

But if we win then Beth gets married





*checking who wins*

(in real life who wins is just karma coming back to huant Brandy)

WE WIN. So Beth gets married

It doesn't matter I was going to marry her off anyway so that you two families could get married. And then I was going to get batteries for my other V5 that blacked out and give it to my sis and then she could make her own log or join mine. She might join mine. And yes I am xperminting with a celeb tama and a regular tama to see what I get. Hopefully I will create something and Brandy will go bye-bye. YEAH. I mean NO. :(

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Oh yes I almost forgot...


Sorry I don't feel like posting it. So here are some hearts. I know I seem lazy but I don't feel good. Nvrm I have 2 figure out how to make them.

Ok I feel awsome so now I will talk about the tama's but first I will tell you about the children and thier anamations:


SO first isKelly She of course is the oldest and she is a Sakuramotchi. Usally when I look she is poring tea. So if anyone out there knows what that means would you please tell me?


Second is Keith I haven't found him doing anything intresting yet. But he is an Ahirukutchi and I am awaiting to see what happens.


The last one isKristenLike her brother I have not caught her doing anything special. Only her oldest sis.


So anyway I just put them on a game and the Pre's family one. Oh I almost forgot let me give you all the stats.




All Full Hearts

10% training and 300 gotchi points

Blended Family

Children and no parents and 1st gen.




All full heearts

40% training and 330 gotchi points

Blended Family

Adults and no parents and 1st gen.


Well there you have it. All the stats. Well I'm just going to tell you about my day with the tama's. I woke up then realized if I would have slept another min I would have to start over because no one was happy and every was hungry. So I fed them and let them play enough games together just to get 4 hearts happy. Then I did some chores and got on a wrote to you all. I washed some dishes. Wrote to you all. Surfed the web. Played with the tama's. Built a tama house out of an old barbie case (I am still building it and if my daddy will be so graisious as to let me take a pic of it and download it onto the computer and post it then you can see it), Talked to sis, Gave her my old tama with new batteries,made lunch, Had manwich (sloppy joe),watched tv and now I am talking to you guys. Now I will go look for tips for my new tama and get back with you and tell you what I find. Oh yeah and what I have might be known as the V5.5 but it is just a refreshed V5.


Yeah I'm Random like that. Just wanted to say:


I'm Bored so I will keep talking today. SO anyway the most bizzare thing is happening. My two tama's do everything together. They eat,Play games,poop,train everything. That all started when I went to the restroom (I'll spare you the deatails) I came back and they both needed to be fed. Then they needed to play a game so I let them play a game together then I let the Pre's play a game because they lost. Then they both pooped. Then they needed training. One thing that I love about the V5 celeb tama is that it has a bubble that tells you what it wants above its head when it calls out for training. Well I have to plug in the dvd that it came with so bye.

Hello and welcome to my log. So anyway I restarted my V4.5 and then my purple V5 which I then gave to my little sister. Also my celeb V5 tama's evolved. They are now:

Kelly: Sakuramotchi

Keith: Ahirukutchi

Kristen: Tororotchi.


And I married off Beth to a Hatugatchi and then they get married. So now I gave second generation. So there are 2 boys and a girl so now lets meet them:

Hey I'm Natasha. I'm a Sakuramotchi.

Hey I'm Brad. I'm a Ahirukutchi.

Hey I'm Austin. I'm a Mousetchi

So there you have it the new tama's. Oh yeah and the oldest is Austin. Then it's Natasha (named after Natashe Bedingfeild one of my fave singers). Then it's Brad. We have a new comer and she is my V4.5 and her name is Jason (I was talking to my ister when they showed me what it was so when I got a glimpse of it before it changed I thought I saw black so I named it after a boy.) And she will be talking inGOLD

Hey I'm Jason. I am a girl. And I am a V4.5 Hitodetchi.

Well there are the character. I am going to do another post as soon as I get back from tama town in 10 mins or so.

I just got a pm. Let's read:


QUOTE]I love your log. I'm in the part where Beth, Brandy and Bos are toddlers. Please read my log. Thanks!

This is from raerox10. Thanxs rae.


So Anyway if you hav any om for me like Rae did just feel free to send it.


So anyway lets let the tama's talk for a while while I go get some more frosted flakes.


Hey. Wait I'm not is the 'Old tama box' any more...Where am I

Well you are curently in the way of the screen. But you are out of the box and in Moony's log.

Yeah. Now move out of the way.

As you can see thoes are the two meanies of the famiy. Hi I'm Austin. I'm the oldest of Moony's celeb tama's. You must be Jason. I've heard about you. But you don't look like a boy.

Yeah I get that alot. But if you read the log you will see why I am named Jason. That and it is Ashley's future Boyfriend.


OK. I'm bac-. he is not my future Boyfriend. We just make fun of each other alot and play and joke around alot. But for real I don't like Jason.

Hey I'm Keith. I'm the middle child of Moony's regular tama V5.

Hey I'm Kelly and I am the oldest. Technically I am the oldest of every one because I am the oldest on second generation.

I'm the youngest of the reg. Tama V5.

So anyway if you all are done I would like to alk to the veiwers. SO anyway thanxs 4 veiwing todays 2nd post and thanxs for welcoming Jason. Who I have apoligized to 6 times already for calling her Jason.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.



I have heard that someone has said something mean about me. I don't know who it was or what was said but if you would please not do it again would so appriciate it. I don't know what was said but I do have friends who Pmed me telling to ignore the moron who said that about me and I do forgive. But do know that next time I will have you get in trouble for it . SO the last part of this message will be in caps:



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HI. Ok Moony is still getting over what happened to her earlier. I do feel bad about it don't get me wrong but their is nothing else that I can say. So anyway no one knows I'm on so Iw ill tel you something..........................................I started school!!! I started right after Moony had that melt down. When she saw that I had mail she had calmed down and let me go to school (not like she had a choice). She was/is still mad about what happend but she lightend up when I got back from school. So anyway just wanted to let yall know I go to school now. In a sec Moony's goi' to take me again. But honestly I don't think anyone goes to school 10 times a day. She says it will because I will get my training pumped up. I just think she needs something to laugh at. Cause I always fall on my face. She laughs. It's fun to make her laugh even if it is at my own bodily expense. Well I have to go she is going to take me to school again

Hey. Yeah the tama's are still awake. For the naxt few days I will not be able to post because my dad had a heart attack this morning and we are going to stay with my great grandmother while my mom stays at the hospital with my dad. Right now he is in ICU. And she does not have internet so I will not be able to get on.

Hey guys!!! My dad got out earlier. SO now I will give you a heads up on the tama's.

Hey guys I am a Ura-

Or they will tell you themselves

Sorry Moony. So anyway I am....Ura Zukyutchi. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really wanted to ba a Mimitchi but thats what I get for letting mother choose the teacher. I told her what I wanted to be... but no we had to go with the stupid paint easel teacher thing. But anyway back to my bro's and sis's.


Dang this suxs. You know how I said how I wanted a sunday wedding. Well I got it. But it was not the one I wanted. Well this website has a little tamagotchi v5 celeb character chart. Well according to the chart if I marry my Rose to a Prince then I will get the royal family. Well that was a big fat lie. I married off my rose (oh yeah I almost forgot they evolved and I will tell you that Natasha is the rose) to the prince and now I don't have a royal family because it says blended family and I have 3 kids. Dang this suxs. SO anyway I just had to vent. Oh yeah for me tomorrow is back to school so I might not post as much but rest assured you will hear from me. So anyway also tomorrow me and my sis are going to take our tama's and use the sleep trick then when we get back from school we will married them and I will tell you all about them. Chow
