My Self Image -.-''


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Currently I have a horrible Self image. I think I am fat, realllllly fat even though alot of people say I ain't. I am close to overweight with my BMI.

I don't know what to do, I believe I am slowly becoming Anorexic. I am trying to stop eating, but I know it is dangerous and unhealthy! What should I do? And NO, I am not getting a counseler. Im already insane enough as it is... lulz

I'm a tad overweight myself, but it doesn't matter! I'm 5'4 and 140 lbs. Not very skinny. But your family loves you for you, not your self image.

I'm sure you have lots of friends who love your Just remember - you're beautiful.

You need to eat or you'll become very sick. You're body needs nurishment from good, healthy food.

If people don't love you for who you are already, I'm here for you if you need anyone. :ph34r:

I'm a tad overweight myself, but it doesn't matter! I'm 5'4 and 140 lbs. Not very skinny. But your family loves you for you, not your self image.
I'm sure you have lots of friends who love your Just remember - you're beautiful.

You need to eat or you'll become very sick. You're body needs nurishment from good, healthy food.

If people don't love you for who you are already, I'm here for you if you need anyone. :ph34r:
I eat every food under the rainbow. Even cafeteria food o.o''' I eat healthy foods


My mom calls me fat -.-'' And I dont want to go there with my dad. His stomach scares me.

Currently I have a horrible Self image. I think I am fat, realllllly fat even though alot of people say I ain't. I am close to overweight with my BMI.
I don't know what to do, I believe I am slowly becoming Anorexic. I am trying to stop eating, but I know it is dangerous and unhealthy! What should I do? And NO, I am not getting a counseler. Im already insane enough as it is... lulz
First of all, BMI scales are a bunch of crap. They weren't even invented for weight, it was invented for some mathmatical thingy. The government thinks they can call you fat with height and weight, which is not true. There's the matter of muscle mass, family history, etc.

Everyone is different, it's normal.

Try to focuse more on your qualities than faults, it will help you feel better about yourself.

The thing to do, I think, is to remember that not eating will shrivel your body into a little dried husk. Think about a flower without water dying. Is that how you want to treat your body?

You want to focus on eating better. A little at a time. Stop eating that instant-killer-oil-soaked junk, put an apple in your lunch, don't eat that piece of chocolate, etc.

ok well ask ur mom if u can go too a doctor and see if u are becoming unhealthy with ur wieght and if u ARE unhealthy then u sould try a better eating scedual and if ur NOT unhealthy then dont worry about it! DONT EVER EVER EVER become anerexoc because its just plain unhealthy, u could become very sick, its a stupid thing to do. dont worry about ur body and the way u look, im sure that u have lots of friends that love u for u. you could even not be fat at all, one of my friends always says " im so ugly and fat" and she acualy started to see herself as fat when she looked in the miror :furawatchi: i mean she really SAW a fat person in the miror,, not herself, its an ilness u get from bad body image. NO LIE

Just eat healthy, exercise, and don't worry about it.
Trust me, not eating doesn't do anything.
I agree with that.

And if you start to not eat, this will cause lots of problems. Its often a long road to recovery.. So preventing yourself from it in the first place is the best option.

Good luck. :furawatchi:

Moderation moderation moderation...everything with moderation. Starving yourself will never be the answer. Every single day, try to cut back on the less healthy food. Exercising will definitely help but make sure you're motivated to be active. Ask a friend to come along with you for a jog or a bike ride...make sure to switch things up so that it doesn't get boring. VEGGIES ARE YOUR FRIENDS!!! That's the consumption aspect of it in a nutshell. As for your image...try to boost your self-esteem a bit more each day. First you need to accept who you are and who you are is beautiful! Love yourself first! Figure out what you love about yourself and what others like about you and then thrive on that...use it as motivation. Don't ever starve yourself, please. All you'll be doing is inflicting even more harm on your body...the body your parents gave you...the one you've worked so hard to keep healthy all your life, the body that fights every single second of your life so that you don't get sick. Take care of yourself and good luck! :D

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