My new Tamagotchi


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Well-known member
Jul 16, 2005
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I got my Tamagotchi today (16/7/05) and it grew from a baby into a toddler, it was fine and a good tamagotchi until I dropped it, then it stopped being so nice and refused to play games...I wondered if the dropping affected it because he hasnt grown scince 2 o'clock and now is five o'clock, all bhe dose is roll around and it says he likes attention but he doesnt need anything, all he does is roll and jump, I am getting kind of worried, please can someone help me out here, I have owned Tamagotchis before, (when I was like 7) but I have never really understood it until today, also he is never hungry and he sometimes gets sick, more then other tamagotchis that I know of...his name is 'Sonic' by the way, I'm a big fan of the blue hedgehog, lol, anyway I will be great full for any tips anyone can give me... thanks.

yeah his happy hearts are full, what happens after you praise him, dose it jut stay normal or is he meant to do a little dance or something, because when I praise him all that happens is he moves from one side of the screen ot another, (Sonic is a Marutchi by the way) and, when I need sleep, do I pause him, will he stay paused the whole night, wha tif I wake up and he is dead, I will feel so bad...

Thanks for your help,

Tama girl

After you praise him, he does nothing. I'm not sure why Sonic is doing that. Lol..Don't worry Sonic will bounce around your screen alot (weather you praise him or not). Also...Sonic did evolve. Before he was a black blob, correct? A Marutchi is a child. If you need to sleep and he's not asleep yet...Turn off his light and turn off the sound. (If your sleeping at night). If your sleeping in the afternoon, Put him in puase mode. (Nothing bad can happen while he's in pause). He'll fall asleep and he won't die in the morning. But if you do not take care of him, He WILL die. He will sleep on his own, It would be better if you didn't pause him through the night, But your choice. Either way it won't hurt Sonic.

Oh thank the world, I thought my poor baby would die, thanks for your help, Sonic is just acting cool, he still isnt hungry, but I give him snacks everynow and then just incase there IS something wrong, he seems to like jumping around a lot and playing with his ball, he has not slept in 4 hours though, that whats worrying me, and when I leave him on is own is he meant to just bounce about or is he meant to do more, I really like my tamagotchi and I want him to grow up to be the best one, the problem is, NO ONE I KNOW HAS ONE TO CONNECT WITH ME!!! So I am afraid Sonic will never find true love :mellow: :wacko:

Thanks for the help

Since Sonic is a child, It will not sleep as much as a baby would. *A baby sleeps alot* Your tamagotchi would probably do more things while your away from it, *it's not mad at you*. But do check on it every 10 or 15 minutes. And- Sonic will find love. A lady with a book in her hands will appear on the screen *Sonic's Matchmaker* and then you press the A button. Then it will say "Love?" Then you press yes or no. If you choose yes, Fireworks will appear and then Sonic and his baby will be on the screen. If you choose no, Sonic will grow really old into a Tamagotchi elder man. But, Sadly in 24 hours, Sonic will leave and you will have the baby. It will tell you if it's a boy or girl, then you name it.

Does that clear up some stuff??

What! this is one tough choice...give Sonic a baby bt he'll have to leave me or let him me a lonley loveless old fool...I wont think of it for now, I know I'll knwo what to do when the time comes, and o nthe plus side, SONIC WENT TO SLEEP, at 7:30 pm!!! he is still a-sleep now...he is so preciouse!

It isnt a nap, he is still a-sleep now (8:48) last time he slept was 1:05pm to 1:10 pm, I activated him around quarter to one... he has been sick three times since, and yes, your advice was most helpful, thank you

yay, he finally woke up, I cant believe he slept through the night, I woke up at 2:00am to check on him and he was still a-sleep, he didnt wake up 'till 8:00am, I dont know why I cant pet him, instead I am gonna use treats to show him how much I care, maybe when he grows up I will be able to pet him... I gave him cherrys today and he jumped for joy, aww, and he has started playing games too, all is right with my tama (apart from the whole petting and giving him up for a baby thing)


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