My pets...


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Well-known member
Jul 22, 2007
Reaction score
Columbus, Ohio
Watching Rocky HOrror for the 10987124359th time while reading the forums. The Tama's asleep as are my cats.

I realized I'm terribly afraid to give up my tama to anyone. Because I reared it and I'm afraid they'll mess something up along the way that'll end up somehwere.

Good news though, I was sitting down this afternoon and for the first time in the first three evolutions I got to watch it evolve. It evolved from a prioritchi into a korotichi... Dang japanese. Her name is Tami.

Still don't know what kind of food they like. Although she seemed to like the energy drink as a priorioritchi which made me think of my friend A.J who gets very fun while hyped up on energy drinks. (His favorite are diet monsters).

3 days old, and weighs 22 lbs.

The night before I felt bad. Here she was, all fine and dandy and fell asleep next to a pile of poo. Dangit.

Whatcha gonna do?

Still don't get this whole training thing. Spoiled brat, wasn't even trained as a child. I didn't think about it. That's probably why I"m getting the characters I am. Mametchi and Memetchi are hard to obtain I heard being that it takes perfect care.

I've been reading some of the logs. They kind of scare me, especially some of the reverse engineering aspect of some blogs. Yes, I actually am curious as to what happens in some of them, but at the same time I enjoy the novelty of raising them on my own and finding out what I get.

Found out that another friend of mine has a Tama. Of course the reason she does is because her daughter does, sadly we don't live in the same state.

I must be the only one over the age of 24. I sure as heck know I'm the only one out of my friends to have one. They gave that stuff up in the mid nineties. Seriously, the fad lasted about a year and a half and the novelty died out. Of course furby's came out in 99? 00?

Even then, I was a Gigapet slave. I loved my cat. But it got boring. It never became something else. I guess I was one of those who kinda shrugged at the whole thing of popularity. Besides I was a big cat freak.

More later.

Of course Tami's up before I am with a surprize waiting for me.

I'm getting better at the get note game. I realized this morning I've got to get up to catching 100 notes before I win. I did that this afternoon.

I love playing that flag game as well. Round five allways trips me up though because some of the arrows you're not supposed to get.

And I don't understand memory.

she is easier to please as an adult. She goes to bed with full hearts and wakes up with full hearts. I had a ticket yesterday in the shop but I'll be darned if I didn't have enough gatchi points.

She's four years old, going on five today. Their lives only last a week? Didn't they last longer in the original and the older versions of the game?

I dunno. I'm a noob. B)

I figured out that Tami's movements are in 4/4 notation. The reason why, she looks like she's dancing to almost any music I throw on. She did freak me out yesterday, getting up in my face, I was like WTF is going on here? LOL. Oh and I saw her watching tv. That was funny.

I dont' know if on tamatown if you can actually get gatchi points. All I've looked at seems to have items. That gets boring as I almost have everything except some of the prizes from the games. I'm missing 12. Five or so are from the actual trips you take. The others? I dunno.

The kids are coming over today. Since we're at the end of Tami's life here I'll prolly let her play. Although tami's only got 5 bars of training right now.

SHe fluxuates beween 25-22 lbs. and my points is up to 2K. I want to play games but she doesn't. Oh well. She must be just satisfied. That's good. Full hearts.

Every so often I think about when I get a job. If it's actually call center work, that'll be easy, I can mute her and set her down next to me on the cubicle. However if I get something like fast food or some kind of sales job, I can only imagine how I'd manage. Tama-babysitter? Could I trust one to help raise a memetchi? Would I only be able to take care of it on breaks?

Since I'm ultimately selfish (I can only imagine how I'd be with real children of my own) I think I'd mute her, put her under my shirt and take care of it on my breaks. LOL.

At least it's more portable than my cats. A lot of places seem to not to like me having a cat with me.

Well I'll TTYL.

Right now Tami's asleep.

Years: five


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5/?

Weight: 22 Lbs.

GP: 3079

Yep, the kid was wearing Tami today. I took her back when I found out she only had one happy bar and two were missing from the hunger. I felt bad for Tami though.

Get note is getting easier and easier to beat. I'm getting better at flag. Still don't get memory.

I'm still terribly confused on what items are what. I'm missing 10 or so.

Just looked it up. Interesting...

So anywhos. I'm saving up to go see the king. I have yet to save up enough tama points.

I've also been wanting to take her on her own trip. We missed the one earlier. That was sad.

Well gotta cut this short. It's two in the morning and I am sleepy. Luckily Tami doesn't get up until 11. TTYL!

Year 5 (for maybe like, an hour or so left)

Weight 21

Training: 5/?


Happy 4/4

Hungry 4/4

Yet again the character awoke before I did. She was waiting while dancing around her poo. Lovely, I think and check her heart status, she was hungry by two hearts and happy by three. Shoot. So I fed and played with her leaving one heart for a 'surprize'. The surprize was my own congenial curiosity.

Saw the like dislike list yesterday. Bought popcorn from the store and it worked. LOL. The only weird thing is that I couldn't get tamatown to load. It wouldn't. Not that there was much to do there, but I was going to buy popcorn. LOL I was lucky it was in the store.

I do want to get another V3 so if anyone's willing to get rid of a v2 through v4 just PM.

I keep forgetting the date... ROFL...

Years: six


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5/?

Weight: 25 Lbs.

GP: 169

I feel kinda gyped. Went to see the king. Got a ring. I was like, that's it? And he looked like an egg that hadn't hatched at all.

Allrighty then, I think to msyelf.

Man, I kinda wish that the tama would sleep when I do and get up when I do. Again I woke up with poo and three missing hungry hearts and three missing happy hearts. So I fed and played with her. And got some more popcorn from TamaTown. ROFL.

At this point I'm waiting we're playing the waiting game for the matchmaker. I keep playing fiddler on the roof as well. I wish I'd been up at 10 this morning to check it out but the storms we had last night woke me up.

Puddle hopping with the kids almost made me forget about my baby-Er Tama.




Hungry: 3/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 5/? (still... but she hasn't beeped at me for no apparent reason either)

Weight: 25 lbs.

GP: 259

I'm afraid I'm making Tami a popcorn junkie. Which reminds me of my aunt when she goes back on one of them diets of hers. She scarfs down popcorn like it's going out of style. I can't stand the stuff, it allways gets in my teeth and the gaping hole where a widom tooth once sat.

She finally turned 7 this evening. I don't know why her 'birthday' time seems to have changed. Or I simply have forgotten when it was.

I am still probably the only one who will play songs for their Tamas that I know of. I play stuff like Matchmaker, and I've been doing a lot of jingle cats. A lot of anime music as I thought she'd like to hear some of the only music I have outside of DEG (Well she's old enough for DEG so that's all good) that originates from her home country. I have some SMAP as well.

I think the japanese culture is probably also another reason why I got one of these. I love it. They're all super short but it's really fun. I'd do one of those blood test type tests but I don't know my blood type. I don't even think my birth certificate has it.

Wait, wait wait... yeah she was conceptualized in Japan, correct. Indeed. But 'made in china'?? So she's chineese! AHA Correction, she is a mix of both. Ahah.

(yes I know, that was an entire conversation with myself by myself... your point being?)

Well the matchmaker came at 10:30 this morning waking me out of a dead sleep. How I don't know, but that's not the point. The point here is that Tami has a son! He doesn't have a name yet (abandoning all my female names I might have to go through my babyname book I use for characters).



Hunger: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Weight: 25 lbs.

GP: 265

I'm learning a lot about how they work. I fed Tami sushi and she regurgitates it to her son. Same for popcorn.

So are they related to birds? Hmmm.....

See, I was thinking of either zoe or chloe or something else like that. Yentil's been stuck in my head since I've been listening to fiddler on the roof.

Awww, my poor baby... Nameless one. I'll find a name for him eventually.

Oh yeah, one last thing, she married a mimichi. It was so cute to watch as I said yes and then they show up and fall in love and the next scene there's a lot of joyus dancing and stuff.

And yes when given food it likes, the baby also will joyously jump around. that is so COOL...

Yay for second generations!

Allrighty, i've come up with a name for that one. Congrats his official name is Asher.

I thought of that name after arguing with AOL about the charges on my account. Again. The guy said his name was Skip, but I got the automated mail telling me that I'd spoken to someone named Asher.

That name also derives from the fun-loving klutz in The Giver. Asher.

Nice. I might actually save that as a boy cache as I'm growing disenfranchised with Hunter as a boy's name.

it's so cute too, he has his own little bed and his own little Z.. and his own capital Z just like his mom... awww...

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allrighty it's a boy and yes I was right she did leave last night. I did get her codes that was cool.

However somewhere around 2, just as the kids arrived for another day... he died. No, no, no.. Asher is probably still alive. His battery died.I made a mental note that batteries only last 8-9 days.

I should be able to download from where we were, right? right?

thinking about it, Asher's kinda in a coma. ROFL..


*engages geekiness*


Both alive and dead at the same time!

(It all depends on 10$ + tomorrow)

Oh... and and and... He's going to have a friend... another V3 that I won through e-bay for 7.00. It's shell is navy blue with yellow stars. I call it starry night. After my favorite painting.

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Happy 4/4

Hungry 4/4

Weight: 14 lbs.

Training 2/10?

Okay so I went to WalGreens walked around. Saw all the wrong kind of batteries and thousands of alkalines. I found the one I needed (I have the battery type committed to memory now!) and bought a screw driver set so I can open the case while waiting for the bus.

So I did.

An egg popped up onto the screen bouncing around.

NOOOO!!! I say quite literally loud and since we were at a light and people were stopped because it was red, I got a few weird stares about the lady in the black dress holding what looks to be a keychain?

Anywhos, so I fiddle around with it. Hit reset a few times. Tried holding in the reset button. I read the instructions furiously trying to find out where the DOWNLOAD and RESET buttons are. I am so enraged that I'd have to start over from generation one.

I start actually pushing random buttons to at least see the status of the egg, and when I went to select THERE IT WAS! Weeping I selected download and asher was there waiting for me, kissing the side of the screen or at least that's what he looks like he's doing.

I checked his stats, got him going again and then sighed.

I was glad he was so well behaved today. I was actually at the welfare office trying to see if I'm eligible for foodstamps. He only acted up once and that was only because he pooed. He did cry on the bus. I gave him some praise and he cheered right up. (Conversely nobody on the bus really cared that I was actually taking care of a virtual pet.)

Which reminds me, I've noticed that the general public either doesn't care, or goes, oh is that one of those virtual pets? LOL. Every so often I get weird stares, but that's only because they wonder what the hell it is I have and why the hell it's beeping.

But I got asher back! YAYAYAYAY! And Tami won't be mad at me!


Gender: M

Species: Hikotchi


Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

training: 4/10

Age: 1 yr.

Weight: 23lbs

Points: 2358

I awoke this morning to Asher doing the morph beep. So i sit up and watched as his screen blinked and in the next I was staring at what looked to be his old form only with rockets for feet? (I knew he'd poo while I was writing this.)

Looking it up on the chart he's a Hikotchi. Oh! I say. I try to go back to sleep but the cats won't let me because they're out of food and they want me to know it.

So I get up. He's got full hearts and everything. Cool. I didn't have to worry about him much today. We do need to work out because my god he's heavy. (My friend remarked yesterday it was a good thing that you know, it didn't literally weigh 23 lbs that would suck around your neck).

Asher's friend's shell isn't coming until sometime next week because 1, it's going through USPS and secondly it's gotta clear through paypal. *sigh* I'm so impatient because I already got a lanyard for him to wear as well.


Gender: M

Species: Hikotchi


Happy: 4/4

Hungry: 4/4

training: 6/10

Age: 2 yr.

Weight: 21lbs

Points: 3063

Never fails. He was awake before I was, and had soiled the bed. I caught him today just as he was starting to poo and... he used a toilet. I was so surprized!

So I think I may be able to toilet train Asher. Maybe him or his son/daughter.

It'll be interesting to find out.

I'm done for right now.

So far I've missed two tickets in mah shop. One for England it looked like and one for Austrailia. He evolved this morning into a hidatchi. Looks more like that's what the child tama should look like IMHO than anything else. He does NOT look like an adult tamagotchi.


Age: 3 yrs.

Gender: M

Weight: 32 lbs.

Char.: Hidatchi

Gen: 2


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 9/9

GP: 3582


Arrival at Unit, August 04, 2007, 7:43 am, COLUMBUS, OH 43214

I will get my navy blue with yellow stars V3 today. Yay. So I'll start it's blog.. oo... brb...

No mail yet. But see, that Mail Center is JUST DOWN THE STREET FROM ME! If I could, I'd walk in there and say, "You have a package for *address*." *jumps up and down.

Then I'm going to see weird al this weekend. I've bought a few treats for my Tama in the shop as well for our trip to the fair.

Yay it came! I pulled the pin and... IT'S A BOY!

I named him Danny


Age: 0 yrs.

Gender: M

Weight: 07 lbs.

Char.: Tailchi

Gen: 1


Hungry: 3/4

Happy: 3/4

Training: 0/9

GP: 220


Age: 4 yrs.

Gender: M

Weight: 32 lbs.

Char.: Hidatchi

Gen: 2


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 9/9

GP: 3582

Yay Danny just turned into a child. A Tamatchi... yayayayaya...

Two, is definately better than one!


Age: 1 yrs.

Gender: M

Weight: 22 lbs.

Char.: Young Mamitchi

Gen: 1


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 3/9

GP: 1425


Age: 5 yrs.

Gender: M

Weight: 32 lbs.

Char.: Hidatchi

Gen: 2


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 9/9

GP: 2752

So Danny's a young mamechi! Awesome. So I keep it up and by the time he's fully an adult he'll become one of the good characters. (For once!)

Asher's went on a trip to Chille. That was fun. LOL. (Short trip too, seriously, I was half expecting to go with him, but I guess not...) he got moraccas and that's kinda cool. LOL. I wanted to go someplace cool, like england or china. China woulda been cool, and so would have Japan. Going to japan woulda been like ironic.

So anywhos. They're both well fed and not hungry. They're both currently just chilling out. I think both are taking a bath. ROFL.


Last night I went to Gallery hop. Which, if you're not in Columbus, is kinda like we go from gallery to gallery walking the whole bit. It's supposed to be 'sophisticated' and cool and chic and you get to look at art, and sample free food.

It's big on bohemian attitude and there's at least five coffee places near eachother within walking distance (a starbucks opened across the street from a cup o' joe).

Asher was having coffee and Doughnuts. I swear, it's like he's been there with me before...? LOL the other one was looking around before he fell asleep completely.

Great. My avatar broke. no. it's just not loading right. *Kicks IE*



Age: 2 yrs.

Gender: M

Weight: 25 lbs.

Char.: Young Mamitchi

Gen: 1


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 8/9

GP: 2383


Age: 6 yrs.

Gender: M

Weight: 33 lbs.

Char.: Hidatchi

Gen: 2


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 9/9

GP: 3572

I have pics finally. I got my web cam up and running again. I'll post them when I host them on photobucket.

After that escapade, went with dad to the drive-in to watch Harry Potter and The Simpsons movie.

Poor Danny. He fell asleep just as we were less than a mile away from the theater. He'd miss out on both moives.

And Asher, poor Asher! He fell asleep while in the middle of Harry Potter. I fed him something and I thought it was popcorn, but when I woke up the next morning he still had popcorn in his food pantry. I'm like ??? with that one.

So they spent the night on cousin gregg's shelf while I slept. I awoke the next morning to bleeep, bleep, beep, beep. I was curious and checked Danny first before Asher. The Matchmaker had come for Asher! Pressing B and she came up with a Hinatchi. I said no then tried to go back to sleep. Didn't work. It was 10 in the morning and it was already 88 degrees.

Needless to say, I didn' t last long at Dad's.

I'm hyped up for the Ohio State Fair. I'm going tomorrow come hell or high water. I even bought the Tama's both a corndog which I've dutifully kept in my registers for tomorrow.

I seem to have convinced my friend of getting a Tamagotchi. She told me that if I find one on e-bay to get it for her. Apparently I already bid on one and I was th eonly bidder. I got it for 99 cents. It's hers now. She just owes me five dollars (Shipping and handling + the Tama).

I'm also working on a Tamagotchi video for Youtube. It comes down to me getting the Tama's to synch with the music (4/4 notation, remember?) and the rest of it's under wraps until I unveil it.


What an exciting week I have! YAY!
