My New v3s


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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2005
Reaction score
Northland, New Zealand
Hi TamaTalkers.. What are the shop codes?

My sister chose the icecream one and I got the silver one :)

I'd also like to know if anyone has the problem below and are v3s deubuggable??

Confuzzled about this: on the packet it said "connection" instead of connexion. On the actual tama it said " tamagotchi connexion" but on the little tag thingy on the site it said "connection" again. I'm confused.. I'm sure that its a connexion though.

... The game is harder ( the music thing) but When I played bump I got heaps of points.


Scarez !

Lol Hey Scarez!

You wouldn't happen to be an Aussie now would you? I found with my V2 that Bandai wasn't really sure whether they were giving us a connexion or connection then either! Basically, you can tell which is which by the units that your tama uses. i.e. is the weight in grams or pounds etc.

To answer your other question, v3s like other tamas are debuggable but as per usual, by doing so you run the risk of irrepairable damage.

Hope that helped a bit!


Bell Sprout

Actually I'm a NZer :angry: .Ok thanks, It says pounds on my tama, So its a connexion perhaps..

Anyway.. I might try debugging after it dies ( or if ) .. Are there any shop codes? I got one from the packet for a cake, but it says on the instuctions there are seven.

Watching my tama sleeping,


Hi again Scarez!

Yeah I kinda figured that my V1 was a Connection and it had weight in grams and also didn't have a heart beat (hooray!) so if my V2 was weighed in pounds and did have a heart beat that it was probably a Connexion in disguised as a Connection!

There are codes and you can also get a whole lot from tamatown but not being an owner of a V3 yet I can't really help you there!


Bell Sprout

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