My Second Piercings


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Congratulations. :)

I wish I could get my ears pierced a second time. My parents tell me I can, but that was a while ago and we still haven't made any arrangements yet. D:

Claire's is good. My cousin got hers done there and she didnt even flinch.


I need to get mines done soon. x.x

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Congrats!! :huh:

I don't actually want my ears pierced... I'm not scared, I just don't want to do it.

I got my ears pierced at camp before year 7. It didn't hurt at all. My mom said no second piercings, but I wouldn't mind a second hole in one ear.

Glad it all went smoothly, remember to clean all your earrings every couple of months to avoid infections!

^ Every couple of weeks is more like it. Keeping your ears clean, especially during the time just after a new piercing, is crucial so that you don't get an infection. Good luck with everything. :)

Good luck with your Ears!

I can't tell you how the pain would be, because I've never had my Ears peirced.

I want to get them done though, maybe I'll talk to my mom about getting them at the end of November.

But knowing me, and my pain-a-phobia. I'd wimp out.

^ I was feeling a knot in my stomach when they held the guns up, and the actual piercing didn't hurt at all! So, if you want to get then done, don't worry about the pain. It just feels like a pinch, then it burns a little afterward. Overall, I think it felt like a shot, only faster.

~Rainbow-Monkey :D

Congrats =3

My first piercing ever was my nose back in June ( Painless , but my mother almost fainted when she saw the needle XD ) and then in September , I got my ears ( two holes in each , lulz didn't want to wait to get the second so I'm like " Gimme all four ! " XD ) Surprising , considering I was the child who'd run screaming when she saw a needle before . Up until I was like 9 , I was severley afraid of pain from needles .

I'd like to get my third earrings in this month and an upper ear ( helix ) in May - ish .

I have four.

My first two, I got when I was ten, maybe... I don't remember. My parents had some sort of deal with me, where if I didn't get into really bad trouble for two weeks they'd let me get my ears pierced. It took me like three months, but I finally did it. And then, my parents never felt like taking me to the mall, which caused RAGE. Finally I harassed them enough to where they finally took me. It didn't hurt at all. It was just like "ka-chunk ka-chunk YOU HAVE METAL THINGS IMPLANTED INTO YOUR EAR NOW HURRAYYYY" It never got infected O: But my sister's, however, did. She ended up having to let hers heal up, and to this day, she doesn't have pierced ears.

Then the second pair of piercings I got were a few months ago. I just decided I wanted it done. Once again, my parents didn't want to take me to the mall. This time I got impatient and tried to do one on my own. Lulz, I still have the bloodstains in my bathroom. My parents realized I was serious about it, though, and finally took me. My right ear got infected once, because I tried to gauge it too early. Nothing too drastic, but about twice as large as the starting earrings.

I wanna get my top done. And maybe a belly button piercing.

^ My friend Abby got her belly button pierced a while back. I was at her house, and her dad did it for her, because he has all the equipment. Watching it was disturbing. I would never want a needle shoved in my stomach. x.x

I don't even see the point of belly button piercings. Who's going to see them beside you?

It doesn't hurt that bad. ;]

I got my third hole done.

I wanna get my lip pierced. :3

^ My friend Abby got her belly button pierced a while back. I was at her house, and her dad did it for her, because he has all the equipment. Watching it was disturbing. I would never want a needle shoved in my stomach. x.x
I don't even see the point of belly button piercings. Who's going to see them beside you?
I don't consider piercings as something for anyone else to enjoy xP I get them for me, and me alone.

On the other hand, people would see them during summer depending on the type of clothes/bathing suits you wear.

I honestly can't stand piercings. I got my first ones when I was nine. And I bawled.

My five year old sister laughed and I bawled.

I can't even put earrings in my ear, so I really dontvsee the need for getting a second set. I'd burst into tears when I set foot out of the house.

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