My new Tamagotchi log!


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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The ground.
Hello TamaTalkers! Welcome to my new log. If you wish to have a look at my old log just go to my profile. Then click search content. Next select topics I have started. You will find my old log there!

Just a few things I want to say before we begin.

Do not post in here. If you have a comment or suggestion kindly PM me.

I have no idea how to post photos on here.
Please PM me to tell me how if you know how to.

Lastly remember that Tamagotchi's rule!

I will post tomorrow. All my Tamas are asleep. So its kinda pointless to post right about now.

See you tomorrow for the first post!!!

Monday 12th Septermber 2011!

:eek: Oh my goodness! Already 36 views! I am only on my first official post! This is great news!

Also I wanted to say a huge shout out to my online bestie, who without her help I would have never started this log. Her name is xPinkTamagotchix! Thank you so much!

Back to my Tamas. Today I took them to school with me and they were sleeping all day which is kinda sad but I hate pausing them. Its evil!!!
Making them sleep is sooooo much kinder don't you think? How do you keep your Tamas safe while you are at school or work? PM me to tell me and I will mention the best idea on one of the next posts!

Now it is time to meet the stars of this log!

Pixel: Hello I am 7 year old male Mimitchi. I am on my 2nd generation and soon to be my 3rd because I should get married today! I am V1.

Tammy: Hi I am a 3 year old female UFOtchi. (I don't know if this is 100% correct so please PM me to tell me!) I am on my 3rd generation and I am a V2.

Kimmy: Wassup? I am a 3 year old female obotchi. I am a V3 on my 3rd generation. My sister is Tammy.

Kate: Yo peoples! I am a 3 year old female memetchi. I am a V4 on my 3rd genertaion. I am sisters with Alice.

Alice: H-hello... Um I am a 3 year old female memetchi just like Kate. I am also a V4 on my 3rd generation.

Steve: Hi TamaTalkers! I am a male korkptchi on my 3rd generation and I am a V5.

Peter: Greetings everyone. I am a 3 year old male mametchi. I am on my 11th generation.

Mike: Welcome to the log! I am a mametchi also! I am 6 years old and I am on my 1st generation. To day I married a memetchi. :)

Memetchi: Hello TamaTalk. I am Mikes wife. :D

So as you can see I have a few Tamas. And I love them very much. I hope that I will be able to get some photos on. But I have no idea how. Please help me!!!

Kate: Mu-um?

Me: Yes darling?

Kate: I wanna be famous!

Me: But you are!

Kate: How? Go on tell me!

Me: I have chosen you to be in my log! Now everyone will know you!

Kate: I see! Thanks Mum! *skips off humming happily*

Me: Right...

Pixel: Mum?

Me: Yes?

Pixel: *frowns slightly* I cannot come up with names for my baby.

Me: Hmm... *thinks hard* I know!

Pixel: What? WHAT?

Me: Hey TamaTalkers! We need some help! PM me the best name you can think of for a boy or a girl or both! Then the name I choose along with the person who came up with it shall be mentioned on my log the day before Pixel leaves!

Pixel: Thats a great idea! Good luck guys!

We have to go!

All: bye guys! See ya tomorrow!

Later that day...

Good news! I have finally found out how to put photos on here!

Here is an older photo of my Tamas. I wasn't using my Tama Go then.


Sorry I can't put anymore on. I need to go. Bye!

Hi guys! Sorry I couldn't update its just I had sooooo much homework. Aaaaaanyway lets begin!

I have some good news! Pixel got married to a female androtchi (also known as robotchi) and had a baby boy. And I got a great name from xPinkTamagotchix : Tiger! He is now a kinakamotchi. Also my V5 Steve is now a harutchi! I am hoping to turn him into a kuromametchi.

Tiger: Hi!

Me: Tiger? What are you doing out here?

Tiger: I followed you.

Me: *sighs* Well thats OK then...

Tiger: I only did it cause I wanted to say hello!

Me: ...

Tiger: HELLO!!! :D :D :D

Me: Wow. He can get noisy.

Steve: Who can?

Me: Tiger.

Tiger: What?

Me and Steve: Nothing...

Tiger: Right... Well bye TamaTalk! I am going to have a bath!

Me: Good boy. :) We have to go bye TamaTalk!

Hi guys! I have some good news!!!

Peter: May I say it Mum?

Me: Sure. :)

Peter: Thanks. Well yesterday I had failed another audition for my band. I came back and I saw someone was at my door. I went to see who it was and it was a band manger. I had a MASSIVE shock because I hadnt made it into a band. So he presented me with a wife. An onputchi. Just like Laura my Mum. Well REAL Mum. No offense Kate.

Me: None taken.

Peter: So I am leaving tonight and I have named my daughter Chip! Cute huh?

Tammy: I transformed into a kusatchi!

Kimmy: I am a hanatchi!

Kate: I am a memetchi!

Alice: I am now a ... wait for it..... wait for it...


Alice: OK then calm your farm.

Kate: I dont have a farm.

Alice: Aaaaany way.. I am a memetchi! And I married and had a baby boy! I will call him Ice! Cute!!!

Me: Yeah!

Mike: I got married!!! I had a daughter who will be called Alisa. Prononced a-lies-a.

Tiger: I turned into a ichagotchi!

Me: I am so proud of you all. :D We have to go!

All: Bye! Until next time!

Hi TamaTalk! Sorry this isn't really an update cause I am at school and I have to leave my Tamas at home but I just want to say thanks for the 90 people who have viewed this log! Keep up the good work!

I also wanted to say that my Tama Go Mike left his daughter and she is now a belltchi I think. And my V6 Peter left his daughter who I named Chip. Chip is now a tamatchi. I may have gotten these names wrong because I do not have my Tamas with me.

They wanted to say something. Here is a converstion we had this morning when they were babies.

Chip: So we will be in a log?

Me: Yes.

Alisa: And our parents were too?

Me: Thats right.

Chip: So this is like a story about us?

Me: I guess you could put it like that.

Alisa: *snores*

Chip: Alisa?

Me: Alisa has gone to sleep. If you want to grow up then have a nap like your sensible friend.

Chip: Great.

Me: Ok bye TamaTalk!!

:eek: Oh my gosh! I haven't posted is aaaaaaggggggeeeeesssss!!! So lets begin!

First some good news. I AM GETTING A BRAND NEW TAMAGOTCHI V4.5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I AM SOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED! Also I fixed my oldest V4. One of the buttons had fallen out so I decided to try and fix it. I pulled apart my brothers broken V4. It broke because he dropped in a pool the threw it across the room. It hit the wall and the screen went all black. So I took the buttons out of that and swapped them with my V4's buttons.I keep my brothers V4 for spare parts now. So if anyone has any broken Tamas PM me please!

Now for updates.

My V1 Tiger is now a ichagotchi. My V2 Tammy left and I named her daughter Sushi. My V3 Kimmy left and I named her daughter Tipsy. Don't you DARE laugh.
My V4's left. Kate left her daughter called Jelly and Alice left her son called Jarod. My V5's Misha and Jack are now kids. Misha is a belltchi and Jack is a mousetchi. My V6 Chip is now a chamametchi. My Tama Go Alisa is now a chamametchi also. But on Tama Go this is an adult.

Thats all for today but I will update soon! Bye!

Sorry I couldnt post yesterday. I was up to my nose in homework! :eek: My teacher is trying to kill my! DEATH BY HOMEWORK!!!!! Aaaaaaaanyway lets begin!

I got a new battery for my V4.... AND THE BUTTON STILL DIDNT WORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: So I took off the backplates and stuff and I aw that there was dust and dirt where the button pushed into. So I scraped it carefully off then put it back together. IT WORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to go. I will update more when I get back from school! Bye!

Sorry guys. :( My Tamas don't want to be in the log anymore. And I hate doing it. So this is the end. Good bye. I am really sorry. :(

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