my poor tama


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2006
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my tama was 16yrs old :mimitchi:

all of the sudden she beeped and fell down!! then a black skull apeared and he would not stop beeping :chohimetchi:

SHE DIED ;) :mametchi:

i thot it was old age but my frend has a 50yr old tama

Seems like she probably died ;) . Did you give it some medicine? Tamagotchi's can live forever, it depends on how you take care of it, I think when tamagotchi's are really old, they become vurnable (sp?) to death...

I may be wrong.


Well, that is old age, tamas normaly have babies at about age 5-6-7, and leave at age 7-8-9. And a 50 year old is....Well, very old. Tamas can get pretty delicate<spelling?< in old age, I take it that it was a oldie?.Well what it comes down to is old age amd poor care.

Hi, I think I know why. I may be wrong. You said your Tamagotchi was 16yrs old. I'm guessing it was lonely because I think on the brochure it says that if it gets past like 15 yrs old and it hasn’t had a baby then it will die of loneliness.

That happened to my cousin. too! her tama fell down, a black skull appeared above its head, and it died! it was a toddler, and the buttons froze up. she couldnt do anything! and her sisters tama died as a grown up, and its baby died with it ;)

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