My sister...I HATE HER...oh and she's a devil too.


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I know how horrible older siblings are ^_^ Some treat you like you know nothing, like a 'lady of the evening', yell at you, hit you, ugh...

Whenever she does try to get you mad, pretend it didn't bother you. Pretend like she's not even there.

I have shoulder damage to my right shoulder now because of my brother. Thankfully he's stopped twisting my arm (I had my mom talk to him about it, but that didn't do anything, because my mom didn't really care. I had my dad talk to him, and he hasn't touched me since), and since I haven't been swimming in a few weeks, it doesn't hurt as much. I still can't brush my hair or teeth with my right hand now without my shoulder hurting, so I have to use my left hand, which makes me get toothpaste all over my mouth area. Not to mention that he calls me bad names (yes, they're the type of bad names that are bleeped out on TV) in virtually every sentence he directs at me.

My advice is: If she says something nasty, leave the room. I know, you probably want to get back at her for saying something stupid and mean, but it usually doesn't help to say something back. Believe me, she probably likes it when you answer her, it makes her happy because then she can think how 'stupid' your answer was. And when you actually do offend her, she'll just get even more mad and might hurt you.

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Why would your sister throw knives at you she sounds crazy! :p Are you ok? Just ignore her if she teases you if she hits you hit her back.

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I'm sure you don't actually hate your sister. Try talking to her about how you feel or just ignore her when she pulls those rude cracks at you. If she knows they aren't bothering you, chances are she'll stop.

That's what usually happens, siblings don't get on. But I'm sure you still love her - if something bad happened to her you would be really upset. Me & my sister never used to get on but now I'm not in the house as much we get on aload better. If I were you I'd keep out of her way if she's being nasty.
Alot of teenagers are like this, I know I can be like that at times and my boyfriend is the worst. He's almost 18 and once when him and his mum where aruging he punched a hole in the toilet door. Hopefully it's just a phase for her. And I'm sorry you have to put up with her as it seems she's like this all the time.
Actually, i dont love her. And i dont think that will be changing anytime soon. I have tried ignoring her, many times, but we still dont get along.

Exactly like my sister. She's turning 20 soon, and she hates my dad. She's nice to me though. :) Try avoiding her and not getting in her way. She might be having a tough time with boyfriends, school, etc. Typical teenage girl.I'm sure it might seem pretty hopeless now, but just be patient. Things will eventually fall into place.
She is NOT a typical teenage girl. She gets good grades. She doesn't have a bf, i know that. My older sis doesn't get along with anyone in my family, especially me and my papa.

No matter what i try, it doesn't work out between us. I also have tried to talk to her, but right away she yells, says " bad words" and just doesn't care at all. She usually disrespects me when my parents aren't at home( work) so they never see her do that stuff. I tell my mom, same as always, she says she'll do something about it, but she never does.

My sister sometimes yells at my mom for stupid stuff like being there 5 min late to some event.

Then when my mom tells my dad, Natalie deny it. ooh and my last name is not tanner.

I have shoulder damage to my right shoulder now because of my brother. Thankfully he's stopped twisting my arm (I had my mom talk to him about it, but that didn't do anything, because my mom didn't really care. I had my dad talk to him, and he hasn't touched me since), and since I haven't been swimming in a few weeks, it doesn't hurt as much. I still can't brush my hair or teeth with my right hand now without my shoulder hurting, so I have to use my left hand, which makes me get toothpaste all over my mouth area. Not to mention that he calls me bad names (yes, they're the type of bad names that are bleeped out on TV) in virtually every sentence he directs at me.My advice is: If she says something nasty, leave the room. I know, you probably want to get back at her for saying something stupid and mean, but it usually doesn't help to say something back. Believe me, she probably likes it when you answer her, it makes her happy because then she can think how 'stupid' your answer was. And when you actually do offend her, she'll just get even more mad and might hurt you.
OMG! But the Thing is, that has happened top me before. She has hurt me before.

I don't love her, i hate her. And yea i do agree. Hate is a very strong word.


I'm BEB, cause i have 2 accounts. I'm tigerdotcom and Brown Eeyd Babe

Try to work things out with her. My sister and I always get in fights, but we love eachother on the inside. I think that you feel like that too, except your brain is refusing to accept that feeling. Have her sit down and talk, and talk about the things that she should change about her. If she gets mad, then just try to calm her down. Don't be violent. She'll just get you in trouble. I hope that you and your sister get to work things out so she isn't the terrible sister that you think she is :(


Well, the thing is. she is not a warm-hearted human. She has never given me a birthday gift, or for any holiday. I know that doesn't matter that much, but still. Sure she's nice to her friends, but not her family.

As far as im concerned, family is much more important that friends. Okay, the settling down thing doesn't work.]

You just dont understand, she is a terrible horrible, sister, and person.

p.s. friends are very important(i didnt want it to sound like i dont care about my friends)


Just try settling things with her,i'm sure deep down everyone can be nice,
*points at your avvie* hmmmm that's kinda strange coming from someone with that avvie. (I don't mean to give any offense)

lol wine_deer.

Ummm.... yeah i know i should settle down with her but it doesn't work.

I guess i'll just have a horrible sister forever

Well, try giving her the silent treatment. If she says something rude, just keep doing what you're doing and don't even look at her. If she starts physically hurting you, just go to your room and lock the door and don't say anything.

But on the other hand if she starts acting nice for some reason, just be nice back.

I really hope things work out for you! :eek:

Well, try giving her the silent treatment. If she says something rude, just keep doing what you're doing and don't even look at her. If she starts physically hurting you, just go to your room and lock the door and don't say anything.But on the other hand if she starts acting nice for some reason, just be nice back.

I really hope things work out for you! :eek:
I don't have a lock on my door, so when. the physical stuff happens, i go in the bathroom, or what i did before(long story, and i cant tell you either). But the thing is if i do the silent treatment( which i usually do) nothing will change. She will still be horriblwe.

The bathroom is fine to, as long as she can't hurt you anymore.

But if you do the silent treatment, she might leave you alone a bit because you're not talking to her.

Meh, hopefully your sister will act differently when she's not living in the same house as her family. I personally could not stand my family until I moved away to college. We were always fighting, having screaming fits. Sometimes when a child reaches a certain age she wants more independence in her life but her parents are holding on too tightly and won't let go. She's frustrated with her situtation and as a result may take out her anger on younger siblings. Don't take it too personally and when she does move out of the house, be the bigger person and write her a letter a few months after she leaves.


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